How the 12 Animal Signs - Earthly Branches - Interact

Fiery Punishment of Ingratitude

The Triple Punishment of Fire 三刑 or the Punishment of Ingratitude occurs when the three Earthly branches (the so-called “animals of the Chinese zodiac”) come together: Tiger 寅, Monkey 申(yam) and Snake 巳. These animals can appear together in the current year, month and day, this combination is taken into account when choosing dates. Since all three animals, Tiger, Monkey and Snake in Bazi are considered “Traveling Horses”, Fire Punishment also foreshadows the danger of accidents in transport while moving. On such days, you should avoid traveling and moving to a new home. In the case of starting a business project or concluding an agreement, hiring employees on a day with the Punishment of Ingratitude, people may behave dishonestly, deceive and even betray.

Install the “My Luck” application and select favorable days for any business from your smartphone.

In Ba-Zi astrology, we take into account when Punishment affects a person’s Ba-Zi chart, that is, all the animals are already in the chart, or some are in the chart, and some “come” in periods of good fortune, years or other periods of time.

When all three animals: Tiger 寅, Monkey 申(yam) and Snake 巳 are already in the bazi chart, for example, you were born in the year of the Tiger 寅, the month of the Monkey 申(yam) and the day of the Snake 巳, it is called the “full Punishment of Ingratitude "or "internal" Punishment. It concerns a specific person and changes his own attitude towards the people around him and the events taking place. As the name suggests, in the Punishment of Ingratitude, a person does not receive the gratitude he deserves for his deeds. For example, a person offers help to another from the bottom of his heart, without demanding anything in return, but instead of gratitude he receives new problems. Having not received what is due or simply expected, he feels deceived and is capable of becoming irritable and aggressive because of this. As a result, he begins to notice only the bad in others, sensing that he will be deceived again, he himself provokes such situations and ends up in them as a result of his own expectations. A person is overcome by pessimism, disappointment, depression, and distrust of others. It is clear that life is not easy for such people. They are pessimistic, frustrated, unhappy and prone to depression. People with the inward-looking Punishment of Ingratitude are often cynical, see only the worst in everything, and believe that in themselves they are worthless, although they do not tell anyone about it. It always seems to them that there is some kind of catch everywhere, that someone is trying to deceive them. It happens that such people have an inferiority complex.

When one or two of the animals are already in your chart, and the animals missing to the Punishment combination come in the pillar of luck, in the year, month or day, such Punishment is turned outward. For example, you were born in the year of the Tigerand the month of the Snake, and when the year of the Monkey , there is a triple Fire Punishment affecting you in that year. This can be expressed in deeds done by someone towards you. That is, you seem to be doing everything right, but someone creates problems for you from which you suffer.

Punishing ingratitude usually has a bad effect on family relationships. By affecting different palaces, it affects the relationship between relatives. If, for example, the Fire punishment affects the House of Marriage, that is, one of the animals is in the day of your birth, another in the month or hour, and the third comes (in luck, in the year, month or day), then problems may arise in the family life. in the day pillar , and a Monkey 申 in the hour, then when the year of the Snake , this can lead to alienation and discord in the family and even divorce.

If the Fire punishment affects the year of birth, it concerns you personally, it could be a disease, for example. If it affects the month of birth, it is associated with your parents, and if it affects the hour, it is associated with the children.

What scenarios can serve as an example of the Punishment of Ingratitude? The following situation often occurs: a woman does her best to support her husband or friend in study and work, but when he reaches certain heights, he abandons his “soul mate.”

Connect the Personal Fortune Calendar and receive personal information about the favorableness of days and hours, taking into account your Bazi horoscope.

When the element of Punishment is unfavorable for us, it causes especially strong problems. For example, for a person of weak Metal, Fire is unfavorable, and when Fire punishment comes, this element becomes very strong, bringing a lot of trouble to the person. Also, you should look at which of the life aspects of the bazi (Money, Power, Friends, Self-expression or Resources) is affected by Punishment. Accordingly, it can bring problems in these areas. For example, if punishment affects the aspect of Power, then the person may have problems with the law.

However, Fire Punishment is not always automatically viewed as something unfavorable. For example, if Fire is your favorable element, then the arrival of Fire punishment does not mean failure, on the contrary, it can indicate something good. If, for example, Fire is correlated with Money in Bazi, and this is your favorable element, then such Punishment can bring you money. But only when Fire is favorable. If it is unfavorable, then on the contrary, you can lose a lot of money.

Earthly branches. 12 animals of the Chinese calendar

The earthly branches are cyclic signs of the duodecimal cycle.
There are only twelve earthly branches, each for reference is given the name of one of the animals of the eastern horoscope. And in order to form an opinion about a person, it is enough to remember the behavior of specific animals. This does not give the main picture, but is a good complement to personality traits.

SignPinyinTranscriptionZodiac animalsFive elements
1Tzu鼠 MouseWater
2chǒuChow牛 Cow土 Earth
3yinYinTiger木 Tree
5chenChenDragon土 Earth
6Sy蛇 Snake火 Fire
7U馬 Horse
8wèiWeiSheep土 Earth
11XuDog土 Earth
12hàiHai猪 PigWater

Each earthly branch does not represent any element. This is a container filled with Hidden Heavenly Stems (HTS)

, which bear certain characteristics. 子 (Tzu) - Water Yang - the main Qi 癸 (Kwei, Gui) 丑 (Chou) - Earth Yin - the main Qi 己 (Ji) 寅 (Yin) - Wood Yang - the main Qi 甲 (Jia) 卯 (Mao) - Wood Yin - basic Qi 乙 (Yi) 辰 (Chen) - Earth Yang - basic Qi 戊 (Wu) 巳 (Si) - Fire Yin - basic Qi 丙 (Bin) 午 (Wu) - Fire Yang - basic Qi 丁 (Ding)未 (Wei) - Earth Yin - main Qi 己 (Ji) 申 (Shen) - Metal Yang - main Qi 庚 (Gen) 酉 (Yu) - Metal Yin - main Qi 辛 (Xin) 戌 (Xu) - Earth Yang - main Qi 戊 (Wu) 亥 (Hai) – Yin Water – main Qi 壬 (Ren, Ren)

Summary table of mergers and collisions of the Earthly branches

yearRatBullTigerRabbitThe DragonSnakeHorseSheepMonkeyRoosterDogPig
associations in seasonsPig BullRat PigRabbit DragonTiger DragonTiger RabbitHorse SheepSnake SheepSnake HorseRooster DogMonkey DogRooster MonkeyRat Ox
combination of threeMonkey DragonSnake RoosterHorse DogPig SheepRat MonkeyBull RoosterTiger DogPig RabbitRat DragonSnake OxTiger HorseRabbit Sheep
mergersBullRatPigDogRoosterMonkeySheepHorseSnakeThe DragonRabbitTiger
collisionsHorseSheepMonkeyRoosterDogPigRatBullTigerRabbitThe DragonSnake
RatTwo DragonsTiger
Two horsesBull
Two RoostersBull
Two Pigs

Earthly branches form groups - seasonal combinations or seasons

: Spring: Main element - Tree: Tiger (), Rabbit (), Dragon (); Summer: Main element - Fire: Snake (), Horse (), Sheep (); Autumn: Main element - Metal: Monkey (), Rooster (), Dog (); Winter: Main element - Water: Pig (), Rat (), Ox ();

The presence of a group of seasons in a bazi chart greatly enhances the element of season.

