Why and why you need to study and use Feng Shui.

Feng Shui forecast for every day

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Who is this site for?

• For those who have no idea what Feng Shui is;
• For skeptics who deny everything (to check how it works, look here... );

• For those who believe that Feng Shui is mandarin ducks in the marriage sector or a three-legged toad in the wealth sector;

• For those who are interested in Chinese metaphysics, but cannot systematize the knowledge obtained from books, which, unfortunately, do not always provide the correct information about Feng Shui, which really helps;

• For those who have encountered problems in their life, do not know how to solve them and cannot understand why they appeared to them.

Feng Shui meaning or definition

I tried to systematize the data and come up with a certain definition, which was polished by avid skeptics of modern science (which is only 200 years old, while Feng Shui has existed for more than 2500 years).

Feng Shui is a system of measures related to the place of residence and work, including assessment of the influence and correction of the use of electromagnetic influences of the globe, spatial-wave reflections of the cosmogenic wind, wave vibrations of nearby objects, aimed at spatial-wave synchronization of the human body and psychological corrections in terms of influence on brain structures with lower frequency oscillations (unconscious).

The author does not pretend that this definition will not change in the process of work and research, but at the moment this definition looks exactly like this.

So, this is the influence of the earth and its components (mountains, rivers, lakes, etc.), and nearby objects, and not the color of curtains, the color of a wallet or nails, a frog at the door, and so on.

How to use this site.

Here you can find a lot of information that Feng Shui and Ba Tzu consultants use in their practice and which will be enough at the initial stage to try to improve the quality of your life using the simplest means of Chinese metaphysics.

Or at least avoid the troubles that can be caused by bad Feng Shui and violating basic Feng Shui taboos.

To do this you need:

1. Read and understand the articles posted on the site and (or) read books by authors who are recognized authorities in the field of Chinese metaphysics.

2. Buy a compass, learn how to measure the cardinal directions with it and correlate them with the plan of your home or office.

3. Draw a clear plan of the house, dividing it into sectors in accordance with compass directions.

4. Analyze how good the Feng Shui of your home is and make appropriate adjustments in your environment, using the information from the Feng Shui and Flying Stars .

5. Also, you must definitely track the movement of the Flying Stars and, in accordance with this, make certain rearrangements and changes in your environment:

• at the beginning of each year,

• at the beginning of each month, if necessary.

6. Determine your personal Gua number and try to use your best directions and sectors when arranging furniture in the workplace and at home, as well as when choosing a new home.

7. Using the Ba-Tzu Calculator , you need to get your energy map ( eastern horoscope ) in order to use it:

• when independently selecting dates for important events (use the advice of articles from the catalog “Analysis of Fate” );

• to determine compatibility with certain partners (use the “ Selection of an ideal partner ” and “ Compatibility analysis ” service);

• when choosing a house or apartment that is favorable for you;

8. Plan your affairs in accordance with the Feng Shui forecast for each day to take advantage of favorable periods to achieve your goals and avoid unfavorable days.

9. Use the “Activation for Good Luck” to get immediate results from the influence of space chi.

Take action! You already have everything you need to become strong, happy and successful!

Feng Shui zones

Selecting zones

Most clients of Feng Shui specialists are interested in how to determine zones in the house. This idea came from the Western school and became very popular. In any room there are 8 zones, each of which is responsible for one or another area of ​​life. They can be enhanced with the help of colors and elements, each with its own attributes. The zones are located in accordance with the cardinal directions.

Wealth Zone

The wealth zone is responsible for the material abundance of the family. If you activate and arrange it correctly, there will always be money in the house. A neglected zone of wealth leads to the fact that the family ends up in debt and loses a large amount of money. Main characteristics of this zone:

  • location - southeast;
  • element - Tree;
  • color scheme green, lilac, violet.

You can activate the zone by placing in it an aquarium with goldfish or arowana fish from the Amazon, an indoor fountain, a silver vessel decorated with amethysts, 11 coins, precious stones, and even an ordinary jar of water.

