Polyamory with a geisha and an octopus - a symbol of orgasm. A Guide to Japanese Eroticism

. - sink
.: - concha - shell; female external genitalia - ostrea - oyster - pecten - comb shell

In the era of antiquity, certain types of mollusks were well known, but their symbolism is almost the same. Moreover, mollusk shells are often indistinguishable from snail shells.

Already by virtue of the name, and also because of the similarity with the vulva, the leading association in the symbolism of mollusks is the reproductive organs and external female genitalia.

Vulva; universal womb, source of life. A kind, erotic, lunar, feminine and watery symbol associated with conception and fertility (fertility), renewal, baptism and, in many cultures, prosperity. Sexual symbolism makes the mollusk an attribute of the goddess of love. The nascent Venus already in Pompeian frescoes, and later in Botticelli and Titian, stands on a shell.

The afterlife or rebirth; sometimes served as mourning attributes.

And in the latter case, and as an element of women’s jewelry, it can mean both death and life.

It is believed that the mystical power of the shell continues for a very long time after the death of the mollusk.

Basic values:

  • Birth, rebirth, life,
  • love, marriage.
  • a mollusk in a shell is a symbol of the Moon and virginity.

Spell with a shell to attract money.

What you will need for this spell:

  • 1 Green Shell
  • 1 Green candle
  • 1 pinch of patchouli - for money
  • 1 pinch of valerian root - for wealth
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon - for success
  • 1 drop of honey - sweetens your life and your income

⠀ Light a candle and focus on your intentions, let the candle burn for a minute while you maintain focus on your intention. Then place all the herbs in the sink until it is completely filled. Now add a drop of honey to the mixture and seal the shell by pouring it into the melted green candle wax. Let the wax set to seal the herbs in the shell. Now place the shell where you keep your money, in a secret place, in a safe, etc. Or carry it with you.

Symbolic meanings of the shell

The sea shell is one of the most beautiful creations of the sculptor named Nature, capable of carrying meaning for the human Mind and being a sign on its life trajectory.

The reading of this sign depends on the form of creation, the main ones are:

The main basic forms of shells; many varieties are found in nature.

  1. shell resembling external female organs;
  2. spiral shell;
  3. bivalve shell.

Each of them has its own unique symbolic meaning.


The main abstract meaning is the source of life and energy, this is the water YIN symbol. It is directly associated with the process of conception and female fertility .

Ancient fresco from Pompeii

In culture, this meaning is enshrined in the frescoes of Pompeii and Botticelli’s masterpiece, where we see the beautiful goddess of love Venus, emerging from the sea foam (from the cosmic womb), standing in a shell.

Spiral shell

Associated with space, galactic forms. Values:

  • inhalation and exhalation of the Creator;
  • the folding and unfolding of creation;
  • unwinding and twisting of matter.

In the Hindu tradition, the shell is an attribute of the divine Vishnu and a symbol of the primary sound “ Nada-Brahma ”, which gave life to our Universe. There are similar stories, only with different names, in Buddhism.

Shankha in the Temple

In Buddhism and Hinduism there is a “shankha” - a sacred ritual shell, usually:

  • very big,
  • white,
  • must be twisted clockwise.

It is through her that the Gods can bless a person and awaken him from the sleep of ignorance.

In Hinduism, in addition to the type of spiral twist, shells were also divided into:

  • by gender: female (thinner) and male (thicker and coarser);
  • by color - caste membership was determined: white - Brahmins; red - to warriors; yellow - for traders; gray - workers.

The Spiral Shell of the Nautilus is associated with a mathematical model:

The logarithmic spiral is a special type that is often found in nature. The size of its coils gradually increases, but their shape remains unchanged.

Logarithmic spiral: Nautilus shell, atmospheric, mathematical, cosmic.
As a sign, this shape of a shell can symbolize for a person the process of unfolding or folding , depending on the direction of movement:

- if outside, outside - time goes out into space, manifested life is formed, you are in the process of creation, realizing yourself, your energy and information from the inside out;

- if on the contrary, inward , a process of decompression occurs, a collapse of spatial life. Along with this - understanding, comprehension of what has been lived. As a private symbol, this is a sign of the completion of something, death (not necessarily physical) - a return from Space to Time.

Something in our body is also made in the shape of a shell. This is the auricle - an instrument of Hearing, the connection of the human brain with the outside world through the perception of sounds.

Please note that inside the head there is a spiral shape, the cochlea: 1 - auricle. 6 - cochlea in the inner ear

Nature doesn’t create just anything, which means this form is especially convenient for capturing and collecting external information, which is processed, understood, and takes on some meaning inside the head:

Double shell

With a pearl inside - can mean integrity and creation .

In different aspects, such a creation of nature symbolizes for humans:

  • virginity and feminine purity, integrity - then she herself is an undiscovered pearl;
  • When a woman carries a child , then the pearl of the future life matures inside her, and she herself is a shell.

“To withdraw into one’s shell” is a phraseological unit that means that a person has psychologically ceased to be interested in the outside world, and has limited his life to himself, to his inner content.

For many people, especially for representatives of the two water signs Cancer and Pisces, this is a normal state of returning to the subconscious mechanisms of restoring one’s own strength and energy, tuning into the internal ri, just taking a break for a while).

The best result of such isolation is maturation into a Pearl, beautiful, original. It is important to remember: in this state there is a danger of freezing, while you need to periodically open up to the outside world, realizing what has accumulated inside.