For a merger (grouping) to occur, certain conditions must be met:

season Spring - Earthly branches Tiger (), Rabbit (), Dragon ( ) when merging, the qi of the Tree is formed. The condition for the merger is a Tree or in the Heavenly trunks (except for the Lord of the day) or a Rabbit in the Earthly branch of the monthly pillar of the map.

season Summer - Earthly branches of the Snake (), Horse (), Sheep () when merging, the qi of Fire is formed. The condition for fusion is Fire or in the Heavenly trunks (except for the Lord of the Day). Or Horse ( ) in the Earthly branch of the monthly pillar of the chart.

season Autumn - Earthly branches Monkey (), Rooster (), Dog ( ) when merging, Metal qi is formed. The fusion condition is Metal or in the Heavenly trunks (except for the Lord of the Day). Or the Rooster ( ) in the Earthly branch of the monthly pillar of the chart.

season Winter - Earthly branches Pig (), Rat (), Ox ( ) when merging, Water qi is formed. The condition for merging is Water or in the Heavenly trunks (except for the Lord of the Day). Or Rat ( ) in the Earthly branch of the monthly pillar of the chart.

In the earthly group, the Earthly branches include the Dragon, Ox, Sheep, and Dog.

Seasonal combinations create the strongest interactions and have the highest priority.

They operate both inside the map and when one of the Earthly branches comes from outside. The strongest and brightest manifestation of energy is noted in the Earthly branches located in the middle of the season - these are the Rat - strong qi of Water, the Horse - strong qi of Fire, Rabbit - strong qi of Wood, Rooster - strong qi of Metal. Read more: about Seasons and Seasonal regulation in the Bazi map

Combination of three - triangle of Earthly branches

Mergers of the Earthly branches in triangles, known as the “element of three”, “combination of three” (see figure below), forming one element - the second most powerful interaction of the Earthly branches: Tiger + Horse + Dog = Fire; Pig + Rabbit + Sheep = Tree; Monkey + Rat + Dragon = Water; Snake + Rooster + Bull = Metal;

This combination differs from the seasonal one in that its Earthly branches can also act in twos (as a pair). The main condition for this: one of the two active Earthly branches must be the central Earthly branch of the combination. For the combination to take place, again, a germ is needed in the NS. And in the Earthly branch of the month there should be no element that controls the resulting element.

Mergers of Earthly branches with the formation of the resulting element. This is the third most powerful and significant interaction. Only neighboring Earthly branches participate in the merging of the Earthly branches in the bazi chart. And only if they are not involved in two stronger mergers. Rat + Ox = Earth Tiger + Pig = Wood Rabbit + Dog = Fire Dragon + Rooster = Metal Snake + Monkey = Water Horse + Sheep = Fire

It is believed that when the Earthly Branches merge to form an element (in seasons, in a combination of three or in mergers), they are no longer “distracted” by other interactions - collision, harm, etc.

For more information about Seasonal Mergers, Combinations of Three, Mergers, Collisions and other interactions, read the material: Interactions of the Earthly Branches

Collisions of Earthly Branches

In a clash of Earthly branches in a bazi chart, only neighboring Earthly branches participate. Rat Horse. Sphere: the clash of intelligence and old age, innovation and authority. Bull Sheep. Scope: change of ownership, skin problems, food poisoning. Tiger Monkey. Sphere: accidents, scandals, emotional outbursts Rabbit Rooster. Sphere: betrayal of close circle Dragon Dog. Sphere: collision of movement, change of work or housing Snake Pig. Area: vascular problems, curiosity

If the element is beneficial and has undergone such a collision, then a difficult time has come for that aspect of human life. If an unfavorable element has suffered, then, on the contrary, there will be successful moments in this area. Collisions inside the bazi map

Clashes within the card itself indicate disharmony in a person's character and attitude. The absence of various collisions in the bazi chart indicates a more stable, stress-resistant personality. Collisions coming from outside.
If a colliding Earthly branch comes from outside to some Earthly branch, then inevitable changes are coming.
How to protect yourself? Take control of changes, define their area and direction yourself. If the collision concerns the Earthly branch of the day (the house of marriage) - changes in marriage, relationships. If the collision concerns the pillar of the year, then first of all, pay attention to the health of the parents. If the collision came to the Earthly branch of the month, then the problem will affect relationships with brothers, sisters, friends, colleagues. When faced with the hour, you need to pay attention to the children, their health, studies, and behavior. For those who are just thinking about children, this year will be successful for planning a pregnancy. You also need to look at which relative star, which deity the collision came to - and draw the appropriate conclusions. Harm of the Earthly branches
. Compared to collisions, the harm is more intense and unpleasant. It usually causes emotional problems and is difficult to predict (unless, of course, you study bazi). In addition to emotional problems, as a result, we have losses. Rat - Sheep: problems with raising children, confusion, confusion Ox - Horse: lack of patience, emotional outbursts, short temper Tiger - Snake: serious accidents Rabbit - Dragon: legal problems, litigation Monkey - Pig: harm from wrong thinking, intrigue, introduction misleading Rooster - Dog: back injuries, bodily injuries

Destruction (breakdown) of the Earth's branches

Disruption indicates the presence of behavior that is potentially harmful to us. Rat - Rooster: depression, alcohol abuse, drug addiction Snake - Monkey: lack of stability Tiger - Pig: quick success is followed by failure Rabbit - Horse: breakup, problems with relatives Sheep - Dog: threats, the need to move Ox - Dragon: anger, nervousness, hysteria, incontinence For pairs Snake - Monkey and Tiger - Pig, which can be both a merger and destruction, the formation of a merger is important. If the merger is supported by a sprout in the Heavenly trunk, then there will be no destruction.