A wooden Buddha or goddess Lakshmi, a banknote, a gold-plated toad with a penny in its mouth or hand, a gold bar, a piggy bank, or the presence of a safe helps to attract money. A good talisman is a small ship with sails. His nose should be facing inside the room. Jewelry made of precious metals, a string of beads, a bracelet, or a Chinese unicorn Qi Lin are also suitable. You can also put red money napkins with a gold embossed design here.

The zone is harmed by playing cards and played solitaire.

Glory Zone

The fame zone is responsible for self-realization, success, recognition of talents and position in society. It has a beneficial effect on everyone who lives in the house, allows you to take the most difficult peaks and achieve your goals.

  • location - south;
  • element - Fire;
  • color scheme is red.

Activation of the zone requires additional bright lighting. You should put a red lamp or candle here. Magic talisman - animal figures (phoenixes, lions, eagles). Everything that indicates success and achievements (diplomas, certificates, cups, letters of gratitude) must be placed here. It is good to place a fireplace in this area: it will support the power of the element of fire. If there is no fireplace, conventional heating will be installed in this place.

The figure of the wish-granter Hotei (an ancient Chinese monk) can bring fame and fortune.

Zone of love and marriage

The name of the zone speaks for itself. A properly equipped corner ensures a good relationship between husband and wife, a strong marriage, and prevents divorce. For many couples, tidying up this section of the apartment helps them regain lost feelings. If you are single or unmarried, you will be guaranteed a fateful meeting.

  • location - southwest;
  • element - Earth;
  • The color scheme is brown (including terracotta, brick, brown shades), pink.

To attract love into the house, paired figurines of doves, dolphins, swans, and falcons are placed in this zone. Peonies are the best choice of flowers. Joint photos of a man and a woman (vacation and walks together, a wedding, going to a restaurant, etc.) will also be useful.

The zone is well activated by an aroma lamp, aroma oils, aromatic salt, soap with a hieroglyph, a woman’s fan, a wedding ring, a wedding envelope or other attribute, books about love and erotica. The attraction of love is provided by crystals; they are pre-soaked in spring water for a week. Instead of crystals, a salt lamp will do.

Creativity and children's area

Arranging furniture to enhance a child's talents

The zone is responsible for a person’s creative self-realization, new ideas and development paths. The fate of children, their successes, and relationships with their parents depend on it. She is also responsible for conceiving a baby, pregnancy and childbirth. Those who are just dreaming of a child are also advised to activate such a corner.

  • location - west;
  • element - Metal;
  • colors: gold, silver, grey, white, yellow.

If you want to enhance your creativity, place items in this area that best suit your talent. This could be crafts, embroidery, a favorite melody in notes, painting, interesting books.

To get pregnant, you can leave images of pregnant women, babies, and newborn baby attributes (booties, pacifier, baby hat) in the area. If you want to improve your relationship with your children, place items to activate that depict their zodiac signs (Pisces, Leo, Taurus, Libra, Cancer, etc.). You can put your child’s drawings, notebooks, and crafts there.

Helpers and Travel Area

This corner of the apartment is responsible for the presence of assistants, mentors and patrons. These could be close relatives, friends, teachers, leaders. The main thing is that these people are ready to provide services selflessly and with a pure heart. The active zone satisfies a person’s desire to travel the world, see new countries, and meet new unusual people.

  • location - northwest;
  • element - Metal;
  • type of color scheme - gold, silver, white, metallic.

Charm figurines help to activate assistants and mentors: a camel, the god Ganesha (a man with the head of an elephant) and Guan Yin (the goddess of mercy). You can also put a photo of a relative, patron or mentor here.

If you want to travel, put here an image or poster with views of the country you dream of going to, a typewriter, a drawing of a car, an airplane, a train, or any other object that symbolizes moving. If you do everything right, the whole planet will open up before you.

There should be no weapons, broken things or erotic images in the assistants' area.

