Amulets for happiness and good luck: 5 strong talismans

For many centuries, people have believed that certain symbols, signs, and drawings influence the material world. Confucius also said: “Signs and symbols rule the world—not words or laws.” Therefore, people have always dreamed of acquiring certain symbols of wealth, which are necessary to attract money and make life easier. A selection of the most interesting symbols of wealth and prosperity among different peoples of the world.


The toad in Chinese mythology is one of the symbols of wealth and immortality. And the Three-Legged Toad is a symbol of special wealth.

There are many legends associated with it. One of them goes like this: in ancient, ancient times, there lived a very greedy and cruel robber in China. He robbed and even killed all travelers, both rich and poor. He accumulated so much wealth that it would have been enough for many lives, but he continued to rob and kill, and he robbed not only ordinary mortals, but also the deities who lived in China at that time. Then the gods and people prayed and asked Buddha for help. Buddha called the robber to him and decided to punish him by taking his life. The robber was frightened, repented and promised not to kill anyone again and to quit his dirty business. Then Buddha heeded his pleas and turned him into a three-legged toad with a coin in his mouth and ordered him to give all the loot to people, spitting it out, giving gold coins to people.


Maneki-neko is an ancient Japanese talisman for attracting good luck and money, also known as the "Luck Cat", "Luck Cat" or "Money Cat". This sculpture, widespread in the east, mainly in Japan and China, is made of porcelain, paper and wood, depicting a fat cat with its paw raised in an inviting gesture, which lures money, luck and happiness to its owner. Figurines of “Lucky Cats” are usually displayed in a prominent place: in shop windows or at the entrance to a store, temple or office. For a long time it was believed that a cat washes its face in anticipation of the rain. Researchers suggest that the prototype for Maneki-Neko was a Japanese proverb from the 9th century: “if a cat washes its face and ears, it will rain.” In the rain there may be unexpected visitors. This is probably where the superstition arose that if a cat washes itself, expect guests. The color of the Money Cat will depend on what you want to attract into your home. Thus, white Maneki-neko symbolizes luck and good fortune. Black - prevents misfortune and protects from evil. The color gold is good luck in money matters and business prosperity. Pink - attracts love, brings wedding closer and improves relationships. A cat with closed eyes lures “near wealth”, with open eyes - “distant wealth”.

Symbols of luck

Since ancient times, people have endowed certain objects with a certain magical power that attracted some benefits. Each nation has its own symbols, there are many of them, and if you use them correctly, then luck and wealth will not pass you by.


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The acorn has long been considered a symbol of wealth. This is the symbol that can prevent the impact of external negative influences. Having such a talisman with you, you don’t have to fear the hatred of others. If you attach it to the window, then evil forces will never enter the house. By carrying it in your pocket all the time, you can attract good luck and protect yourself from ill-wishers. It’s very easy to make such a talisman yourself:

  • choose a good, non-wormy acorn with a tight-fitting cap;
  • the weather should be sunny;
  • slight frost on one side will only enhance the effect;
  • the acorn must be wrapped in a scarf, but before the threshold, take it in your outstretched hand and so cross the threshold of the house.

If there is such a talisman at home, then household members will understand each other better and become more successful. In addition, acorns have the ability to improve material well-being. To do this, you can simply put the acorns in a vase in the living room.


Clover, especially four-leaf clover, also symbolizes good luck among many peoples. Especially revered by the Irish. If you are lucky enough to find it, then only the best awaits you. In order for a leaf to become a talisman, it must be dried and carried with you. Clover is used as follows:

  • to attract true, sincere love, it was advised to place it under the insole of shoes;
  • if put in a wallet, it will bring good luck in finances;
  • clover, mounted on a window glass or opposite the entrance to the house, will become a talisman of the family hearth and will attract happiness.

