Pillar of the Day #38 丙申 Bing Shen (Yang Fire on Monkey)

Yansky Fire

Yang Fire people may be different, but they are never boring. Their energy is similar to the energy of the Sun, it is impossible to ignore it. With their characteristic enthusiasm, optimism and charisma, they set everything and everyone around them in motion. They need to shine, show themselves, and there is always an audience for them. They are self-confident, straightforward without rudeness, passionate and capable of strategic thinking. All this allows them to always find allies. Routine makes them unproductive. Small issues do not occupy their attention; they need big things and projects. Failures do not stop them; they go forward to the end, even when there is no chance left. Their unshakable self-confidence often borders on selfishness.

Bin, the yang heavenly trunk, is combined with the yang earthly branches. In this way, six trunks are formed: Bing Zi, Bing Yin, Bing Chen, Bing Wu, Bing Shen, Bing Xu.

Bing Zi, Yang Fire on the Rat

This pillar is like the Sun hidden behind the clouds, and people born under it are smart and talented, but may not know about their abilities. To open up and succeed, they need purpose, motivation, patience and overcoming themselves. Their personality is full of virtues: they are sociable, friendly, persistent, hardworking, creative. They have a strong will and decisive character. They can be strong leaders, but they often prefer to be in the role of a “gray eminence” in a supporting role, because they are too honest and law-abiding, and sometimes even dependent. If they suddenly decide to lead, they may imagine that they know everything better than anyone else. Bing Zi is attentive to detail, strives for the best result in everything, but sometimes loses interest in the matter or is in too much of a hurry. They are true to their values, control themselves and strive to control everything around them.

Bing Zis are more productive when they work with people and on multiple projects at once. This allows them to distribute their energy evenly. They are responsive and ready to help their friends and colleagues. Possessing pride, nobility and some idealism, they still need the approval of others. Criticism is poorly tolerated; the answer to it will be sarcasm. They know how to make great jokes, but they mask their wisdom with foolishness. They strive for knowledge, have taste and understand art. Be attentive to your appearance and clothing.

Bing Yin, Yang Fire on the Tiger

Image of Bing Yin - Sun over the forest. People of this pillar are friendly, open, and often trusting. Or they are outwardly serious and reserved, but when communicating they are friendly and welcoming. They can be practical, self-confident, independent, persistent and at the same time loyal and naive. They have a keen sense of justice and an internal moral code. Capable of self-control, smart, charismatic, creative. They value education and always follow new trends and technologies. They make excellent organizers and inspirers - people are supported by the burning spirit of hope and faith in success.

Bing Yin are emotionally stable, consistent, methodical and know when to compromise. Sometimes they become strict, critical and seem to be looking for challenges. Planning always helps them, because due to the breadth of interests they are distracted from their main activity. They are very kind by nature and need understanding people around them. Some Bing Yin are overly sensitive - in this case, working with an understanding of their own value will keep them from harming themselves. In their youth, these people can be rebels, and then their lives sometimes take unexpected turns. As they get older, they come closer to their nature and, if they learn discipline, they can reach their full potential. They love beautiful things, gravitate towards an extravagant lifestyle, value comfort and, as a rule, can afford it all.

Bing Chen, Yang Fire on the Dragon

The Bing Chen Pillar is like the bright Sun above the hills. Under it, people are born who are reliable, practical, trustworthy and socially safe. The Spirit of Pleasure hidden in Chen rewards them with tenderness and craving for various kinds of pleasures - delicious food, meetings with friends, comfort and luxury. People of this pillar are often sentimental and love to pamper themselves.

It is important for them to feel the importance of themselves and their activities. They are creative, responsible and love everything new. Correct Power endows them with organization, loyalty to their word, a kind heart, compassion and tolerance. At the same time, they remain spontaneous and dynamic, and such changeability often destabilizes them and their finances. As a result, Bing Chen changes their mind, rushes from generosity to economy and cannot focus on the main thing. They should learn to delegate authority and not carry everything alone. Teamwork benefits them; they know how to inspire people, but are not always ready to compromise. They need to listen and hear others, and then they will be able to help people and the common cause. Another problem for them may be a lack of discipline, due to which they may fall under someone else's control.

When Bing Chens are bored or immersed in a routine, they become nervous, gloomy, and can become depressed. Traveling and learning new things will be their salvation.

Bing Wu, Yang Fire on a Horse

The Bin Wu pillar is the shining Sun at its zenith, the powerful energy of Fire. People born under it are talented, noble, strong, independent, and courageous. They are able to think globally, are decisive in their actions, ambitious and hardworking. They learn new things quickly, are observant, and strive for excellence in everything they do. Their strong-willed nature, ability to show patience, intuition and creativity make them strong leaders. If someone stands in their way, Bin Woo becomes stubborn and aggressive.

They are practical and independent. It happens that it is difficult for them to find opportunities for full self-realization. Appearance is very important to them, they are gambling and love to win. They can often change their point of view and their decisions on the same issue. They are critical, but responsive - they help others, protect loved ones. People are drawn to them, but not everyone can be around for a long time, which is why Bin Woo is often lonely. They are helped by learning, spiritual practices, meditation - with their help they calm down and achieve peace.

Bing Wu people appreciate art and love to be seen. They try to show themselves, they are attracted by the glamorous side of life, expensive clothes, beautiful cars, motorcycles. These qualities can be costly to their employers and partners. They usually understand others well and make money easily. However, they should remember that they do not have to do everything alone.