Career zone

This part of the house is responsible not only for climbing the career ladder, success at work and in your favorite activity. It also ensures spiritual growth and human development, brings stable income in business (transactions are carried out, goods are sold), and confidence in the future. Capable of attracting good luck for all family members.

  • location - north;
  • element - Water;
  • colors: blue, white, dark blue, black.

If you dream of a career, place a fountain or a turtle here (the more figures, the better). To achieve spiritual improvement and consolidate success, you need to use a photo of calm water (lake, wide flat river, pond). The zone is activated by such aquatic paraphernalia as an aquarium, a bowl of water, a sailboat; a sea shell, pearls, a mill, and even a mug of water are good options.

A very powerful amulet is a red triangle with an acute angle pointing upward. It helps in moving up the career ladder and makes any endeavor successful. You cannot place items received as a gift here, so that the energy does not go to someone else.

Zone of knowledge and wisdom

This area of ​​space is responsible for studying, improving professional skills, acquiring new knowledge, and life lessons. It is important that she be active in a home where there are schoolchildren, students, and researchers.

  • location - northeast;
  • element - Earth;
  • colors: light brown, beige, sand, ocher, yellow.

The zone is activated by crystal, clay and stone. Objects related to knowledge are placed here: a globe, a book, a geographical map, a pyramid. Porcelain figurines symbolizing wisdom are perfect. For example, a snake, a porcelain Buddha, an owl. It is best to decorate this part of the house as a library, study room, office, place for meditation and yoga.

Family and health zone

This is a dual-use zone. She is responsible for the relationship between parents and children, husband and wife, and close relatives. At the same time, this sector affects the health of everyone who lives in the house.

  • location - east;
  • element - Tree;
  • colors: blue, green, brown, black.

The symbols of the zone are a flute, an elephant and a dragon. Pictures of a forest, a garden, bamboo sticks, and a wooden keychain help activate it. Family photos are also placed here.

If you want to improve your health, achieve weight loss, quit smoking, or have someone in your family stop drinking, place medicinal herbs in this area. Heather, sleep grass, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, etc. are suitable. To stop toothache, you need to add yarrow, plantain or garlic. An excellent talisman of health is the gourd gourd, which in China is called Wu-Lou.

What to read? Advice for beginners.

It is important to know that not all books that have the word feng shui in the title are actually written about feng shui that brings results. There are now a lot of books and information on the Internet that are very closely related to this science.

Several decades ago, a surrogate version of Feng Shui was born, where several basic principles that are used in classical Feng Shui are simplified as much as possible and adapted to the present day and to life in crowded cities.

But in fact, this direction has very little in common with true Feng Shui. The emphasis here is on the use of accessories and symbols arranged in sectors, on the arrangement of furniture in certain directions and a number of other principles. Of course, this simplified approach cannot give the same results as the techniques and methods of classical Feng Shui.

There is now a lot of literature containing very contradictory information. And at the initial stage, it is very easy to get confused in different versions of the presentation of the theory of Feng Shui and other areas of Chinese metaphysics.

But this does not mean that these books may be completely useless. Some of them can provide useful information (provided that the translation into Russian is correct), can charge the reader with positivity and hope for a better future and, most importantly, can encourage a more serious study of Feng Shui, which in itself is good result.

But you need to remember that this is not Feng Shui!!!

For those who want to seriously understand this science, it is worth being more selective about the authors of books.

There are not many Feng Shui Masters in the world who have true knowledge of Feng Shui and publish books. It is very good if, at the initial stage of your acquaintance with this science, you start by reading books by the authors Eva Wong, Stephen Skinner, Raymond Lo, Joey Yap, Derek Walters, Vincent Koch, Lev Igelnik. These are recognized masters of their craft who have been practicing or teaching this skill for many years and whose books have been published in Russian.

(But it is important to know that not all information can be found in books. There are secrets that are passed on only from Master to Student. It would be more accurate to say that only the basics of the sciences of Chinese metaphysics can be found in books).