Fire Punishment

— Tiger Snake Monkey

Fiery punishment is the punishment of ingratitude. We do not look at the usefulness or unusefulness of fire. Important: two elements out of three can also form a punishment. But fiery punishment is not always “horror, horror.” The fact is that in this punishment, several interactions are considered: the merger and destruction of the Snake Monkey, harm to the Tiger Snake, the collision of the Tiger Monkey. These are problems of family relationships: mother is Tiger, child is Snake, father is Monkey. It is important to look at the strength of each element to determine which interactions will work and which will not. If the Snake can accept generation from the Tiger, then there will be generation, support, and not overcoming, harm. If the merger of the Snake and the Monkey occurs, then there will be no punishment, and the Monkey will not collide with the Tiger.

Earth punishment

— Bull Sheep Dog Punishment is humiliating, punishment is depression. If it is in the map, it gives a gloomy attitude, cynicism, skepticism, black humor. A person demonstrates his superiority, uses his talents to intimidate, proves to everyone that “they are idiots.” This is an unhealthy sense of competition. It is difficult for a person to accept that someone nearby can be better. Can't stand other people's success. They are very critical of people, and may even be unfair in their criticism.

Uncivilized punishment

: Rat and Rabbit This is punishment against the will, violence. Manifested by a lack of respect for other people. In general, this punishment can be described as follows: a lot of water, a weak tree, the tree stands in the water, rots, and does not prosper, i.e. water does not nourish the tree, but destroys it. It is very important to see if the Rat and Rabbit are useful for the card. If they are useful, then the Rat gives birth to the Rabbit, and does not overcome it.


- two Pigs; two Roosters; two Dragons; two Horses Often this is a painful conceit. Self-punishment spoils relationships with people through the fault of the person himself. If this is an element of self-expression, then the person himself is causing trouble for himself through his actions. These could be bad habits, overeating. For self-punishment to be realized, there must be an element of this element in the NS. For example, for self-punishment of Dragons, Earth is needed, for self-punishment of Horses, Fire is needed.

Read more about Punishments in the material: Interactions of the Earthly Branches

Three Sha Tables

Using this table, you can calculate the unfavorable days of influence of the energies of the Three Shas of the month, year, and Personal Three Shas.

yearRatOx (丑)Tiger (寅)Rabbit (卯)Dragon (辰)Snake (巳)Horse (午)Sheep (未)Monkey (申)Rooster (酉)Dog (戌)Pig (亥)
Sha Robbery
Sha of Misfortune
Annual Sha

Looking forward to 2022

At this time of uncertainty and instability, I pay great attention to forecasting events for the coming 2022. The energies of the year are emotionally unstable.

The lord of 2022 will be the Blue (black) Water Tiger, which comes into its own on February 4, 2022. I believe that 2022 will not be an easy year for everyone. First, a new 20-year cycle (planetary conjunction) has begun. Secondly, the influence of the Age of Aquarius is gaining momentum. And thirdly, the main flying star of “trouble” will be in the center, which means it will spread its influence to everything and everyone. But a “not easy” year does not mean it’s a bad one. Difficult periods are always opportunities for change for the better.

I will provide information so that you can prepare and take all protective measures in time and catch great opportunities.

What will the year of the Black Tiger bring us?

This is a year of actively expressing yourself, moving, changing jobs. The tiger will push us all to move, develop, obtain new information, explore new territories, and take risks. The Year of the Tiger will bring us the energy of a whirlwind, a hurricane, a tornado. And if you don’t want to move and change your life, then the Tiger himself will force you to raise your butt and move your legs. It’s just that he will choose unpleasant methods: problems, financial losses, disruptions of plans, breakups, breaks in relationships with friends and loved ones, etc. Well, your health may deteriorate a little.

Therefore, we begin our own movements and changes. And only then will you find success, long-awaited rewards, dreams come true, and pleasant surprises. Therefore, change your life at all levels. This includes daily sports, travel, rearranging the house, changing dishes, wardrobe... And even habits!!!

Monkey in the year of the Tiger

The very movement awaits those born in the year of the Monkey. For people who have a Monkey in their personal bazi chart, then this year will bring a lot of changes for you.

If the Monkey is in the Pillar of the Year (born in 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016), then moving will await you. There may be a change of city or housing. Here it is worth paying attention to health.

If the Earth branch of the Monkey is in the Pillar of the month (those born from August 8 to September 8), then changes in your career await you. You should also pay attention to your parents and take care of their health.

A Monkey in the Day Pillar indicates marriage or a relationship with a significant other. If you are married, there may be problems, but unmarried people, on the contrary, will find happiness in love. And pay attention to your health!

The Monkey in the Pillar of the Hour will show us changes in our relationship with children. There may be a loss of mutual understanding or health problems.

Change is not always bad, you just have to survive it.

We all need to learn how to experience negative emotions in an ecological way, especially anger, anger and aggression. Do not keep them to yourself under any circumstances, as it may lead to oncology (especially if there is a predisposition). If you are quite capable of controlling yourself, then these energies will affect you slightly.

If stubbornness and obstinacy are your strong point, then it’s time to put on the diplomat’s crown. Learn to negotiate, know how to bite your tongue in time, look for workarounds instead of tearing down the wall with a battering ram.

As for health, this is the year when many people will have problems with the gallbladder, eyes, heart, neuralgia, headaches, fibroids. Moreover, diseases will develop rapidly.

“4 heavenly animals” How to get material wealth? Analysis of the external environment of the house.

Let's continue our conversation. Last time we took a closer look at the red Phoenix and black Turtle. Now it’s the turn to get acquainted with the White Tiger and Green Dragon. In order to determine where which of the “heavenly” animals is located, you need to stand at the entrance so that you look from the house to the street, that is, have your back to the house. The Black Turtle is located behind the house, the Red Phoenix is ​​in front of the house (we have already talked about them in the previous article), the White Tiger is located on the right, and the Green Dragon is on the left.

The dragon is a powerful protective symbol. The dragon is the main symbol of good luck, ensuring happiness and prosperity. It denotes the masculine principle, and thus represents Yang energy. If there is not enough Dragon in the environment, then this mainly affects the male half of the family. Responsible for visionary consciousness, reliability and stability. The dragon brings with it changes, such as strength, energy, talent, luck. The dragon brings good luck in all types of material success - wealth, position, authority, power. It is also a symbol of vigilance and security. And the Dragon always controls the energy of the Tiger.

