What does an orchid mean in an apartment or house according to Feng Shui?

Among the wide variety of indoor plants, the orchid stands out - an exotic guest brought to our latitudes from tropical forests. Its glossy leaves and delicate flowers can become a wonderful decoration for any room. This beautifully flowering plant is one of the most exquisite gifts that expresses the love of a man for a woman. But before you get an orchid at home, you should familiarize yourself with the influence of this flower on people and the surrounding space, and expert advice on its selection and placement.

The meaning of a flower in the eastern esoteric teaching of Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, an orchid means fertility, the desire for perfection, infallibility in all aspects of life. The flower means a prosperous existence and harmony, happiness in the family. This is a symbol of abundance, beauty, pure thoughts and personal, spiritual development. Thanks to its aesthetic and mystical qualities, the culture, filled with sacred meaning, has gained enormous popularity among flower growers around the world.

The meaning of an orchid in Feng Shui philosophy is beauty, sincere feelings, true love. Because of these associations, the culture has become a popular gift for males looking to make a strong impression on a girl. If the object of interest does not appreciate or like roses, or is not happy with banal gifts, orchids will be the best solution. They can be placed on windows and used to decorate the living room and office.

Any woman, having received a gift, will be surprised, impressed, and delighted.

According to Feng Shui, an orchid in an apartment symbolizes positive experiences. If you acquire such a plant, your household will live happily and in peace. Everyone will feel content with life. According to geomancy, an exotic plant changes a person’s character and habits, helps him adapt to society, and adjust his behavior in accordance with the expectations of others.

According to Chinese teaching, orchids in the house make the space harmonious, bringing good luck, success, and happiness in their personal lives and careers to those living and working in it. Flowering specimens have the greatest energy. They are equally useful in offices and homes.

A person surrounded by plants enjoys everyday life, is immersed in joy and quickly lets go of failures and troubles. Difficulties pass him by, grief is easily forgotten.

According to Feng Shui, an orchid symbolizes financial success, highest patronage, and impeccable style. Esotericists consider the plant one of the best natural interior elements. It belongs to the wood element. Decorating your home or workplace with a flower leads to increased cash flow, greater luck, and success.

To achieve maximum efficiency, it is placed in accordance with the laws of esoteric teaching.

What does an orchid symbolize in Feng Shui?

Ancient Taoist teachings contain information that the subtle beauty and elegance of this tropical plant are harmoniously combined with its energetic potential. When an orchid is placed correctly according to Feng Shui, it endows its owners and their home with many positive qualities and all kinds of benefits. There is a desire to improve in the professional and spiritual spheres of life, the opportunity to achieve happiness, harmony and mutual understanding in the family. The flower brings joy, luck, prosperity, helps to overcome stress and life difficulties.

Varieties of orchids

Rules for arranging plants in a room

Chinese mystical teachings recommend growing orchids at home. These plants are associated with the feminine principle and have a stronger effect on the owner. Under their influence, the person blossoms and acquires mysterious attractiveness in the eyes of men. Plants make the owner healthy, gentle, and charming. They preserve youth and freshness of a person. Only those specimens that are carefully looked after help in this way.

The plant attracts energy flows. Rules for its location in the home:

  • The pot can be placed in the east. This way, culture will protect household members from diseases and health problems.
  • In the north of the house, the flower is useful if it is necessary to change the material well-being of the family. Esotericists are confident that growing crops in the northern block of the house will provoke a quick increase in salary.
  • In the southwest, only the flowering red plant is placed. It will bring peace to your home and make your home environment harmonious and orderly. This culture is a sign of love between relatives.
  • In the north-west of the home, culture is established if loved ones have quarreled. It will change energy flows so that mental wounds will heal, grievances will pass, people will make peace.

In geomancy, orchids in paintings symbolize the protection of the home. Both painted and real flowers protect the owner from unfortunate events, bad people, enemies and unfriendly people who want to harm people. The culture looks cute and defenseless, but is capable of sucking negative energy out of strangers.

It is forbidden to decorate the room where you sleep with flowers, even if it is just a picture of orchids in the bedroom: according to Feng Shui, this leads to problems with sleep.