Imagine that at birth, each of us was given a map by the Higher Powers (God, Divine Providence, Supreme Intelligence, as you are more familiar with...) that indicated the Path that we must follow in this incarnation and what life Tasks to complete.

Let us compare our Journey through Life with a journey by sea, which, as we know, can be gentle and serene, or stormy and dangerous.

The complexity of the Path and the quality of the Tasks depend on who we were in past lives and what stock of good or evil deeds we managed to accumulate, as well as on the understanding of the laws of this world, which differs from person to person and changes throughout life.

If we have done a lot of good and good in the past, and we understand what it means to live by the rules and not violate the laws of the Universe, an easy and bright journey awaits us. We did a lot of bad things in past incarnations and don’t want to understand why we incarnated this time - there will be many obstacles and unpleasant surprises along the way.

The Life Path card comes with a gift - a boat on which you will have to go on a journey. Depending on the savings from the past, we can get a small rowing boat, which can hardly fit several people and a couple of cans of stew, or a huge ship with luxurious cabins and a personal chef, or a submarine with a remote control and military equipment . Unfortunately, at this stage we cannot change anything, and we will have to accept what is given without further ado.

Having set out on a journey, we must reach the end of our Path, fulfill our life’s Tasks, and at the same time be happy and satisfied with our lives, despite the fact that the path at different periods of life may not be easy.

Having a luxury ship, you can find yourself far from shore in inclement weather, run into a reef or encounter a pirate ship and end up with a lot of problems.

Or you can quietly sail with the flow in a small boat, waiting out bad weather in a quiet bay, overtaking your neighbors and collecting a rich catch at the same time. And reach the end of the road easily and in a good mood.

It all depends on your attitude to life, the effort you put in, and how much you care about your helper.

If our map is the Journey through Life, our destiny, then our ship and sea can be compared to our home in which we are forced to live, with the external environment in which we were forced to be born.

On the way, we can meet helpers or ill-wishers, we can often face a choice: unfurl the sails and move forward at full speed, or turn into a quiet harbor to shelter from bad weather, take a passenger or drop him off at the first available shore...

Chinese metaphysics helps you make the right choice, avoid difficulties, and walk the Path easily and in a good mood.

One of the components of Chinese metaphysics - the Ba Tzu map - makes it possible to determine when certain obstacles may be encountered along the way. Give a hint whether it is worth stopping or whether you can sail further, moor at an uninhabited island or wait for a busy port, whether to be wary of an oncoming ship or ask for help. She can tell us what kind of person we met on the road, how to make our journey easy, comfortable and interesting, it can tell us our destiny, choose a profession, the right partner for marriage or work.

And Feng Shui will help maintain our boat in working condition and make it a very effective assistant, as well as, if necessary, change it to a more suitable option at one or another stage of life’s journey.

Correct Feng Shui in the home is one of the components that helps make us significantly more successful and happier.

Another direction in Chinese metaphysics is the choice of dates and directions for a particular event, which suggests when calm and fair winds are expected, so that during the trip you do not row with all your strength with the oars, but enjoy good weather and pleasant company. Or even hunt for Luck, knowing in which direction she is “going to sail”, receiving additional bonuses and gifts along the way.

In other words, you can determine when the moment comes favorable for the beginning of a particular event , when the energies of the moment in time are harmonious with our personal energy and when the result is achieved easily and everything works out in the best way.

By using this information and studying it, you can achieve the greatest possible success in all areas of life and not miss out on favorable opportunities.

If you begin to apply in your life the knowledge accumulated, substantiated and systematized over thousands of years by the wisest people who often have superpowers, completely unexpected facets of existence may open up and you will have to look at many things completely differently. And understanding the laws by which this world lives will precisely be the solution to one of the life challenges that each of us faces.

This site has enough information to start making changes in your life using Feng Shui and other metaphysical practices, or simply understand what it is.

But if you feel that this is what you would like to do constantly in your life, you cannot do without special courses from a good professional teacher, because true knowledge is transmitted only from Master to Student.