Next we will talk about the “white” tiger and its influence on the residents of the house. The tiger symbolizes the feminine and Yin energy. This is the western direction. The tiger gives protection and patronage. But this energy must be under the control of the Dragon, as it can get out of control and bring with it an unpredictable result.

How to identify the Dragon and the Tiger in the urban landscape? a) these are buildings and structures located in close proximity to the house (in which you live) b) parts of the house itself, if it has more than one entrance

If in a house where the white Tiger is larger than the green Dragon, then Yin energies will prevail more. Men will experience difficulties in realizing their masculinity. Life becomes unpredictable and highly dependent on external circumstances. Regarding the house, the entrance is located in the middle of the house, then the energies are balanced, but if the entrance is closer to the right or left edge, then either male or female energies begin to predominate. The rule is similar to what was said above - on the right is the Tiger, on the left is the Dragon.

The same can be said about apartments. I just want to put a stamp with the word “verified”. If you stand with your back to the entrance to the apartment, and on your right hand is the entire\most part of the apartment, then Yin energy predominates there. By and large, one woman will most likely live in this house; it will be more difficult for her to find a partner, but most likely there will be no problems with work, she will be the main one in the house. If you stand with your back to the door to the apartment, and the whole/most part of the apartment is on your left, then yang energy predominates there. In this case, the breadwinner in the family is the husband, the wife is in a more modest position; she would rather take care of the household, raise children and not put her ambitions first. If a man lives in such an apartment and is not yet married, then there will be questions about finding a partner (to clarify, as a wife). With a career, everything will be quite good for the men in this apartment.

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Although the main sign that characterizes a person is an element of personality, the animal of the year of birth (it is also called the earthly branch of the year of birth ) also has a significant influence. There is a lot of information about astrological descriptions of the 12 animals in popular literature, so I will not repeat myself, and will tell you better about something else.

The earthly branch of your year of birth will tell you which days may be unlucky for you. Days when you shouldn’t take risks and plan something significant, but it’s better to take a break and take stock.

To find such days, first determine the animal of your year of birth using the online Bazi calculator on the website.

All the signs at the bottom of the map are earthly branches. We are looking for the earthly branch of the year of birth - it is in the year .

Animals in the Chinese horoscope have a complex relationship with each other. Some of them love and treat each other favorably and form alliances. And some are irreconcilable enemies, they cause harm and clash.

Six collisions of earthly branches

Every day, like a person, has its pillars. If the day of an animal comes into conflict with your earthly branch of the year of birth, then this day is considered unfavorable and is called the day of the Personal Destroyer. It is necessary to exclude such days and not do important things on them, where luck is required. Don't expect much luck on this day.

How to determine such a day? You can enter the date you are interested in in the Bazi calculator and see the earthly branch of the day, or you can also use the calendar for selecting successful dates on the website, which indicates for whom the day is unfavorable.

If there is no choice, and something important is already planned for this date, then there is one trick to soften your unfavorable day. This will be written about below.

Note! The New Year according to the Chinese solar calendar, on which this entire system is based, begins not on January 1, but on February 4-5.

The earthly branches in the date interact not only with a person, but also with each other. If the earthly branch of the day collides with the earthly branch of the month or year, then this day is also unfavorable.

This is a diagram of animals colliding with each other. Earthly branches opposite each other collide.

  • Horse collides with Rat
  • Rooster faces Rabbit
  • Snake encounters Pig
  • Tiger encounters Monkey
  • Dragon meets Dog
  • Goat faces Bull

This means that all days of the Snake are unfavorable for people born in the year of the Pig, and all days of the Tiger are unfavorable for Monkeys.

If a year has come that collides with your year of birth, then it does not necessarily mean that it will be disastrous for you. But difficulties and changes in life are likely to occur, and they must be overcome. However, they may not push you into the abyss, but, on the contrary, take you to the top. This will depend on your actions, and of course on your Bazi card.

There is often an opinion that people born in the years of clashing animals will not communicate well with each other. For example, someone born in the year of the Dragon will be at enmity with the Dog, and the Rooster with the Rabbit. But in reality, to evaluate the relationships between people, you need to consider all the signs in the Bazi cards . Often people with the signs of animals at war with each other become best friends.

Six breakdowns and six damage to earthly branches

The presence of “breakdowns” and “damages” serve as signs for selecting certain dates. If an earthly branch “damages” or “pierces” a neighboring branch, then such a day is considered unfavorable for matters related to partnerships and the establishment of relationships, both personal and business. Such days are especially unfavorable for romantic dates and for choosing a wedding date.

Combinations of earthly branches

In addition to unfavorable combinations, there is a set of harmonious combinations. Animals in such pairs have excellent relationships with each other. Their compatibility is very high! It often happens that people fall in love with each other, and then it turns out that their astrological signs belong precisely to these pairs. It's like they are kindred spirits, attracted to each other on a very deep level.

These are the “couples in love” of animals.

  • The Rat merges with the Ox
  • Tiger merges with Pig
  • Rabbit merges with Dog
  • The Dragon merges with the Rooster
  • Snake merges with Monkey
  • Horse merges with Goat

When choosing dates, consider these mergers of earthly branches. When they are combined in this way on any date, it brings harmony, which means the flow of Qi energy on that day is favorable and will help your deeds come true.

If the selected day “collides” with the month, year, or is your “Personal Destroyer,” then use the hour that “merges” with the earthly branch of this unfavorable day. An animal, seeing its mate, will prefer to “merge” with it rather than quarrel with another animal. This little trick will smooth out the impact of an unfavorable day when there is no other choice for the date.

Here you can see what hour each animal corresponds to

There is another way you can use their fusions to improve your luck. Animals prefer to “love” each other rather than fight. If a year has arrived that “collides” with your year of birth, then use the animal that “merges” with the aggressive coming animal. This can be any symbol - a figurine, a keychain or a picture. For example, now is the Year of the Dragon. Those born in the year of Dogs are recommended to carry with them a figurine or image of the Rooster as a talisman throughout the year. Then he will distract the Dragon from attacking your Dog.

Tiger and Pig and Monkey and Snake have a difficult relationship with each other. On the one hand, they “love each other,” and on the other, they “break through.” That is, they behave like an emotional couple who swear and break dishes, but at the same time cannot live without each other!

Merging of Three Harmonies to form the elements

When three specific earthly branches meet, they enter into the union of the Three Harmonies and create a new element.

