What do the colors of tulips in a bouquet symbolize in the language of flowers? What color tulips should you give your girl?


  • Symbolic meaning
  • The meaning of the color of tulips
  • Why do you dream about tulips?

Tulips are beautiful and fresh flowers , a symbol of spring and tenderness. Any florist salon can offer a variety of shades and varieties of these beautiful flowers to choose from. They are used to create compositions as gifts, bridal bouquets, and decorate halls for special events.

What does a tulip flower mean, what is its symbol according to Feng Shui?

There are several legends about the origin of this flower. According to the first legend, in an ancient state there lived a king who wanted to tie the knot with a beautiful girl. However, many people wanted to prevent the union, so they lied to the king, saying that the girl had died. Out of grief and frustration, the young man threw himself off the cliff. In the place where drops of blood were shed, beautiful flowers grew. The flowers were named after the name of the king - tulips.

What does a tulip flower mean, what is its symbol according to Feng Shui:

  • There is another legend, according to which not far from the ancient village there were fields with an unusual flower, with closed buds. Anyone who looks at the opened bud will find happiness. That is why many residents came to the flower, waiting for it to open. However, it still remained closed. Only when a young woman and her child were walking in the field did the tulip open. Since then, they began to believe that the tulip is a symbol of happiness and good luck.
  • In eastern countries, these flowers are given to those who want happiness and love. According to Feng Shui, it is a symbol of the feminine principle, passionate love. Depending on the color of the tulips, their meaning varies.

Legend of origin

There is a very sad legend about the appearance of this wonderful flower.

  • It tells about the immense, passionate love of the Persian king for one beautiful woman. He was going to marry her, but he was deceived, saying that his beloved had died. Then the king, mad with grief, jumped down from a high cliff, and amazing flowers were born from drops of his scarlet blood.

Therefore, they mean crazy, ardent love.

White tulips: meaning

The meaning of white tulips differs in different countries. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of folklore.

White tulips, meaning:

  • According to a German legend, there lived a woman in the mountains who wore light clothes. Beautiful white flowers grew where she passed. Local residents believed that it was a ghost that could not find peace. However, the young man did not believe the legends, picked white tulips and gave them to his beloved. He soon died from an unknown illness. Since then, white tulips have been considered a sign of the afterlife, and in the East they are a symbol of peace and balance.
  • According to English folklore, a white tulip is a fairy's bed. This imparts fairy-tale folklore, which is why white tulips are considered a sign of kindness and success.
  • Nowadays, white tulips can be given at the beginning of a relationship, and such a gift speaks of sympathy and sincerity.
  • It is also recommended to give flowers for weddings. They go great with white wedding dresses.
  • It is recommended to give such flowers to people who are sick. They are believed to promote a speedy recovery.


Yellow tulips: meaning

When you mention yellow tulips, associations immediately arise with Natasha Koroleva’s song. Are these flowers really harbingers of separation? Not really. As for yellow tulips, the legend about them first arose in Arab countries. It was believed that a jealous husband placed a red rose under his wife's pillow, and in the morning the flower turned yellow. This was explained by the fact that the wife was unfaithful. That is why yellow flowers began to be considered harbingers of separation. However, the woman soon proved to her husband that there was no cheating, but yellow flowers are still considered a sign of separation. According to legend, these were not tulips, but roses. The idea that yellow tulips are harbingers of separation is simply a myth. You can find out a lot about yellow tulips in the article on our website.

Yellow tulips, meaning:

  • Yellow in the east is the color of happiness, joy, hope, success. The color belongs to a warm color scheme, and its shades carry only positive energy. In most cases, yellow colors are associated with gold, hope for a bright future.
  • Florists say that yellow tulips are purchased only by those who love yellow. It is believed that such people are active, cheerful, love parties, communication, and often engage in adventures. The most interesting thing is that in our country it is not customary to give yellow tulips to lovers.
  • However, business people love these flowers very much. If during negotiations a bouquet of yellow flowers is in the room, this will lead to success and an improvement in the financial situation. It is believed that this is a symbol of gold, enrichment, and good financial standing.

What was it really like?

In the 6th-7th centuries, mentions of this marvelous flower first appeared in the literary works of Persia. And it was called there “dulbash”, from which the word “turban” later came. In the 16th century, the tulip came to Turkey, first to the palace of the padishah. The concubines of the harem bred him and did selective breeding. I must say, quite successfully - they bred about 300 varieties! And during especially significant holidays, so-called turtle processions were organized. The sultans' servants released them into the tulip fields in the evening, tying a lit candle to the shell of each of them. Turtles crawled across the field, highlighting the flowers. It was truly a magical sight. Even today, special holidays are held in Turkey in honor of this flower. He was so valued that tulip bulbs were forbidden to be taken out of the Ottoman Empire, and anyone who disobeyed would immediately have his head cut off. Despite all the prohibitions, some daredevil was found, and the bulbs came to Vienna in 1554, and in 1570 to Holland, where real tulip mania began. By the way, in Holland, in one of the museums, a bill of sale for a house that was bought for 3 onions has been preserved to this day! The red tulip, the meaning of which to this day is the same as in the above-mentioned legend, was very loved by such famous personalities as Voltaire and Cardinal de Richelieu.