Bing Shen, Yang Fire on Monkey

The image of this pillar is the Sun above a river or bay. Bing Shen people take life seriously, are determined, smart, honest, straightforward, like to plan everything and have inner strength. They are very attentive to details, they know how to see the main thing and concentrate on it. Creative, hardworking, emotional, sometimes idealistic. They try to avoid mistakes and therefore may appear indecisive. They easily learn everything new and are universal in this regard. When an idea excites them, they focus on it and can inspire others and achieve great success. It happens that their criticality towards people complicates communication. They should also learn discipline, patience when dealing with difficulties, and control their impulsiveness. They need freedom, but they often waste their energy trying to find interesting things to do. To manage emotions, it would be good for them to learn self-expression through creativity. Bing Shen also benefits from relaxation practices.

They are smart, capable, creative, diplomatic and team-oriented. They need recognition, independence and joyful emotions - without them they wither emotionally, lose interest in business and are jealous of other people's successes. They also tolerate criticism very poorly and have great difficulty finding a balance between their high ideals and caring for their daily bread.

Bing Xu, Yang Fire on the Dog

The image of the Bing Xu pillar is the Sun at sunset or a volcano, where Bin is Fire, and Xu is a mountain, Yang Earth. Under this pillar, generous, open, fair and caring people are born. A dog in SV rewards them with good intuition, responsibility and reliability: they know how to make friends, are responsive, confident in their abilities, practical, and independent. They love everything new, learn quickly, are ambitious and can be impatient. Thanks to their innate optimism, they experience failures quickly, although painfully. They are ready to work for a higher goal, are faithful to their duty and can even make certain sacrifices, but they need constant confirmation of the correctness of their choice.

Bing Xu people are artistic and imaginative. They love to travel and are very versatile in their interests - science, art, music. They often have talents themselves. However, it happens that emotions take over, and at such moments they create problems out of the blue, attracting facts to their imagination. This often becomes the basis for conflicts with loved ones, which are aggravated by Bing Xu’s barbs and harsh humor.

The Bing Xu pillar endows the owner of the card with intelligence, perseverance and attractiveness. These people always need activity and movement; they are created for practice, but not for theory. However, sometimes they are selfish and show dictatorial behavior towards others. Living next to them is not always easy, but it pays off with their honesty and sincerity - they do not carry a stone in their bosom and are never hypocritical.

Fire Yang on a Horse

Day! Pillar of Yang Fire on a Horse – Eternal Eclipse

In ancient times, an eclipse was a sign of disaster.
People associated him with the wrath of God - he got angry, they say, and decided to plunge the world into darkness. This phenomenon is often described as a monster devouring the sun or moon. Now that we understand that it's just the moon passing in front of the sun, it doesn't scare us so much. But peering into this event without proper equipment can damage our precious eyes.

A person with daytime dominant Fire Yang on a Horse can be as attractive as an eclipse, and just as dangerous if there is a lack of knowledge about its nature.

Heavenly Trunk Fire Yang

Yang fire in Ba Zi is the energy of the sun. Such people give often and a lot, but never demand anything in return. Their main purpose of existence is happiness, which is to provide warmth, light and growth.

These are often ordinary people who live ordinary, everyday lives. They are very persistent - once they have chosen a path, they will follow it without needing anyone's approval.

Such people are often self-sufficient and can almost always act alone.

Features of the Yang Fire pillar on the Horse (Wu), which carries the energy of Yin Fire (Wealth Robber) and Yin Earth (Wounding Official).

In the traditional reading, these 2 energies are part of a more evil trio: the Wealth Robber, the Wounding Official and the Assassin in the 7th Position - which is often associated with disaster, despair and disappointment.

The Wealth Robber, in particular, allows them to find suitable people and force them to participate in their own performance.

It's like regular leadership, but with a little sinister twist. Being wounded by an Official makes them antisocial - they are often defiant and rebellious towards anything that has to do with rules and regulation.

Relationships are one of the most unpleasant aspects of their lives - both male and female stars promise failure in relationships.

The Wealth Robber pushes away the Stable Wealth (Wife), and the Wounded Official rebels against the Right Authority (Husband).

Both men and women with this pillar often end up lonely when we talk about relationships.

The Horse is also the star of the Peach Blossom, which makes them quite attractive. It is not that difficult to form a close relationship with them, but they will never stay with you for long.

The eclipse arouses great interest, but over time, the primal fear of this phenomenon only grows...

We analyze the personality of Yang Fire on the Horse through interactions in the Earthly Branches.

The Horse unites with Wei (Goat), which carries the dominant energy Yin Earth (Officer's Wound), the minor energies Yin Wood (Direct Seal) and Yin Fire (Wealth Robber).

Again we see another set of unfortunate signs for men and women interfering in their lives, namely the Robber of Wealth and the Wound of the Official.

This suggests that they often use their previous bad experiences in relationships to justify their aversion to new relationships.

The horse encounters Zi (Rat), which carries the energy of Yin Water (Right Power).

For a woman, this is the star of the Husband. With the “gift” in the form of the star Wounding the Official and with the repulsion of the star of the Direct Seal, the result is a rather gloomy spell on relationships for women of this pillar.

In Bazi, people of the day pillar Yang Fire on the Horse have the ability to see through light and darkness. They, as a rule, are able to see hypocrisy, and therefore their frivolous relationships do not last long.

People consider their life position to be too adventurous and, therefore, often decide to just watch... from afar. Their life may seem quite lonely, but they definitely don't think so.

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