Tiger, Horse, Dog form Fire

Pig, Rabbit, Goat form a Tree

Monkey, Rat, Dragon form Water

Snake, Rooster, Bull form Metal

Such mergers neutralize the effect of the general unfavorable days of the three Shas and clashes and make them not so bad.

In addition, harmonious fusions of three animals can bring additional luck to a person if the element they form is favorable for him. For example, if it is money, then a person’s chance of getting rich increases. If this element represents the aspect of power, then promotion is possible.

You can find out your life aspects from the article on how to calculate the pillars of fate and luck.

The merging of three animals on a certain date is in any case a very good sign, giving the day positive energy.

Use the relationships of the 12 earthly branches - exclude unfavorable ones and choose the most favorable dates possible! This will serve as an excellent addition to Feng Shui to attract Qi energy and improve luck.

May you be surrounded by great Feng Shui! Have a good time on the site

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Ba Zi

Combinations of heavenly trunks. Combinations of earthly branches. Breakdowns. Punishments. Combinations. Ba Zi.

Combinations (mergers) of heavenly trunks

Combinations of stems enhance the resulting element and show the importance of relationships or areas of life.

As a result of the combination, the personal element is strengthened - a person easily finds friends and allies. The element of creativity and self-expression is strengthened, he will have some kind of hobby or passion. The element of wealth is an independent person, from an early age, striving to earn money on his own. Power, career - aimed at career and status, or marriage if we are talking about a woman. The element of resources and support - having a spiritual connection with one’s family, homeland, and being sensitive to traditions.

Jia-Ji. As a result of the combination, Earth (Soil) is born. Combination of faith. Gives the qualities of faith and trust. A person can be faithful if there are no other indicators. You can rely on him in business, he is inclined to remain faithful to the idea.

Gen-I. As a result of the combination, Metal is born. Combination of will. Gives qualities of will and justice. Strength of character. Such a person goes through adversity with his head raised. Hard and unbending. "The Steadfast Tin Soldier".

Bing-Xin. As a result of the combination, Water is born. A combination of charm. Gives communication skills. Gives sexuality. May cause promiscuity, early onset of sexual life. Good for a man, maintains sex life until later years.

Zhen-Ding. As a result of the combination, a Tree is born. A combination of tenderness. Strengthens kindness, philanthropy, conscientiousness. Softens character, makes a person not rude, gentle, if there are no other indicators.

Wu-Gui. As a result of the combination, Fire is born. Combination of politeness. Gives politeness. The person knows how to communicate correctly and build relationships. They behave correctly with their bosses and in the team. Enhances a person's attractiveness due to his intelligence, wit and politeness.

Marilyn Monroe. Actress. A combination of Hsin-Bing with the strengthening of Water, the element of creativity and self-expression. Charm and sexuality. The combination of trunks is an internal quality of a person that he can always rely on. Especially if it is a combination with a personal sign (personality element), as in this case. Some actresses make an effort to look sexy, and in the case of Marilyn Monroe, this is her inner quality, her peculiarity.

Breakdown (collision) of trunks.

Breakdown of trunks Jia-Geng, I-Xin, Bin-Ren, Ding-Gui, Wu-Jia, Ji-I, Geng-Bin, Xin-Ding, Ren-Wu, Gui-Ji.

A breakdown in the map speaks of internal contradictions.

Combinations of earthly branches

The earthly branches show relationships with the outside world, character traits. If the heavenly trunks are the motives of behavior, thoughts and internal states, then the earthly branches are the realization of the plan and the material world.

Union of elements, union of three harmonies (combinations of elemental development, triangles of elements, triple mergers).

Pig, Rabbit, Sheep - the union of the Tree. Tiger, Horse, Dog – union of Fire. Bull, Rooster, Snake - the union of Metal. Dragon, Rat, Monkey - union of Water.

This combination is the maximum enhancement of the elements. They give determination, ability, luck, luck, success in the field of this element. The combination protects against branch breakdowns and punishments.

The union of the elements enhances the qualities of the elements. The Fire Union gives good mental abilities, politeness and adherence to rules and decorum. Tree Union - creativity, kindness, compassion, philanthropy. Metal Union - commercial abilities, courage, bravery, will, determination. Union of Water - musical and acting abilities, communication skills, as well as sensitivity, spirituality, ability to learn, wisdom. It is also important in what area of ​​life the combination took place.

Natalya Vodyanova. Fashion model, mother of many children. Union of Fire (Tiger-Horse-Dog) in the element of wealth. Strengthening the elements of work and wealth: the ability to correctly evaluate oneself, hard work, efficiency. A person with such a combination in the field of wealth will find a way to earn money, and the greatest financial success is possible. The combination “leads a person along.” Strong Fire: good mental abilities, learning ability, brightness, sociality, ambition.

Let us also note that the profession of a fashion model belongs to the element Fire. In this profession, Natalia feels “like a fish in water.” The strong qualities of an element also give a good start in a profession related to this element. For example, musicians and composers often have a stronger element of Water.

Combinations of the union of elements and a combination of directions give a person many different opportunities in life and increase luck.

Combinations of directions (seasonal combinations).

Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon - direction East (Wood). Snake, Horse, Sheep - direction South (Fire). Monkey, Rooster, Dog - direction West (Metal). Pig, Rat, Ox – direction North (Water).

David Copperfield. Magician, illusionist. The direction is West, strengthening the element of Metal and the sphere of life - work and wealth. A person with pronounced Metal qualities, since Metal is still in its prime (the birth season is autumn in the Chinese calendar, the month of the Rooster) - brave, disciplined, hardy, well versed in details. The element of work is strengthened, he is also very hardworking and lucky with money.

Before us is a man working by calling. Creating a show on stage is the element of Fire. A magician also needs good Metal - precision in performing tricks and the ability to understand small details, dexterity of hands and fingers, the ability to create complex sequences.

Due to the fact that only two elements are strengthened in the map, a conflict between Fire and Metal arises. The presence of a combination protects a person to a greater extent from the destructive conflict of the elements.

Combinations of union of elements and directions help a person in his career, especially if he “follows” this element. But it is important to understand whether a person has enough strength to implement a combination if we are talking about a weak bazi card. Are there enough signs in the personal element or the element of resources? If the card is very weak, then there is not enough strength, and the combination remains unrealized in your career. For a strong bazi card, it is important to have enough signs in the elements of wealth, creativity, or power.