It is suitable for other rooms in the house. The place is chosen based on the desired impact on life. Take into account that the plant is capricious, delicate, needs light and warmth. It does not live in a darkened part of the house; it dies in the cold. You cannot place a vase near a fan or air conditioner - the crop quickly withers and dies.

When choosing a location, pay special attention to the living room and winter garden. Feng Shui experts advise decorating the loggia with plants.

Orchid opens the way to perfection

Many teachings attribute magical properties to orchids, and Feng Shui is no exception - this is one of the most powerful talismans that attracts flows of positive energy and stimulates the circulation of Qi. This flower can be placed anywhere in the home or office, however, it should be borne in mind that the main aspect of the influence of the talisman depends on the chosen area.

The south-eastern sector is an ideal solution for offices. A flower placed in this zone will bring good luck and attract energy of cheerfulness, predisposing to work. Place an orchid in the South-West zone and relationships in your family will improve. The relationship will return to its former passion and sensuality, and quarrels and discord will leave your home.

In the East, an orchid will protect your home from disease. By placing a flower in the East, you will notice that your loved ones get sick less often and the illnesses are mild. In the North, the orchid will attract material wealth. Being in this zone, the talisman will be able to improve your financial situation - this applies to both personal wealth and the general well-being of the residents of the house. You just can’t improve relationships with loved ones – do serious disagreements or everyday little things constantly provoke conflicts? Then place the orchid in the east. In addition, this will contribute to the influx of fresh ideas, which are never superfluous.

Activation of magical qualities

The flower has a strong energy potential, so mystics call it nature’s perfect gift to man. To awaken the energy of a culture, activators are used. A good option is an aquarium. It is enough to place the pot next to your home pond. The aquarium itself in geomancy is a strong talisman. Its energy is combined and enhanced by its proximity to the plant. An alternative is a decorative fountain. Only stone and glass specimens are useful for activation.

In order for the orchid to more actively attract happiness into life, a glass figurine is placed next to it. Those depicting an elephant and lotus are especially effective. The flower is placed in a glass vase. Be sure to check the integrity - the presence of cracks is unacceptable. Red embroidery and a picture are hung above the culture.

It is forbidden to place a flower on a windowsill or opposite the front door. It is important to protect the natural source of magic from dark and alien energy. It is unacceptable for sharp angles to be directed at it - this will break the harmony of Qi.

Place the plant away from sideboards, shelves with books, and other interior items. They prevent the plant from generating and filling the space with positive energy.

A wilted orchid is immediately taken out of the home and replaced with a new specimen. This will help preserve the energy flows that patronize the house.

What effect does the Feng Shui Orchid have on your home?

According to Feng Shui, the orchid, symbolizing prosperity, love and wisdom, has a powerful energy field that actively influences a person. If placed correctly in an apartment, exotic flowers will perfectly complement the interior and become a magnet for attracting vital energy.

Flower meaning depending on color

Each shade of flowers has its own meaning and energy, which is why the ancient teaching about the harmonization of space, Feng Shui, attributes some magical properties to orchids:

  1. White orchids are a symbol of tenderness, femininity, love and purity.
    They will give you a feeling of calm and tranquility and help you meet true love.
  2. Pink and lilac flowers will inspire you to find harmony and give you a feeling of inner attractiveness and charm.
  3. Red flowers fill the surrounding space with positive energy, which will inspire you to achieve your goal.
  4. Yellow orchids symbolize financial well-being and prosperity in the home.
  5. Variegated, orange and purple flowers will become a source of vitality, increase activity and help cope with depression and apathy.

Flowers of any shade give a lot of positive emotions, filling the space with freshness and improving its energy.

Where is an orchid located according to Feng Shui rules?

The teaching of Feng Shui involves placing orchids in a suitable sector so that the properties of the indoor plant are fully revealed and energy flows are activated. Therefore, when placing it, it is recommended to take into account some details:

  1. Think about the location in advance - the flower does not accept changes and can get sick, and according to Feng Shui, sick plants spread the destructive Sha energy.
  2. This houseplant should not be placed near air conditioners to prevent the flower from drying out.
  3. The place should be warm, bright and sunny, as these flowers do not tolerate cold well.

