What does a picture of peacocks mean in Feng Shui?

Talismans in Chinese practices are often associated with animals due to their special characteristics and unusual behavior.

Feng Shui birds are usually identified with positive changes, for example, mandarin ducks, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, can radically improve the love sector in every home.

Such symbols can become not only a beautiful part of the interior, but also excellent helpers in realizing desires and enhancing positive energy.


The mythical Phoenix is ​​the most famous bird in Feng Shui. Most often it is used in combination with the Dragon, together with which it represents a symbol of family happiness.

Among other things, a bird that can rise from the ashes and reach unprecedented heights carries within itself the energy of great strength, resilience and the ability to change.

From the point of view of the theory of the five elements, the Phoenix belongs to the element of Fire, located in the Southern zone of the Ba Gua grid. The best location for the latter is considered to be the main passage or the front part of the house.

Strengthening and activating the power of the talisman

Before placing the peacock figurine in any sector, it should be filled with additional energy using a burning flame, which will make the amulet even more effective. For the same purposes, twice a week the figurine is placed near the fire. If the figurine is made of a soft material that can melt, then it is placed in the same room with a fire, for example, a fireplace. You can use candles by lighting them next to the image.

The talisman will gain great power if you speak to it regularly. You should have a conversation with the peacock, in which, admiring, pay tribute to its beauty. The bird also needs food. To do this, you can pour nuts, cereals or seeds into a small saucer and place the dishes in front of the noble creature.

When decorating a house with an image of a beautiful bird, you should remember that it needs care, affection and attention. A figurine dusty and forgotten after a few days will not in any way affect the situation in business or the situation in the house. If she is cared for, then soon a grateful multi-colored or white peacock will bring prosperity and happiness to a person and his family.


Crane paintings adorn many home decor items and other elements used in Feng Shui. It is a symbol of longevity due to its long life span. And in old Chinese legends it is said that cranes carry the spirits of departed people to heaven.

Therefore, the Crane symbol is used in Feng Shui to bring into the house the energy of a long, noble and peaceful life, as a result of which the human soul will be able to go to heaven.

And what to do if they have been living in your interior for a long time?

TABOO No. 1: figurines and paintings with predators

According to Feng Shui, there is no place for predatory animals in the house. Especially the panthers preparing to jump, the tigers baring their jaws menacingly, and the lions looking angrily. They bring destructive force to the house.

Is this so and what should I do?

My experience says that if a figurine (painting, embroidery) with such an animal was given to you or you bought it on sale on occasion and tucked it somewhere in the house just for the heck of it, then yes. One day I really liked the image of a black panther, and I even thought that it could become a symbol for one of my projects. But I remembered the Feng Shui taboo. I got sad. And then an understanding came to me: if the panther just stood there idle, “like furniture,” then there would really be a problem. But I needed... her energy. I started collecting images of panthers, intuitively tuning in to the ones that were right for me. It turns out that not all images of panthers jumping are the same! They have different energies, moods, vibrations. I found the one I needed. And she directed all the energy of the panther’s jump to her project. Thus, the energy generated by the figurine went into action, and did not rush around the apartment in search of a “victim”.

TABOO No. 2: peacock feathers

They are believed to bring bad luck, and according to some Feng Shui sources, even death.

Is it so

Personally, I believe that peacock feathers, the combination of colors in them and the shape are a unique creation of nature. I like them so much that I always have one feather somewhere in my closet or on the table. Well, these feathers lift my spirits and delight the eye with their colors. I can't help it! At one time I even had earrings made of peacock feathers; I even wore them on myself.

What to do

What you personally believe in works. If you are wary of keeping peacock tail feathers at home, there is nothing stopping you from depicting the peacock itself on your wallpaper. Below are a few more options.

TABOO No. 3: cacti in the house

They are believed to generate negative Sha energy with their spines.

Is it so

Many people -
including me
always feel when a blade, a sharp object, needles, thorns and other similar things are pointed at them. But cacti periodically bloom beautifully and perfectly help protect the apartment (windows) from energy danger from the outside (from the so-called poisonous arrows).

What to do

Putting a cactus on the window is not easy, but if you need to secure the house.

TABOO No. 4: a lonely column in the middle of the room

It is a source of unfavorable energy and disrupts the harmony of space. In an office, they often try to attach a table with a computer to such a column (in this case, a person sitting at such a table facing the column risks seriously slowing down his career path).

Is it so

Yes, this often happens. I checked it many times.