Pink tulips: meaning

Very often, white and pink tulips are combined into bouquets, because their meanings are very similar. It is pink flowers that can be given at the beginning of a relationship to talk about your feelings.

Pink tulips, meaning:

  • This is a kind of declaration of love and sympathy. Pink color means a reverent feeling, tenderness, a desire to protect.
  • Unlike red flowers, pink ones mean the beginning of a relationship, the birth of tremulous feelings that have not yet moved to a new stage; the relationship is not passionate.
  • You can give these flowers to your friends. It is often recommended to give pink bouquets to a friend, mother, and all the people you love.

Pink bouquet

Why do you dream about tulips?

The tulip represents love. If you see this flower in a dream, it will have the same meaning. The interpretation of the flower should be tied to actions.

If you give a tulip in a dream, it means that you have feelings for the person and are ready to start a relationship. If your chosen one accepts the bouquet, it means he feels the same as you, and vice versa.

Breaking a bud or tearing its petals means that you do not have reciprocity for the person who presented the flowers. Or there is sympathy, but you don’t want to accept it.

The color of a presented bouquet in a dream is interpreted in the same way as the meaning of the flower itself. Red is love, yellow is success, etc.

Nowadays, few people understand the language of flowers. Most people do not know what a bouquet given to them can tell them. Giving tulip bulbs as a gift is considered a beautiful and interesting tradition, and the ability to unravel the meaning of the gift is a pleasant addition.

The meaning of lilac, violet, orange, blue tulips in the language of flowers: description

Lilac and purple tulips are artificially bred varieties that are very difficult to find in gardens. They are mainly grown for sale in greenhouses, since this variety requires appropriate care. Therefore, most often the cost of such a bouquet is high. Lilac and purple tulips are given to business partners and high-ranking persons.

The meaning of lilac, violet, orange, blue tulips in the language of flowers, description:

  • In ancient times, purple and lilac tulips were considered a sign of a noble family, so they were exclusively awarded to nobles, kings, or people of high status. Now nothing has changed, so purple bouquets are presented to leaders and the school principal.
  • There are a lot of flowers that are bred exclusively by breeders and cost a lot of money. Therefore, their meaning is not very common. For example, purple buds speak of fidelity and admiration for the object. Orange flowers indicate a wish for good health. That is why it is recommended to bring buds of this shade to the hospital. This is a wish for a speedy recovery.
  • There are no blue tulips in nature; they are bred by breeders. The meaning of these colors suggests that the chosen one wants to amaze his other half and surprise her. Presenting such a bouquet means readiness to perform complex tasks, as well as any whims of your beloved.

Tulips: basic rules for propagation and care

The tulip is considered an easy plant to care for and grow. Improper care or mistakes during the growing season lead to diseases and pest damage, a shortening of the flowering period and degeneration of the plant.

Choose a southern area with neutral or slightly acidic soil to plant tulips. The soil should be well loosened for better aeration of the plant roots. Before planting, you should apply organic fertilizers in advance: rotted manure or humus. Planting tulip bulbs should be done in autumn or spring.

Planting sequence in autumn:

  1. Select large, symmetrical bulbs without mechanical damage or signs of disease or pest infestation.
  2. Place in a weak manganese solution for half an hour.
  3. Wait until the soil warms up to +10C° at a depth of 15-20 centimeters.
  4. Lower large onions 12-15 centimeters deep, small ones - 6-10.
  5. Cover with any covering material: spruce branches from pine needles, mulch or fallen leaves to avoid night freezing.
  6. Remove the covering material in the spring and apply mineral fertilizer.
  7. Inspect the flower shoots, dig out the weaker and sicker bulbs.
  8. Apply liquid fertilizer after two weeks.

Spring planting is carried out in mid-spring, as soon as the soil thaws and warms up to +10-12 C°. The planting pattern is the same as the autumn one.

Recommendations for caring for tulips

Experienced amateur gardeners advise, after the bulbs have sprouted, to do the following:

  • loosen the soil around the seedlings so that the flowers receive more water and air;
  • water the arrows little by little but often. Don't wait until the soil is completely dry;
  • feed with complex mineral fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus during the formation of buds;
  • Fertilize plants when the ground is wet after rain or after watering;
  • water deeply for 14-20 days after the end of the flowering period;
  • cut off faded inflorescences on days 5-9;
  • remove loose leaves, petals and buds to reduce the likelihood of infection;
  • dig up ripe onions with brown spots - this indicates that it contains enough nutrients;
  • dry the dug up seed under a canopy or in the sun;
  • sort and process the bulbs. Until the beginning of the second ten days of August, they must be stored at a temperature of about +20C°, then reduced to +17C°.