Star of Erzgamma

The Erzgamma Star is an ancient symbol that attracts good luck, changes the owner’s life for the better, and protects. This symbol leads a person’s subconscious along the right path and does not allow him to stumble. Such a sign is not intended to be worn constantly; it is worn at moments of significant events and removed after everything is completed. If suddenly discomfort occurs while wearing, you should immediately remove the star.


The key is a powerful talisman, known since ancient times. It brings good luck and protects against the negativity of others. In order for the key to become an amulet, you need:

  • wear around the neck. It is very good if the key is made of gold - it will bring good luck and wealth;
  • if you make a talisman for yourself in the form of three golden keys, then health, love and wealth will always accompany you;
  • a silver key is suitable for students, people involved in business, and those who are busy with their own careers;
  • If you hang a bunch of keys in the hallway at home, it will become a talisman for the house, and it will not let negativity from the street into it.


A horse is a rather symbolic sign that personifies success and good luck in business. This is quite ambiguous, because the horse has always been the personification of hard work. Accordingly, there will be no luck if you don’t work hard. Horse figurines have different meanings:

  • a horse rearing up means recognition and victory;
  • a galloping horse without a saddle is good luck and triumph over ill-wishers. Anyone who wants to succeed in a career, business or some kind of competition must certainly have such a figurine or painting;
  • a horse in jewelry - financial success and increased prestige in society.

For a horse to bring good luck, you need to place it in the southern or southwestern part of the house. Do not allow the figurine to face a window or front door. Also, you shouldn’t put it in the bedroom, it’s better on your desk or in your office.


Horseshoe - everyone probably knows about this symbol of good luck, since it is the most popular symbol. Since ancient times, it has been this way: if you find a horseshoe on the street, you will definitely have good luck. If we ignore the fact that previously not everyone could afford horses and horseshoes due to their high cost, it was recommended to place the found horseshoe above the entrance to the house. However, it was used differently in different countries:

  1. In South America and the East, horseshoes are hung upside down - with the horns facing down. So abundance should just flow out of her.
  2. The English and Irish hang a horseshoe with its horns up - this is a symbol of a full bowl.
  3. In Italy, everyone who enters the house must certainly touch the horseshoe, touch it - this is the only way to get good luck. For Mexicans, on the contrary, it is unacceptable to touch a horseshoe - so the person who touches it steals someone else's happiness. Because of this, it is hung very high, in an inaccessible place, and is always decorated with coins and ribbons.


Runes are symbols with pictograms. Among the Scandinavian and other peoples, they were previously used in the form of an alphabet for writing. In addition, magical rituals were performed with the help of runes, and amulets were made from them. Even now, runes are signs that attract money, love, luck, and health.

Runes were made from birch bark, bone, fabric, metals, precious and semi-precious stones. It was important not only to make runes, but also to imbue them with your energy. That is, the power itself lay not in the rune as such, but in the person who made it. The characters of the Scandinavian alphabet have 24 characters. Of these, 3 are a direct connection with wealth and luck.

Aquarium with fish

An aquarium with fish is a symbol that enhances the area where it is located. It is especially effective if you place it in the wealth zone - somewhere in the southeastern part of the room.

The fish themselves are the personification of success, and the water is the personification of wealth. Of course, the best option is an aquarium with live fish, but as a last resort, you can opt for artificial ones. The most important thing is that the water always remains clean.

When choosing a place for an aquarium, you need to avoid places near the entrance, especially to the right of it. It is advisable to place 9 fish: 8 gold (this color represents wealth), the ninth is black. It is needed to collect negativity and suppress it. The most popular fish for an aquarium are carps - they are also a symbol of prosperity.


The angel above the man walking up the mountain is an ancient symbol of the alchemists. In their opinion, angels are not only guardians of people, but can also bring wealth and good luck. In addition, affirmations are very important - short positive attitudes necessary for creating the right thoughts in a person.

They always need to be repeated before starting any important business, moving to a new job, or serious transactions. Affirmations can be the following:

  • all my thoughts are of great benefit to me;
  • wealth comes to me on its own;
  • everything I undertake brings money.