What to do

Disguise the column with potted plants to dissipate energy.
And for those who in the office are forced to sit facing a column -
put a wide field or an endless sea on the computer screensaver - to see life prospects. This helps a lot (by the way, not only when there is a column in front of your eyes, but also a wall).

TABOO No. 5: open shelves

The ribs of open shelves are a source of unfavorable Sha energy.

Is it so

So. You can even sometimes feel it literally in your back. Open shelves in the bedroom are especially dangerous: it is believed that a person is most vulnerable during sleep.

What to do

You can try hanging doors on such shelves or simply not sit with your back to them. If this is a library or a corridor, and no one lives there, everything is fine, the shelves don’t have to be closed.

TABOO No. 6: paintings and figurines depicting single women and men (especially nudes)

Single people will never be able to find a couple, and those who are in a couple will experience problems with the fidelity of their other half.

Is it so

Unfortunately, most often - yes. Everything that is depicted in the paintings around us in the house, we often receive in life. A lonely woman promises loneliness for a woman. And if the woman in the picture, say, has her back turned to the viewer or has an arrogant image created by an artist or photographer, then for a man’s interior this will also mean a whole series of disappointments in his personal life. I have tested this phenomenon many times (and not only me). This effect has a completely scientific basis: the image that you see every day is firmly stuck in the subconscious. And what is in our subconscious begins, one way or another, inexorably to be embodied. Then you won’t find where the legs grow from.

TABOO No. 7: mirror in the bedroom

The mirror represents the element of Water, which can symbolically “flood” the bedroom, and will also affect the heart (according to Feng Shui), because the heart is the element of Fire. In addition, by reflecting in this mirror, the owners - again, according to Feng Shui) bring on their heads betrayals and misunderstandings in the personal life of the couple.

Is it so

You wake up, and right from the bed you see another person (or even a couple!). Agree, not the most pleasant feeling. And a signal goes to the subconscious: “there is someone else here.”

What to do

Ideally, remove the mirror from the bedroom. If that doesn’t work, place the furniture in such a way that the person lying on the bed does not notice his own reflection (even designers will agree with this - not just Feng Shui).

TABOO No. 8: designer “crushed”
If you look into this undoubtedly unusual mirror, you will see yourself “in pieces.” It is believed that this also “breaks” you energetically and can subsequently lead to low self-esteem, failure, and even in some cases, illness. Not immediately, but over time. Feng Shui is leisurely. It always has a cumulative effect.

Is it so

For the most part, yes. And most people find it unpleasant to see themselves dismembered, but they bravely hold on and smile at the figured fragments.

What to do

Ideally, do not buy such things. Or hang it in such a way that the “crushed” part is not easy to look at.

TABOO No. 9: a fountain in the bedroom or a fountain installed without any idea

We have already written about the element of Water in the bedroom.
But in addition to their “water” nature, fountains are also sources of active yang energy. But it is not always and not everywhere favorable in the house. Is this so?
Most often yes. There are many Feng Shui formulas using fountains, often they even intersect and overlap. Feng Shui adherents of different schools argue, move fountains, fight on forums, worry whether everything has been installed correctly.

What to do

I decided for myself this: I love water, but there is no ocean in Moscow - there was, in the Paleozoic era, it seems. And now it doesn’t, what should I do? Feng Shui doesn’t dictate to me here, I do what I want. My home, my rules.

TABO No. 10: many doors opening into one hall or corridor

It is believed that doors that all go out to one point in space (a hall, for example, or the large hall of an apartment) create a strong energy flow, which is very unfavorable.

Is it so

Yes that's right.

What to do

You can hang a scattering crystal, a moving module, or some beautiful designer hanging structures, preferably moving, in the middle of the hall or hall.

TABU No. 11: wall shelf

If something (even very useful) hangs over you, this symbolizes a secret danger that has not yet manifested itself. She “sits in ambush” and is ready to literally fall on her head at any moment.

Is it so

This is true. Most often in my practice, people's troubles were associated with the appearance of some overhanging object in the house

What to do

Try to change seats - from under the overhanging giant lamps, heavy shelves. If storage systems are absolutely necessary, rearrange the furniture so that another item is above the shelves, for example, the end of a table. Not a seat or part of the bed.

TABOO No. 12: number four

One of the unluckiest, according to Feng Shui. Means "death".

Is it so

I think there is no cause for concern here. I am sure that each number has its own vibrations (and not even fatal ones), and each person can choose a lucky number or combination of numbers for himself (either himself or with the help of a professional). If you believe in numerology.

