Calendar “Generals, Birds and Dragons, Noble Helpers”

Feng Shui


Complete Feng Shui analysis of your home or apartment - 12,000 rubles.

When analyzing Feng Shui, of Shen Wang, Bajai, Flying Stars and individual analysis of the Ba Tzu will be used .

Such an analysis allows you to find out the favorable zones in the room and distribute the rooms in the most convenient and useful way for each resident.

Feng Shui analysis allows you to adjust the arrangement of furniture (bed, desk, favorite sofa, etc.) using the best sector in each room.

You will receive plans with markings, indicating all the good and bad zones (read what the markings look like below).

After this, I will conduct a consultation via Skype , where I will explain everything and answer all your questions. Together we will choose the best and most importantly convenient option for placing each family member in your home. a video recording of our conversation, with a screen demonstration, immediately after the consultation.

As a result, the energy of your home will support you and bring you good luck. Your home will become a fortress that will protect you from the unstable situation in the world.

Your investment in Feng Shui analysis will pay off very quickly. Within a couple of weeks you will realize that this was a very successful investment in your life.

If any questions arise within six months after the consultation, I will also be happy to answer them.

You can get all of the above services for only 12,000 rubles (130 euros).

I do Feng Shui analysis without visiting the client's home. I take measurements using pictures of the house on Google maps. From clients I only ask for an exact floor plan, address, photographs of rooms, views from the windows to the outside and photographs of the building from the street side.

Of course, we need the birth dates of all family members.

There are also various subtleties that I clarify when making calculations. This is all decided through communication with the client.

I can give you a Feng Shui analysis , no matter where in the world your apartment or house is located. Modern technologies make it possible to do this no worse than having a consultant visit your site.

For a qualitative analysis of Feng Shui , you need a competent consultant with experience. I have already conducted thousands of similar consultations, improving the lives of my clients. If you want to receive a quality service, please contact me by email

[email protected]

or write/call on Skype


or Viber, WhatsApp


Below is a story about how I do a Feng Shui analysis and what the results are...


Today I want to tell you how I do Feng Shui analysis.

Why is it needed at all, how it can affect your future life. If a person has problems in life, then a Feng Shui analysis of an apartment or house is certainly necessary, just like seeing a doctor in case of a serious illness. But if everything is fine, there are no special problems, do you need to change anything? My opinion is that in a successful period of life, good Feng Shui works even more powerfully.

With the help of Feng Shui analysis, you can reach a qualitatively different level of life. When a person has a favorable life period, he is lucky, all good things happen on their own.

If this luck is strengthened and used correctly, the result will be amazing.

Such an amplifier of luck is a competent analysis of Feng Shui , your home or apartment. This is done in order to make the most of the good potential of the house and your birth chart . I recently had just such a case.

Everything was fine with the family, but they wanted to renovate the house, and my wife ordered me a Feng Shui analysis . Here is the house plan, already divided into Nine Palaces .

The general desire was to increase the family income , although there were no financial problems anyway. The first thing I did was analyze the house using the Shen Wan and find out which sectors in the house are good. The eastern sector turned out good and is marked green. In this sector, all negative influences dissipate. Even negative Flying stars will show only good qualities in this sector. Conclusion - it is advisable to spend as much time as possible in this sector. The Northwestern Palace neutralizes bad influences and gives us protection. I marked it yellow.

The door was right in the yellow northwestern sector.

This in itself is good. Possible incoming bad influences at the entrance to the house will be completely neutralized.

This family should not be afraid of the annual "5" and "2" when they find themselves in the northwest. Next, I did the calculation using the Bajai method.

I found out where our good zones are and how strong these zones are. The health and relationship sectors are weak in this house, however, the money sector is strong.

the Bajai point of view , turned out to be very weak, so they should not be afraid.

I didn’t mark them on the plan so as not to needlessly scare people.

It makes sense to combine Bajai and Shen Wan in one plan.

As a result, it turned out that the eastern palace in the house is very good both according to Shchen Wang and according to Bajai . This palace contains two rooms at once. This palace should definitely be used to place a bed or desk.

But the northern good palace is occupied by a toilet. Unfortunately, we cannot fully use it.