But even if the combination is not realized in a career, it brings more opportunities, events, acquaintances, interests, and changes into a person’s life. Having made an effort, a person usually gets what he needs. He may have a lot of ideas, luck, winnings in competitions and lotteries.

Temporary combinations.

Taking into account the beats of luck, or the coming year, a combination of a union of elements, or a combination of directions, is formed in the bazi chart.

How to calculate? Add the sign of the period coming for 10 years (pillars of luck) to the chart. For example, the card contains a Horse and a Tiger, and the period of the Dog is a combination for these 10 years. We also mentally add the signs of the current year to the map. In the year of the Dog there will also be a combination that is valid for one year.

If the combination is in a favorable element, it gives a person maximum success in his plans, improves health and well-being, and enhances the feeling of inner harmony. This is the most successful period in his life, when his successes will become noticeable to others. In an unfavorable element - tension, complexity, internal disharmony. A person with a weak ba zi card may not have enough strength to act if the combination greatly weakens his card. A combination of elements can cause diseases of organs belonging to this element. In an unfavorable element, the combination shows possible health problems.

A combination in the element of power is considered difficult, as it can indicate hostility and litigation. Especially for a weak card, where such a combination can cause serious deterioration in health. For a strong card, a difficult combination in the element of resources.

In any case, whether the element of combination is useful or not, it enhances the qualities of this element and sphere of life. Increases opportunities and luck. The combination brings more events, changes, more ideas come to a person’s mind. During this period, there may be unexpected changes, winning the lottery, receiving bonuses, especially if the element of wealth is strengthened by the combination.

During the period of the Wood combination, a person may discover his creative talent, start drawing, or become interested in yoga and a healthy lifestyle. The period of Fire combination can become a period of social activity; often an increase in Fire is present in the bazi charts of actors when they become popular. During the period of strengthening the verses of wealth - receive an offer for a new job, or open a thriving business.

Of course, a combination that has developed for only one year is weaker than in a period of 10 years. The combination that has developed for one year, taking into account the sign of the period and the current year, is even weaker.

You also need to pay attention to the area of ​​life in which the combination occurred. Personal element - a person’s personality, friends, social circle. Creativity – creativity and self-expression, hobbies, learning new things. Wealth - money, earnings, work, women for men, wife. Power - career, power, position, status, men for women, husband. Resources – support in life, parents, patrons, strengthening one’s own position.

Breakdown is a collision, opposition of signs.

Rat-Horse, Ox-Sheep, Tiger-Monkey, Rabbit-Rooster, Dragon-Dog, Snake-Pig.

Breakdown - collisions, overcoming difficulties.

A person cannot harmoniously manifest the features of the branch that is under the breakdown. These are opposites. For example, Snake-Pig. The Snake relies on logic and observation, while the Pig relies on intuition and trust in people. Having a breakdown in the card, a person makes mistakes more often because he does not know how to act correctly.

A person who has a breakdown in his chart gets into trouble and is more likely to experience negative attitudes towards himself and failure. He needs to make more efforts and overcome more obstacles. They come into conflict with him, and he himself provokes the conflict with some incorrect or inappropriate behavior. He often finds himself in awkward situations and is made a scapegoat. It happens that you need to think through your words and actions so that those around you do not perceive your intentions incorrectly. Breakdowns worsen health, finances, and relationships with others.

Some advantage of the breakdown is that a person accumulates energy, a certain thirst for action, he needs to put his efforts somewhere. Therefore, breakdowns are well implemented in sports, martial arts, physical labor, oratory, in court, etc., where there is a certain principle of struggle and competition. A person who has a breakdown in the chart, or has developed in a period, sometimes needs to “let off steam”, the accumulated negative energy through physical work.

Politicians, scientists, people who want to change the world in one way or another often have gaps in their cards. Therefore, breakthroughs are a certain driving force, as well as a desire to fight with competitors in politics, for an idea in science. The desire to fight, to take risks, to create some kind of change. If the energy does not find an outlet, the person may be nervous, irritable, or aggressive.

A breakdown of the partner’s sign is often a divorce, a difficult marriage, or difficult circumstances related to marriage, a delay in marriage. Perhaps the partner is in some kind of contradiction with the person’s environment, for example, a person of a different social level, culture, etc. A breakdown is some kind of contradiction. A situation where, for example, parents or society do not accept this marriage, or problems in relationships, health problems with a partner, etc. A breakdown indicates difficulties in marriage, but many people are able to overcome these difficulties, and their relationships are long and strong.

Many breakdowns in the chart - many difficulties in life, conflicts, misunderstandings, poor health, loss of money. The effect of breakdowns intensifies when one of the signs participating in them comes from time. For example, in the chart there is a Horse-Rat breakdown, then in the years of the Horse and the Rat, during the period of the Horse and the Rat, the effect of the breakdown will intensify. A person will make more mistakes and find himself in unpleasant situations.

If the breakdown comes in time: the sign of the period breaks through the sign of the card (primarily the branches and personal sign), this means any difficulties with work, money, or health, a deterioration in relationships or the health of a loved one.

Breakdown is an action of the material world. A person who has a breakdown, many breakdowns in the chart, wanting to change his life, often comes to a spiritual or philosophical attitude towards life. He gives up material things, thoughts about material things, rejoicing in what he has, reduces his ambitions and claims to other people, and wishes victory to his competitors. This approach brings inner harmony.

Triple punishment

Sheep-Ox-Dog, Tiger-Snake-Monkey.

Triple punishment is internal pressure on a person, a violation of his mental balance. Usually, the punishment of the Ox-Sheep-Dog has a greater impact on a person’s personal life, and the Snake-Tiger-Monkey has a greater impact on the public life. The Ox-Sheep-Dog punishment is called earthly and often gives a tendency to depression. The punishment of the Snake-Tiger-Monkey is fiery, it can indicate bad habits and addictions.

The Sheep-Ox-Dog punishment , if it is in the map, is a punishment for inflated demands. A person strives to occupy a high position in life, to defeat all competitors. Often he succeeds, he occupies a position, has funds. He is obsessed with his career or the cause that will elevate him. At the same time, he is not satisfied with the surrounding reality, sees negativity, shows arrogance and intolerance towards people. His personal relationships do not work out or deteriorate. A person sees that the goal does not justify the means, there is no satisfaction from what has been achieved, but he cannot stop, punishment forces him to act. This combination can result in a lack of inner harmony, depression, and lack of faith in the bright side of life.

The punishment of Tiger-Snake-Monkey, if it is in the map, is the punishment of wrong actions. The person is very active, he is active everywhere and in everything, he is nervous, and not restrained. He reacts sharply to any words and actions of those around him, considers as enemies everyone who disagrees with him in some way, and is ready to take active action against them.