During the period of dissolution and flowering, tulips need special care. This mainly concerns the watering regime: at such times, flowers need to be watered regularly and abundantly. The norm is 10 liters per 1 square meter of soil. It is necessary to add potassium-phosphorus fertilizers and microelements to the water for irrigation.

Tulips are curious plants from the point of view of history, care or established signs. They are rightfully considered the harbingers of spring: neither mimosa nor daffodils have received so much recognition and love. Breeders are constantly developing new varieties, which for a long time delight both amateur flower growers and landscape designers with their aroma and flowering.

All signs associated with tulips are positive. Agree, there is little hope in the world of things that have had such a positive assessment for a long time. Tulips attract material wealth, extinguish negative emotions, promote love and harmony, and protect from troubles and the evil eye.

Who do they give tulips to?

Tulips are beautiful spring flowers that can be given to anyone and for any occasion.

Who are tulips given to:

  • Bouquets of tulips can be presented for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and even on a first date. When composing bouquets, it is best to be guided by the knowledge and experience of florists. They are the ones who will help you create the right flower arrangement that will carry a certain message.
  • These colors should not be avoided, especially yellow shades, which are considered signs of separation. This is wrong.

flower composition

There are 7 tulips in the bouquet: meaning

Some of the flowers are recommended to be given in a single copy. The tulip is not one of those flowers. It is believed that in a single copy it does not look very presentable. Most often, tulips are combined into large bouquets, supplemented with buds of different colors and other types of plants. If you count the number of flowers, you can tell something about the person who gives the bouquet.

There are 7 tulips in the bouquet, meaning:

  • It is customary to give tulips in quantities of more than 7 pieces. It is believed that such buds look best in large numbers.
  • Seven tulips means love and respect. Although it is believed that the more colors, the better. Usually seven buds are given to people who are respected and adored.
  • This means delight and admiration. If a young man gives seven tulips, this speaks of hidden feelings, a secret desire to be closer to his chosen one.


Signs about tulips

The tulip is a symbol of love, happiness and prosperity. A large number of signs about love and relationships are associated with this delicate fragrant plant.

Before choosing a tulip bouquet, learn more about the meaning of this flower. The shade of the buds of this plant can tell you about the following:

  • red: hot, fiery love;
  • pink: joy, happiness;
  • white: tenderness, fragility;
  • yellow: warmth, pleasure;
  • lilac: affection, gratitude.

There are 9, 11, 15, 17, 19 tulips in the bouquet: meaning

It is customary to give 21-25 flowers to lovers. It is believed to be a symbol of love as well as passion. This is a way to confess your warm feelings.

The bouquet contains 9, 11, 15, 17, 19 tulips, meaning:

  • A bouquet of nine flowers is most often given to relatives, colleagues, and strangers. This is an excellent option for a bouquet for a teacher or a respected person. Lovers are not usually given nine flowers.
  • Eleven is not a very common number of buds in a bouquet. They make similar compositions if they want to somehow tie the bouquet to a date. For example, 11 months or years of relationship, from the date of marriage. Therefore, most often 11 colors are a symbol of something, the meaning is known only by the partner.
  • It is believed that bouquets with fifteen buds are a symbol of respect. That is why such compositions are given to business partners, with the hope of further cooperation. This means that the person really hopes for cooperation, respects you, and wants to continue the business relationship. Such bouquets are given to respected partners, very valuable people.
  • Seventeen flowers are given if they want to make peace and ask for forgiveness. They are often presented to lovers if there was a quarrel before.
  • Nineteen tulips are a good option for weddings, anniversaries and various special occasion bouquets. This speaks of respect and wishes for happiness.

What color tulips should you give your girl?

The choice of bouquet for your beloved depends on the relationship. Therefore, if they are only at the development stage, the partners have recently met and are getting to know each other, it is best to present white or pink flowers.

What color tulips to give to a girl:

  • To talk about your passion and desire to take the relationship into an intimate direction, it is best to give red bouquets. This is a symbol of sensuality, passion, unbridled desire.
  • If you want to present flowers as a sign of respect, wishes for happiness, wealth, it is best to choose yellow and orange buds.
  • To surprise your partner and tell her that your feelings have no barriers, you should choose blue or black tulips.

Gorgeous bouquet
Also relevant topics about tulips:

  • How to care for tulips in a vase
  • Tulips have bloomed: when to dig up bulbs after flowering
  • Yellow tulips: why they give as gifts
  • How to grow tulips from seeds at home
  • Forcing tulips at home by March 8

Tulips first appeared in the 11th century in the East, but they gained enormous popularity in Europe in the 16th century. Their meaning has completely changed and is different from eastern countries. Plants that were difficult to select and grow became luxury items. They were given to noble people, nobles. They came to mean wealth and luxury. Although initially the meaning in the East was different.

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