Pot of Wealth

The pot of wealth is a feng shui symbol. This is a pot made of clay or wood in which gold coins are piled up. It is clear that its main purpose is to attract finance. It’s great when the pot is made of ceramics; the coins, of course, can be imitation. This symbol is located on the eastern side of the house. It is important that dust never accumulates on it.

Money Tree

The money tree is perhaps the most famous symbol of wealth. This is a living plant or an artificial tree with coins and semi-precious stones hanging on its branches. If such an artificial tree was bought in a store, then in order for it to become a talisman, it must be cleansed of negative energy. To do this, make a slightly salted aqueous solution and immerse the tree in it for 3 days. Afterwards you need to rinse it with clean water and you can put it in the chosen place.

Such a tree will be especially valuable if it was made by a person himself. Thus, even during creation it is charged with positive energy. The trunk and branches are made of wire, an odd number of coins. Otherwise, this tree will only bring losses. In addition, flowers must be placed on the tree, also an odd number, preferably 3. Everything that is attached to the tree must be attached with a red thread.

If a living plant acts as a money talisman, then you need to take special care of it, making sure that dust does not accumulate on the leaves. You can bury a few real coins in the pot. You need to place a paper bill under the tree pot.

Three-legged toad

A toad with three legs is an equally important symbol for attracting good luck in finance. In addition, such a toad symbolizes immortality. Sometimes you can see several coins in the toad's mouth. Such a figurine should also be placed in the southeastern sector.

It is prohibited to place it in the toilet, bathroom, kitchen or bedroom. The most suitable place for it is an office, a living room, especially in a corner. This location will be called the “force angle.” The toad's eyes should be fixed on the entrance, only then will wealth go into the house and not out of it. It’s great if the figure of a toad is combined in a composition with a fountain or mini-pond. The color of the toad itself should preferably be metallic.


The legendary fish, dragon fish or Aravana is a fish with the beauty, amazing plasticity of movements and elegance of a real Asian Dragon. She is a direct descendant of dinosaurs that went extinct billions of years ago. An entire culture is associated with it. In Asia, for example in Taiwan or Singapore, these fish represent abundance, the dragon brings wealth and prosperity, and the golden dragon is the energy center of the home. And Aravana, which combines two symbols of wealth at once - a fish and a dragon, means a double blessing for wealth. Contents Aravan is an honorable tradition for very rich and influential families, as they believe that the dragon fish helps their business prosper and provide a constant large income. And the larger the Aravan, the more prosperous its owner will become. Not everyone can afford such luxury, and it takes many years of life - the price of elite individuals can be simply fabulous. Adults, for example, elite “red Asian dragons” can cost from $100 thousand.

Bonus: Andrey Levshinov’s practice “How to become a magnet for money”

Pick up an item that is associated with wealth, for example, a high-denomination bill, a gold ring, a bank card (your own symbol of money).

Focus mentally on this object, and then imagine that your biofield is opening up like a wallet. It gradually pulls the object into itself.

You and this attribute of wealth are now one. There is a powerful connection between you.

Now imagine an object inside your biofield. He is shrouded in a golden glow. Take a deep breath and imagine that you are drawing in this golden glow and it is accumulating in the area between your eyebrows. Now, along with your exhalation, lower this clot of light to the center of your chest. Visualize the golden energy of money accumulating in your chest.

Breathe steadily, focusing on the energy in your chest for a few more minutes until you feel a slight tingling, coolness, or “blowing” in the area.

Repeat as often as possible. This exercise will allow you to better understand the language of symbols and open the energy of money into your life.

What items do you use to attract money into your life? Do you believe in symbolic language?


One of the most ancient and most widespread not only in Egypt, but also beyond its borders, is the symbol of eternal life, the “key of the Nile” - the Ankh. This is a talisman that protects from troubles and misfortunes, brings prosperity and wealth. Even Pharaoh Tutankhamun had a hand mirror in the shape of the Ankh sign. Also a symbol of good luck and prosperity is the scarab beetle, a great worker who will bring prosperity in business and success in endeavors. Jewelry, boxes, combs, mirrors and much more are decorated with the image of a scarab.