An undesirable result is a loss of connection with external reality, a withdrawal into oneself (maybe in one’s most beautiful and amazing self, but no one will know about it).
A very suitable symbol for autistic people.

Signs about seafood brought to the house

There are both good signs about seashells and bad ones. Some esotericists believe that shells bring only negative energy into the house, since they are essentially the remains of a dead mollusk. People say that this item attracts troubles at work, family conflicts, and money problems. Closed shells are especially dangerous - they are associated with death.

Shells brought from the sea can also bring illness into the home. It is believed that such souvenirs have an effect on the cardiovascular system, causing tachycardia, hypertension, and varicose veins.

But not all shells are “bad.” Sometimes mollusks leave their homes voluntarily, which means they do not carry the energy of death. To determine whether a sink is “good” or not, look at the inside of it. If it is red or pink, then the shell was boiled to drive out the resident. These should not be stored at home.

According to positive signs, shells can bring happiness and good luck to the home, protect against evil, and even help spouses improve relationships.

Shells with a red inside should not be brought into the house - they have negative energy

If you bought a shell with bad energy, there are ways to get rid of it. Dip the souvenir in water with salt and keep it there for several hours. It is recommended to repeat the ritual once every 1–2 months. This is a universal way to clean things, as salt takes away all the negativity. During storage, it is recommended to fill the shell funnel with small objects: this way it will lose all its magical properties. But you can just put it with the inside down.

Natural material in jewelry. Shells in esotericism

The sea shell is a symbol of good luck in travel. The seashell (curl or cowrie) is a symbol of a successful journey. It means great luck in travel and, in particular, is necessary for those who often have to go on business trips. In addition, the sea shell is a sign of royal power and patronage. Anyone who is in public service will certainly benefit from a sea shell in decoration.

In addition, the conch shell is one of the eight beneficial Buddhist objects; it represents the voice of the Buddha and the spread of his teachings. The shell, according to legend, was among the signs on the Buddha's foot. That is why Buddhists revere her so much. The shell is usually placed on a rosewood stand, often plated with gold or silver. Many Buddhists buy fancy sea shells as altar offerings. From a feng shui point of view, a sea shell can be used to attract business luck “from across the sea.” If you are engaged in export-import trade or the prosperity of your company somehow depends on foreign operations, then it would be useful for you to have beautiful sinks in a prominent place in the office.

The sea shell is an excellent talisman for all those whose work or business activity requires fame, glory and respect from society. To create good luck in your reputation and ensure your fame, place a larger sea shell (from 15 cm in size) in the southern corner or sector of your living room. Shells can also be placed in the northeast and southwest sectors of the house to enhance their energy. Strong energy in the northeast provides excellent luck in education, and in the southwest - luck in relationships.

SEEING SHELLS IN A DREAM: Shallows strewn with shells or algae portend well-being and contentment, since the efforts you expend will be crowned with the fulfillment of your hopes. If you dream of deserted shallows, then this dream foreshadows losses that entail despondency and mental turmoil. If you dream that you are collecting shells while wandering around the shallows, this promises you trouble due to wastefulness and a passion for excess. Bitter remorse and regret for wasted time awaits you. A dream in which you collect shells is a sign of a frivolous attitude towards life. Pleasures will ruin you, leaving behind only regret and memories. In water, on sand - minor annoying interference in work or enterprise. To undercut - you interfere with your own business with unnecessary fuss, if you lower it for yourself, and someone else’s, if for another. To collect - you come up with difficulties for yourself, and then fight them.

SEA SHELL DIVINATION: Do you want to know more about yourself? Then tell your fortune on a sea shell...

For fortune telling, you will need a large sea shell, preferably not an old one, and white, clean sand. It is better to guess at dawn, when the sun's disk slowly rises above the horizon. Heat the sand in a frying pan for 1-2 minutes. Spread white paper on the table and scatter grains of sand on it. Then take the shell with two fingers (index and thumb), bring it close to your lips and whisper your desire into the cavity of the shell. Then throw the shell onto the sand. Now carefully remove it and see what marks the sink left behind. If you see straight stripes, then your wish will come true easily and quickly. All you have to do is wait. Various irregularities and broken lines indicate that you will put a lot of effort and time into achieving your goal. How many broken lines, so many obstacles will need to be overcome before your efforts will be rewarded. But your wish will definitely come true. Circles mean that your wish will most likely come true, but be prepared for serious life changes. Various little animals, except cats, means that your wish will come true thanks to your loved ones. The cat denotes flattering and hypocritical people (enemies) who will in every possible way interfere with the fulfillment of your desires. Crosses indicate that your wish will not come true, no matter how hard you try. Such is fate.


Sink. Sina's son says the best look is fresh, white and smooth. The shell is burned and mixed with eye medications. And they burn it like this: they mix earth and manure, coat the shell, put it in tonir and burn it until it turns white. And then crushed, washed, dried and crushed again. Its nature is cold and dry. And they say it's cold and wet. And its beneficial effect is that it removes thorns from the eyes. It also stops the loss of moisture and lacrimation. It cleanses the eyes well and gives them shine. But there is an excess of dryness in it. If you grind it after burning, it will completely remove the moisture. And if mixed with dental medicine, it will give shine to teeth and soothe pain of a hot nature. Its dose per appointment is half a dram. But it is harmful to the lungs. Its harmful effects are eliminated by honey.


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