Such a person is not restrained in his actions, words, or in criticizing others. Punishment brings scandals, conflicts, problems at work, loss of reputation. A person can remain alone because everyone he has offended turns away from him. Shows a turbulent and complex inner world. It is difficult to find harmony or simply be in a calm state.

Punishments require a person to change his position and line of behavior, to stop and think.

When punishment comes in time, a person who did not know this before (as happens when someone has punishment in their chart) may experience mental suffering and see negativity in everything. In this state, he commits wrong actions. During this period of life, various risks increase: illness, accidents, divorces, quarrels, loss of money, alienation from loved ones.

If in 10-year periods a sign comes that brings triple punishment, for example Tiger-Snake-Monkey, you must first of all pay attention to the years of the Tiger, Snake and Monkey within this period. In these years, the punishment will be played out more strongly. This year it is better to spend more time with your family or alone. Reduce risks, do not seriously change anything in your life, do not go on long journeys. It is important to have the right attitude, try to see the positive sides of life, and not be overly active and fussy.

Punishment that has developed only in the year has a weak effect, but can provoke deterioration in health, accidents, fractures, and conflicts.

It is impossible to say unequivocally that punishment is bad. This is internal pressure and it happens that it is difficult for a person to cope with it. And sometimes, during the period of punishment, people achieve great success due to the fact that their activity increases many times over. People become hyper-energetic and self-confident, often fearless.

Julia Roberts. Actress. There is a Sheep and a Dog in the card; in the period from 1991 to 2001, the card contains a triple punishment - Sheep-Ox-Dog. This punishment affects personal relationships, but helps a person achieve success in his career.

Julia was in a personal relationship that lasted 5 years and never led to marriage. The initiator of the breakup was her partner. According to him, Julia was obsessed with her career and only her. Ox-Sheep-Dog – the desire to achieve the maximum in your career. It’s as if the person can’t stop, which is why personal relationships suffer. The Ox-Sheep-Dog punishment is also called the punishment of enmity, since a person quarrels, quarrels with loved ones and destroys relationships that are important to him because of his ambitions.

Immediately after the end of the triple punishment period in 2001, Julia seemed to wake up from her career race and got married. The priorities in her life have changed. She learned to combine work and family, which was not possible during the punishment period.

The Ox-Sheep-Dog punishment often helps a person achieve success in his career and take a leading position. At the beginning of the triple punishment period, the film "Pretty Woman" was released, which marked the beginning of great success. And, precisely, in these 10 years, during the period of triple punishment, Julia became the most sought-after and beloved actress. In addition, in addition to the triple punishment, there was also the Gui sign - a direct seal. This sign helps a person achieve success and makes him stand out.

Double punishment.

Punishment of the Rabbit-Rat is a violation of the correct relationships between family members, disrespect for parents or other relatives, a violation of the foundations or traditions of the family. Often parental divorce, or difficult circumstances related to the parental home, illness or alcoholism in the family, pressure from parents.

An indicator of difficult marriages, difficult family life (especially if one of the signs in the day is in the sign of the partner). It may indicate a bad reputation in society, or the reputation can easily be damaged if the person takes a wrong step.

A person exhibits selfishness in relation to close people. This punishment is called the “punishment of ingratitude”, it shows that a person treats close people selfishly, and in return gets trouble and disruption of relationships with these people. The Rabbit-Rat penalty is reduced if one of these branches is involved in the combination.


Two branches of Rooster, Dragon, Pig and Horse. A situation in which expectations are not met because of the person himself. Punishment indicates character traits and bad habits. However, self-punishment also has its advantages and a lot depends on the person himself.

Two Dragons in a person’s character can manifest themselves as optionality, scatteredness and lack of practicality. Such a person does not understand that tomorrow could be worse, he takes risks, puts everything on the line, loses and finds himself in a difficult situation.

Also, two Dragons in a chart can speak of eccentricity and intemperance. There may be excessive frankness. A person commits rash and spontaneous actions, plays some “games”, not paying attention to the opinions of other people. Such a person can play roulette and be an ardent fan of any idea.

Two Dragons also speak of a tendency to depression and deep emotions.

A person with 2 Dragons is a big dreamer who can make unusual dreams and projects come true, especially if he has a practical advisor. This is a creative person, a person who “flies high” in his dreams. Such people are quite bright and theatrical, they like to make a bright impression and surprise others. They are interesting and attractive, they love attention to their person, and they know how to “play to the public.”

Two Pigs in a chart can give qualities such as narrow-mindedness, lack of any knowledge or skills, reluctance to learn and expand your horizons. Reluctance to see anything outside your home, homebody behavior. Such people can withdraw into themselves. Often bad habits, intemperance.

However, 2 Pigs often show creative talent, design talent (especially for interior designers), artistic, musical or literary abilities. Such a person strives to do something mentally. A child with such a punishment needs to be taught music or painting. Then the minus will become a big plus.

Paulo Coelho. Writer. Two Pigs in a weak Qi phase (death), a typical situation for a writer. Weak Qi phase – weak action and a lot of thinking.

Two Roosters often indicate a difficult family life, quarrels and conflicts in marriage. Stormy quarrels and reconciliations. A person can be deceived, unexpectedly abandoned by his chosen one, and he can do the same himself. This punishment may show a person “living” at work, at parties, leaving his children in the care of other family members. He may not at all want to have a family and have children, devoting all his energy to work.

A person with 2 Roosters is overly cocky and boastful, he misses happy chances because of these character traits. There may be a tendency towards depression and alcohol, binge drinking and binge drinking.

But people with 2 Roosters create vivid external images, or works of art. Such a person cares about the image he creates, he supports it, and can become an example to follow. He may be wholeheartedly devoted to his work. A person for whom work comes first.

Two Horses give a person excessive emotions, anger, excitement, pride. Sometimes excessive extravagance and expressiveness.

The Horse is a social sign, and a person with 2 Horses in the chart may not belong to himself. His working conditions and social life prevent him from doing what he wants, or he has to combine two areas of activity.

At the same time, the Horse is the most acting sign, and people with 2 Horses are always noticeable. They are bright, attractive, gifted. Many actors, singers, presenters have two Horses and a desire to perform in public.

Branch combinations: paired combinations, double mergers.