According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to place orchids in rooms such as:

  • office - to attract wealth;
  • living room - to create a harmonious atmosphere in the family;
  • hallway, but not near the entrance;
  • glazed loggia or winter garden.

The placement of flowers in the apartment depends on the sector that it is desirable to activate - each of them is responsible for a separate area of ​​life:

  • northern - promotes achievements in professional activities, improvement of financial situation;
  • eastern - improves health and brings harmony to family relationships;
  • Western - reveals talents, activates creativity;
  • southeast - brings success;
  • southwest - enhances the passion of the spouses;
  • northwestern - helps improve relationships with partners or patrons.

Not every room can accommodate a plant. For example, an orchid in a bedroom or children's room is not the best choice.

Orchids as a gift - to whom and what

As a gift, orchids are suitable for a woman of any age, since, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, they are feminine flowers. The plant protects from misfortunes and negativity, and also helps its owner:

  • remain charming and gentle;
  • prolong youth and maintain freshness;
  • highlight attractive aspects.

When choosing a cut flower or bouquet as a gift, you should take into account the meaning of the orchid and the feelings that the giver puts into it:

  1. White flowers are recommended to be presented to loved ones as the personification of sincere intentions and admiration.
  2. Pink ones are given to beloved girls as a symbol of tender and reverent feelings.
  3. Red and motley symbolize passion and hope for the further continuation of the relationship. For people who long for changes that they cannot decide on, bright red flowers are also suitable.
  4. Yellow orchids will be an excellent gift for a person who dreams of climbing the career ladder and succeeding in life.
  5. Orange, purple and green flowers, symbolizing nobility, can be presented to work partners or colleagues.

You can give your loved ones a houseplant - a symbol of tenderness, care and love. The shade is selected depending on the properties that you would like to impart to the recipient.

Activating the magical properties of a flower

The natural talisman has powerful energy that needs to be properly activated. Special items will be useful for this:

  1. Glass figurine (elephant, lotus), attracting happiness and harmony. Place the orchid next to it in a glass vase without chips or cracks. Hang a picture with a red background on top.
  2. An aquarium that is recommended to be placed near the orchid. An alternative option is a small decorative fountain, in which glass or stone elements predominate.

Orchids must be placed away from sharp corners of furniture or protrusions so that they do not disturb the interaction of the plant with Qi energy.

Images of orchids are energetically no less powerful than natural flowers, so it is not recommended to place embroidery or paintings in the bedroom according to Feng Shui.

Plant shade value

The color of a flower in mystical teaching is one of the most important qualities.

Interpretation of colors:

  • dark red is useful for an indecisive person who strives for change and is unable to take a decisive step towards something new;
  • white symbolizes love, femininity and helps to find your chosen one, gives peace and a sense of harmony;
  • variegated in geomancy fights apathy and cures laziness.

An orchid is a great gift for a loved one. If the recipient has loving feelings, it is preferable to give bright red varieties. White copies are chosen for friends and family. A good universal option is lilac and pink shades.

An orchid will definitely impress the recipient, no matter what its color. Such a gift is a source of many positive emotions.

Orchid: can it cause harm?

The exceptional energy content is not only an explanation of the amazing benefits of the plant, but also a hint of the need for careful handling.

The flower can cause harm, because behind its delicate appearance and talent for attracting happiness lie dangerous properties. The plant absorbs the energy of a sleeping person, so it is absolutely not suitable for decorating a bedroom.

Anyone who neglects this rule awakens deprived of strength, in a bad mood, apathetic and without emotions.

You cannot decorate a child’s room with orchids in which there is a child’s bed. Young children are more sensitive than adults to the magical qualities of the world around them, so the harm from the plant is greater for them than for their parents. According to geomancy, an orchid in a child’s room is dangerous; it makes the child capricious, tired, apathetic, and sick. Such a person avoids communication with peers, is indifferent to studies, and has conflicts at home.

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