How to choose a phone number for successful sales

Using numerology for business will also help increase sales.

When choosing a telephone number for a company, it is recommended to refuse those that contain the numbers 2 and 4. The most favorable are considered telephone numbers that contain 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Since most often the numbers contain all or almost all numbers, you should pay attention to which of them has the largest number.


In India, the elephant has been considered a revered animal since ancient times. Ancient sages believed that the elephant symbolizes wisdom, insight, patience, intelligence, peacefulness, love and kindness. The leadership traits of an elephant are manifested in its willpower and physical capabilities, because an elephant has the power to do what others cannot do. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the symbol of the elephant, according to Feng Shui, has become a talisman of stability, well-being and prosperity. Indians believe that decorating an apartment with small figurines of elephants, painting the walls and making designs on fabric and embroidery with the image of an elephant contributes to a good environment in the home and family.

Making a talisman of happiness with your own hands

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a symbol of happiness, you can always make it yourself. Now we will tell you about the easiest ways to get a talisman.

What can you use to make an amulet for good luck:

  • From paper. This is the most budget option. It does not require any drawing skills or the purchase of expensive materials. Arm yourself with a small piece of paper and a pen and draw a protective sign on the sheet. Kolovrat, Star of David, pentacle or any other symbol of your choice. The main thing is to be sure that this is a lucky symbol and draw it exactly.
  • From stone. Apply an ancient Slavic sign or runic symbol to its surface (do not forget that you need to use waterproof paint). This could be Fehu, who brings money, Ansuz, who helps deal with the past and increases vitality, or Soulu, who fulfills wishes.
  • Made from wax. To make a talisman, you need to light a candle in a glass filled with water. Dripping from the candle, the wax will create some kind of figure. Hide it in an envelope or bag and don’t show it to anyone.

Amulets made of paper and wax will not last long, so they will have to be replaced more often than others. But the stone can be used until it becomes unusable. As soon as it cracks, get rid of it immediately and replace it with a new one. But don't throw it away! Bury it in the ground, moving away from the house and thank it for how it helped you.

Today we told you about symbols used around the world. Some of them are popular, others are little known, but all can bring happiness if you know how to handle them.

Don’t forget to please your amulets with gratitude, wash them if the material allows, and cleanse them of negativity. And, of course, believe in their strength. After all, without faith in success you will not be able to achieve anything.


Also, as in many Mediterranean countries, in Spain, where winemaking was the most ancient occupation, the grapevine is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. In addition, in Portugal it is a symbol of good health and family warmth. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the Portuguese pay tribute to grapes on New Year's Day. It is believed that by eating a grape at the chime of the New Year's clock, they will fulfill their wishes. That is, each stroke of the clock is accompanied by the eating of one grape. At the same time, every resident of Portugal and Spain makes one wish. As a result, during the 12 strokes of the New Year's clock, everyone can make 12 of their most cherished wishes.

The energy of money: three laws of the Universe that you need to know and follow

What is money in its essence?

Everything we see around us - people, animals, plants, stones, rivers, clouds - is nothing more than material manifestations of energy. And money is no exception, it is a type of universal qi energy; coins, bills, jewelry are its visible embodiment.

Money is energy. Clean and neutral. It acquires color only when we begin to use it.

While the rich get richer, the poor get poorer...

Considering money to be something evil and bad, and the desire for it to be low, a person turns the energy of money into a negative direction, thereby bringing adversity upon himself. An imbalance of energy leads to the destruction of well-being, health and other areas of life.

Money can denigrate the soul of a person who has put it above all else in the world and seeks it at any cost. But they can also enrich it, help to do good, reveal and realize their abilities, make the world around them better.

Therefore, before you begin to study the language of symbols to attract wealth, it is important to know the laws of the Universe that govern the energy of money.