What to do

My journey into Feng Shui began with apartment No. 40. And now it has been going on for more than 15 years. I don’t see any catastrophe or misfortune in this figure. Each country has its own traditions and beliefs, but numbers are universal. I think you should rely in this case on your own preferences and intuition. We remember: Feng Shui is not a dictator for us, but an assistant.

On a deeper level, the number may not mean physical death (the one with the coffin and hearse), but metaphorical one. Agree, for something new to begin, the old must disappear, that is, die. I think that's what was meant. Feng Shui is a philosophical science.

TABU No. 13: leaking taps, pipes, running toilet

It is believed that along with uncontrollably flowing water, success, luck, money and love of the owners flow away.

What to do

Fix it. And there are no options.

What taboos have you read about?
What things should not be kept in the house? Share your doubts in the comments - I will try to give everyone a detailed answer. Source of the article: https://www.houzz.ru/statyi/fenshuy-13-zapreshchennyh-predmetov-v-dome-stsetivw-vs~84828194

Mandarin ducks

From the point of view of Feng Shui, the famous mandarin ducks are true “birds of love”, so they are often used as a love talisman. Also, due to the fact that these birds in nature look for one mate for life, they personify devotion, love and fidelity. Such birds are always used in pairs and placed in the Love and Marriage zone.

Tips for choosing paintings

When we talk about paintings for the home, we mean not only original paintings by artists, but also any that you like and can decorate your home - it could be a portrait of a famous person, a photograph of a cat, an image of a movie character, a watercolor landscape, a photograph of a city at night. If you look at the image, and it responds inside you with a smile, positivity and relaxation - this is a good canvas!

There is a relationship between the cardinal directions and the elements accompanying them. On the northern wall, canvases depicting water are welcome, on the southern wall, with images of fire, on the eastern wall, canvases with plants, forest and earth are appropriate, and on the western wall, canvases with metal and air currents are appropriate.

Color spectrum

Having determined which cardinal directions correspond to the zones of the house, you can determine the element corresponding to each zone. So, in the “water” part of the apartment, canvases in blue, light blue, and greenish tones would be appropriate. On the wall in the “earthly” part of the room, canvases in terracotta, sand, and brown colors are welcome. In the north of the house, in the quarry area, it is best to hang images in black and white or blue.


If the house has a well-defined specific design style, the subjects of the paintings should be chosen accordingly - for example, in a classic living room there is a place for a calm landscape, and in a loft-style bedroom, black and white images of city streets and architectural forms, and colored abstractions are appropriate. When there is no clearly defined style, rely on your own taste, intuition and “trying on” - in Picsis, for example, you can see in advance how the selected painting will look on the wall. Very comfortably!

Purpose of the premises

When choosing a subject for a painting, you must take into account the purpose of the room. In the kitchen, canvases with flowers, vegetables and fruits, landscapes and drawings of kitchen utensils are appropriate, but canvases with erotic content and “aggressive” canvases depicting scenes of violence, battles, and weapons are inappropriate. In general, “aggressive” paintings are inappropriate in any area of ​​the apartment, because a home is a place where harmony, peace, and tranquility should reign. A canvas with a war scene can be hung at work, in a personal office or meeting room, if the position requires you to often be in a “fighting” mood.


Stunning in its beauty, the Peacock is considered the living embodiment of the Divine Phoenix on Earth. The fascinating patterns located on its tail help to attract fame and fortune, and also protect its owners from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes. Of course, this incredibly beautiful bird cannot but symbolize beauty, love and attractiveness.


The rooster is often used in feng shui as a talisman for those interested in career advancement. After all, the word that sounds exactly the same in Chinese describes high-ranking officials or successful business people who also stick out their chests like proud roosters. Therefore, in order to achieve similar results, the image of this bird should be placed in the Career sector.

Because roosters wake up early and loudly announce the start of a new day, they are also called protective symbols that ward off evil spirits.

The unicorn in Feng Shui is a sign of fertility for those who want to get pregnant

In principle, this kind and magical animal will bring fortune in almost all endeavors. We know about unicorns mainly from medieval knightly legends and fairy tales, but in India this animal is revered as a sign of fertility (the onset of pregnancy).

Where and how to place a unicorn according to feng shui

Feng Shui masters advise ladies who want to get pregnant to use figurines and images of a unicorn in the western sector of the apartment or in the bedroom.