Next, I made a technical calculation of the Ba-Tzu cards of all family members. It turned out that the elements of water and wood are useful to the owner of the house. and for the wife earth and metal. To better understand which sectors are suitable for each, I overlaid the 24 mountains template on the plan. From it we can see which element’s energy comes into the house in a particular sector.

I use this information to individually place people in their good sectors.

In addition to the analysis of the 24 mountains , I have indicated on the plan where the Four Noble Influences are located in this year 2014.

According to the 24 Mountains plan, it is very convenient to do various Qi Men activations , which I give on my website.

Further, based on the data from the analysis of Ba-Tzu cards, I concluded that the palace of life for a husband and wife is the same. This is the western palace. A very important factor in Feng Shui analysis.

It doesn’t matter whether a person is in his palace of life or not, he still continuously broadcasts to a person everything that is good and bad in this palace.

You need to treat your home of life with special attention. According to the calculations received, it turned out that the palace of life will be strong in the current year 2014. The plan shows that the Lunar noble and good annual star 6 comes to the house of life. Knowing this, we don’t have to worry at all that we will have a “5” on the door in the northwestern sector in 2014. The palace of life of the owner and wife will not allow the five to show its negative properties towards them. And the fact that we have a good Shen Wan neutralizes the negativity for children. Children have different lives at home.

Of course I analyzed Flying Stars

in the house and everything turned out quite well.
Taking into account the wishes of clients to increase income, I calculated that the sector of money for spouses, regarding the house of life, would be east or southeast.
The East, as we remember, is the best sector in the house. That's where we put the couple's bed. The owner benefited from water; I placed him in the Dragon sector, on the left side of the bed. The Dragon has a lot of energy from the element of water. For the wife, water is the element of power, it is more neutral than harmful, so in terms of the location of the bed everything turned out great.

I won’t describe all my recommendations; there were quite a lot of them, both in terms of design and placement of children. We even chose a very good place to relax and watch TV.

A Feng Shui analysis was done for this family in August 2014. The results for the spouses at the beginning of October 2014 were as follows...

My husband’s income in his business increased by one and a half times. At the same time, the husband himself says that before this it was not bad, but here there is no end to clients. He is thinking about expanding and hiring additional staff.

His wife works at a music school.

In Slovenia, this is a fairly prestigious job with a good salary. There is a competition for music schools; not all children are accepted there because of the competition.

So, my wife was promoted at work almost immediately, after all the changes. She was made head of the department. It was an unexpected promotion. Naturally, the wife’s salary also became higher.

Children get straight A's and learn their homework without their parents' help. They simply don't need her. A good desk arrangement for homework is a great support for children.

These are the results that occurred in the family after my Feng Shui analysis .

I will be happy to answer all questions, write to me by email

[email protected]

Have a great Feng Shui everyone!

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If you also want to receive unexpected profits, gifts, and increase your income , you can order Cash Activations “3 Generals” through the site’s contact form.

The cost of a monthly calendar is 600 rubles.

Example of the “3 Generals” Cash Activations calendar:

datetimesectoractivatorsigns that need to be seen for activation to be successful, and the effect of activation
07.JunbullWITHcandlearrives, a man in black clothes drives past, or you hear drums - in 7 days there will be income
snakeINcandleyou will see a man in green clothes as he arrives, or 2 children will pass by - after 7 days you will receive income
08.JunsnakeNEcandleIf a person in white clothes arrives, passes by, or you see objects in the form of a spiral - in 60 days there will be prosperity
horseWITHcandlearrives, a man in black clothes drives past, or you hear drums - in 7 days there will be income
dogWITHcandlearrives, a man in black clothes drives past, or you hear drums - in 7 days there will be income
09.Junthe DragonZcandlefrom 3 to 5 housewives will come to you or pass by your house or a flock of birds will fly by - from 3 to 30 days you will receive a large amount of money
snakeNEcandleIf a person in white clothes arrives, passes by, or you see objects in the form of a spiral - in 60 days there will be prosperity
dogWITHcandlearrives, a man in black clothes drives past, or you hear drums - in 7 days there will be income

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