Law 1. “The energy of money is obedient to attention”

What kind of energy (abundance or need) you charge your life depends on your thoughts, focus and concentration.

Money loves attention. There is no need to be shy or afraid of them. Dream, think about wealth as often as possible. Focus on the energy of money, open your heart to abundance.

It is the wrong attitude towards money that gives rise to greed, theft, poverty and poverty, full of problems, a joyless existence.

Law 2. “Any message invariably comes back”

Like attracts like. Love attracts love. Hatred attracts anger and enmity. And the fear of big money attracts poverty. This is how the Universe protects a person from unnecessary worries. No money - no fears.

But when you are open to money, focused on its energy, then your state, like a magnet, attracts abundance in response. To attract money into your life, you need to pay attention to money energy on yourself.

On the subject: How to become rich and get rid of money blocks

Law 3. “You must give (money) in joy in order to receive in joy”

The energy of joy attracts the energy of money.

Therefore, when repaying a debt, paying a loan or utilities, mentally focus on the fact that the money given now will soon return to you in much larger quantities. Share the energy of money without regret.

This is one of the most difficult laws of the Universe to implement. After all, as they say about debt: “You take someone else’s for a short time, but return your own.” And I really don’t want to give away my hard-earned money.

But it is precisely this law that is the path to understanding the management of the energy of money.

Through giving, we deepen our experience of managing the energy of money. Joyful thoughts travel faster than gloomy, despondent ones.


The olive tree is closely related to the traditions and customs of the Greek people, as well as their way of life.
It is not for nothing that it is considered a symbol of peace, prosperity and fertility, and olive oil is a source of life, health and wealth. In Ancient Greece, there was another sign of wealth that the god Plutos kept - a cornucopia. He was an inexhaustible source of wealth and all blessings. Depicted as a large horn filled with flowers and fruits. According to one version, this horn was the horn of the divine goat Amalthea, who accidentally broke it. According to another version, the horn of the river god Achelous, who took the form of a bull during a duel with Hercules and was broken by him, became the cornucopia. In my store you can purchase or order works with these or other symbols of wealth, prosperity and prosperity.
Write your wishes and questions in a personal message

Who is Andrey Levshinov

Andrey Levshinov is a Doctor of Psychological and Philosophical Sciences, laureate of the National Greatness Prize, author of numerous works on psychology, yoga, oriental medicine, healthy lifestyle and transformation of consciousness.

He spent 8 years traveling, immersing himself in Eastern culture. He studied Buddhist psychopractices from great masters, studied yoga practices, and practiced karate and other martial arts.

Levshinov “packed” the accumulated knowledge into a system of spiritual and physical development understandable to the Russian reader. The system teaches that the laws of the Universe and meditative practices are the key to health, love, success and wealth.


Among precious and non-precious stones there are talismans of happiness. You need to wear stones in accordance with their sphere of influence. For example:

  • Happiness in your personal life will help you purchase aquamarine, rock crystal, cat's eye, tourmaline;
  • Happiness in material terms will be attracted by peridot, topaz, diamond, ruby;
  • Citrine and tiger's eye will help you climb to the top of your career.

What does the amulet symbolize?

Magicians claim that the amulet has a double meaning:

  1. Represents the change of positive and negative aspects of human life.
  2. Helps the owner to reveal energy flows.

Externally, the talisman looks like a circle. This geometric figure has many meanings. Let's list the main ones:

  • cyclicality, cycle;
  • the sun is a source of heat and life;
  • changeability, rotation.

The Romans personified the symbol with the goddess of Luck (Fortune). The deity is windy and unpredictable; where and when it will turn is unknown.

Happy Knots

Knot magic has been known since ancient times. There are special patterns that help you make knots that attract happiness. Each knot is woven to improve one or another area of ​​life. For example, the Lovebirds knot is for fidelity and happy love. The “Happiness” knot is for a generally happy life. “Wealth” knot – for material success. You can read more about lucky knots here.

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