In Feng Shui, magpies are associated with the onset of holidays, joy and happiness. In addition, they symbolize the desire to settle in a new place, which is why their image is a classic symbol that is recommended to be used by those who want to settle in one place and start a family.

Also, magpies are always associated with marriage, the birth of children and happy housekeeping. And, in addition, these birds are often used as a talisman to eliminate or reduce any obstacles to career advancement or problems in their personal lives.

Feng Shui sign “double happiness” (double fortune) for stability of relationships or new love

The “Double Happiness” sign, drawn on reddish paper or cut out of it, topped with gold, is placed in a prominent place by the Chinese at any wedding. This sign is very effective for activating romantic fortune.

This talisman has its own legend. During the Tang Dynasty, one student went to the capital to take a very important exam for him, based on the results of which candidates for ministers were selected. But, passing through a small mountain village, he felt that he was falling ill. A rural healer and his daughter sheltered the student at home. Thanks to the skill of the doctor (and maybe not only to him), the young man quickly recovered, but when the time came to move on, he realized that it was difficult for him to part with the daughter of his own rescuer. The young people fell in love with each other. As a farewell, the woman wrote the student the first part of a reverse poem and asked him to compose the second. In a very free translation (and it is unrealistic to translate poems from Old Chinese any other way), the stanza sounded like this:

“Greenish trees are carried into the sky by darkness. Spring rain."

“Well, I can handle it, even though it’s hard. But only after the exam,” said the student. The guy passed the exam best of all, and the ruler himself noted him. The monarch personally discussed with the favorites and offered them several riddles. One of them was to supplement the poem with the first stanza. The second one was like this:

“The red flowers in the grass sway in the breeze. The earth glowed with the kiss.”

The guy realized that this text was perfectly suited to the first stanza that the woman gave him, and immediately wrote it. The ruler admired the young man’s talent so much that he proclaimed the young man a minister, and before taking office he allowed him to see his family. The young man returned to the girl and read the ruler’s verse to her. Soon they got married. Before getting married, they wrote two connected Chinese characters “si” (“happiness”) on reddish paper and hung the piece of paper on the wall. This is how the “Double Happiness” sign was born. It is double, so it is intended for both spouses.

How and where to place the “Double Happiness” sign according to Feng Shui

This sign can be placed in the southwestern sector of the house. If you are desperately lacking love in your life, place a double fortune sign in your own bedroom. You can put the corresponding amulet under the mattress or carry it with you in your purse. The sign of “Double Happiness” is used to decorate the marriage bed, chairs and other furniture used in the bedroom. In addition, it is applied to silk and brocade intended for wedding celebrations.


In any culture and faith, doves are called a symbol of peace. In Feng Shui, they are also used as a love talisman, strengthening relationships in marriage, and also preventing frequent scandals and quarrels.

Whether it is photographs, paintings or small sculptures of beautiful birds placed in the living room, the energy of birds will in any case bring good luck, lightness and inspiration to your home. Therefore, if you still don’t have them, be sure to make sure that at least one of all the above talismans immediately appears in it and begins to have a beneficial effect on your personal life and career achievements.


Suitable place in the house

By installing the image of a divine bird in the house, a person attracts comfort into his home, activates beneficial energy flows that create an atmosphere of joy, harmony and peace.

In this case, the bird can be depicted with a loose or folded tail. In the first case, it will help a person gain confidence in his abilities and give him a feeling of completeness and harmony in life. In the second case, it will serve as protection against rash decisions and rash actions.

If you decorate the northern sector with an image of a bird, you can soon achieve a promotion in your career or gain recognition from important people. The north zone should be decorated using blue and black colors - these shades will enhance the effect of the amulet.

A bird with a luxurious tail installed in the southern sector will bring fame and glory. If you complement the interior of this area with decor in red or golden shades, the influence of the amulet will increase. You can use an image of a bird with a bright fiery tail.

A good place to place a peacock would be the southwest sector - it is responsible for love relationships and partnerships. It is better to place a couple of birds here, which will symbolize mutual understanding between people, happiness and harmony in their union.

Only the western direction is not a suitable place to put a figurine of a peacock or hang a picture with its image. This sector is responsible for children and creativity. The energy of a bird can contribute to the development of excess pride and bragging in a person, which will negatively affect his creative activity and the opinion of those around him about him.

When designing the selected sector, you should remember that the atmosphere and interior in it should please a person, and a figurine or image of a bird should bring joy and admiration.

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