Feng Shui knowledge or training

Many people mistakenly imagine that they can gain knowledge about Feng Shui from books and webinars. The task of advisors to emperors was always to ensure that the real fundamentals and secrets were not accessible to ordinary people.

That is why all real knowledge was encrypted in treatises in the form of poems, the key to which was passed from master to student orally or in practice.

For example, you know very well this book by Sun Tzu “The Art of War” , which describes 36 stratagems. However, the key to applying this or that strategy lies in the tables, which personally take up 6 sheets of my Excel e-book, the key to which lies in my head and is not written down anywhere on paper.

In addition, in order to apply these tables, we must first look at the Qi Men layout and only after that, using the key in our head, look for answers and strategies in the tables deciphering the application strategy. Now you understand that two companies using the book "The Art of War" cannot be equal on the battlefield if one of them has consultants like us.

The real cost of Feng Shui courses starts from €1500 and reaches €10-15 thousand. On average, a good course costs €2-3 thousand for 2-3 days. That is why no normal Feng Shui specialist will sell his consultations for less than €1000. Then it's up to you to choose...

Basic rules of feng shui

Organizing space according to the Chinese method requires not only dividing the house into zones. There are a number of nuances that are very important when arranging an apartment in the spirit of Feng Shui. They help to properly direct energy flows and create comfort in the house. Here are the main ones:

  • A rectangular room directed from north to south ensures success, wealth, and joy. The people living in it will have many children and grandchildren.
  • A rectangular room directed from east to west is an unfavorable combination.
  • A square room is a guarantee of material wealth, personal happiness and well-being.
  • If there are few tenants in a large house, they will become poor.
  • When many people live in a small apartment, wealth and fame await the family.
  • Living in the center brings happiness.
  • If there is a room with an area of ​​8 m² in the center, the children will become lazy, and the family will face material losses. When such a room is located on the edge, expect discord between relatives.
  • The apartment on the 8th floor has bad energy.
  • The bedroom and the main entrance are located on the same straight line - a sign of happiness.
  • You cannot combine the kitchen and living room. If you receive guests in the room where food is prepared, there are dishes and a refrigerator, they will bring good luck. If there is only one room in the house, a curtain can divide the kitchen space. Then you can safely receive guests.
  • The stove in the kitchen should be located near the wall; the sink cannot be opposite the stove.
  • The largest room should be inhabited by parents or those who ensure the financial well-being of the family.
  • The toilet is directed to the north or the toilet and the main entrance are directed in the same direction - an adverse effect on health, the risk of malignant tumors increases.
  • Furniture should be chosen with rounded corners, all doors should be closed.
  • Clothes, bedding, dishes and even books should not be stored on open shelves.
  • There should be plants in the house; they contribute to the circulation of positive energy.
  • The walls cannot be left empty; it is better to fill them with framed photographs, paintings, and lamps. A fresco can be painted there, or pots with natural flowers can be hung.
  • Chairs, sofas and armchairs should be placed with their backs to the wall and not to the window. If there is a need to place such furniture near a window, you should place a plant nearby.
  • Chairs and armchairs should be placed at an angle to each other, this promotes good communication between family members.
  • To improve the energy in the room, candles should be placed; it is best to separate zones with spotlights.
  • A bright chandelier should be in the center of the most active sector.
  • The zones should not be crossed by a beam, board on the ceiling or wall. It is desirable that there are no steps between them.
  • The front door should have a threshold, but there should not be a threshold between rooms.
  • The door mat is chosen depending on the direction of the world (the western side is round or oval, the eastern side is rectangular or square).

The number of rooms in the apartment is of great importance. When calculating, the kitchen, bathroom and toilet are not taken into account:

  • 1 room - the inhabitants will be happy.
  • 2 rooms is a neutral number, has no positive or negative effect.
  • 3 or 4 rooms - to financial well-being.
  • 5 or 6 - there will be warm relationships in the family.
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