Weak combinations that are destroyed by breakouts and other combinations that come in a period or year. Paired combinations enhance their meaning in the map if there is a trunk of the element they strengthen. For example, the Pig and the Tiger strengthen the Tree and give creative abilities, and if the card contains Jia or Yi trunks, then these abilities will become brighter and the person can be an artist or designer.

Rat-Ox. Strengthening the Earth. The combination helps a person work more fruitfully and earn money. He has a creative approach to work and routine.

Pig and Tiger. Strengthening the Tree. Creative and design abilities. Abilities can be not only in artistic fields, but also in music.

Rabbit and Dog. Strengthening Fire. A person can invent and invent. A good teacher for children. The Rabbit is caring, and the Dog is moderately strict and intelligent.

Dragon and Rooster. Metal Reinforcement. Good commercial abilities, the ability to see and assess the situation, make money. Such a person may have a bright appearance or a non-standard view of the world.

Snake and Monkey. Strengthening Water. Deep intelligence, the ability to notice and feel what others do not notice. Scientist, inventor, mystic.

Horse and Sheep. Strengthening Earth and Yang energy. Sociality, attractiveness, charm, charisma, sexuality. Often found in Bazi cards of actors and public figures. Increases success with the opposite sex.

Monica Bellucci. Actress. Combination of Dragon-Rooster and Horse-Sheep. Many combinations in the map - many opportunities and events in life, ease of entering into relationships.


It is not a strong combination when the two branches harm each other. Bull-Horse. Rat-Sheep. Monkey-Pig. Rooster-Dog. Snake-Tiger. Dragon-Rabbit.

Combinations of branches.

The union of the elements, a combination of directions, a combination of branches, increases the amount of luck and the possibility of realization for a person. It also shows the ease of entering into relationships with people. Such a person easily agrees on what he needs and gets to the right place at the right moment. The more branches in the map are combined with each other and signs of luck, the easier it is to find a path to realization, earn money, find a partner, the more different opportunities there are, the more interesting and eventful a person’s life can be.

The combinations may not be realized in a person's career, but they still indicate opportunities. There is a situation in the ba zi map that shows great opportunities if a person can take advantage of it. This double combination of card pillars. Especially if the day pillar is involved. When the trunks merge with each other, and the branches enter into a paired combination.

Breakdowns of branches, punishments, breakdowns of the pillars of the map (when there is a breakdown of both the trunk and the branch between two pillars) speak of difficulties, contradictions, obstacles and conflicts. A person with these combinations in the Ba Zi chart, or combinations that have developed for 10 years, needs to strengthen favorable verses, engage in sports or other active activities in order to get rid of negative energy. Sometimes it is useful to visit a psychologist, engage in introspection, and spiritual practices. However, negative combinations also bring opportunities and events.

Feng Shui and Bazi Studio “REN SHEN”

I would like to share my thoughts on the merger of the Earthly branches.

Everyone knows that such interactions exist. And how do they affect the character of the bazi card and, as a result, the person himself.

First pair. Rat and Ox

The merger goes to the Earth. Why?

The Rat is powerful Water, the Ox is Earth. For the Earth to be fertile, it needs Water. Dry Earth cannot produce anything. And therefore, Water is absorbed into the Earth. The land becomes more fertile, and the water disappears

Now let's look at this interaction as two animals and their characteristics.

The Rat is a researcher, scientist, and the character of the Ox is purposeful and hardworking. Ready for a long routine of work.

The Ox just works, does what he was assigned, he is not a researcher, not a creator. When the Rat appears nearby, it makes the Ox think, it makes the Ox a hard worker, the Ox a scientist. This is already a thinking, hardworking Ox. He is already able to offer something, some kind of innovation. The Rat gives the Ox the ability to feel and desire something new. And as a result, it is more pleasant to communicate with such a Bull; he is not so conservative and “closed-minded”. He is already more flexible, less stubborn and ready for change.

And if a person’s chart is dominated by the Rat. Or it is simply in the chart and comes from the time of the Ox. What's happening?

A person with a Rat in his chart is a creative person, but rarely completes his work. The Rat explores, but rarely completes its research. The Ox comes and the innovations of the Rat are translated into real deeds. The Rat invents, and the Ox implements.

And as a result, the Earth strengthens, since it is the work until the result, until the implementation of the plan, that bears fruit.

Tiger and Boar

Two Traveling Horses. Their combination will not be as calm and fruitful as the Rat and the Ox. Movement, strength, aggression - all this is in the fusion of these Earthly branches. The result will be the strengthening of the Tree. The Boar Water nourishes and supports the Tiger Tree, and it rapidly rises upward

At the animal level, this is a fusion - the absorption of one by the other. The tiger is a hunter and he loves the Pig very much. This is precisely what can explain the result of the merger into a Tree. But... the Cleaver Boar is not so simple. It's not easy for the Tiger to deal with him.

The tiger is a leader animal. His impulse, his impulse, his enthusiasm are here and now. The Tiger cannot plan for a long future; he is simply not interested in this future. He feels good today. This is a man of impulse. If there is a Pig nearby, he gives the Tiger time for longer and calmer actions (the Tiger is full, he can think and reflect).

If in the family the husband is a Tiger, and the wife is a Boar, this is an ideal combination for a reliable rear, where you can “lie down”, think and.. prepare a new breakthrough.

The Pig Woman will create a home for her Tiger that the Tiger always wants to return to. Comfort, coziness, food and tranquility await him there.

It’s good if a woman is nine years younger than her husband. The perfect combination.

In combination with the Boar, the Tiger becomes a soft cat, a pet, but one that is able to show its claws. In combination with the Horse, the Tiger will be a formidable beast.

Rabbit and Dog

The Rabbit is the peak of the Tree season; the powerful Tree is able to give up its strength so that the Fire stored in the Dog rushes out. The result of such a merger will be Fire

The rabbit is the most caring animal and he cares not only about children, but also about those who are close to him. He treats his neighbors as his children. It is important for him that everyone is fed, shod, and clothed. The rabbit feels good here and now. He doesn't look into the future. But if a Dog appears nearby, which is always on guard, always looking forward and expecting trouble, then the Rabbit begins to look into the future. He is already able to teach others how to earn their living and comfort in case of negative situations.

The result of such a merger is Fire. And this Fire for the Rabbit is a sharpening of the mind, this is already a Smart Rabbit. But besides this, together with the Dog the Rabbit is able to give a proper rebuff and becomes the Fighting Rabbit.

What if there is a Dog in the card and a Rabbit comes?

The dog is friendly, it is capable of love. This is a symbol of selfless love and devotion. She knows how to stand guard over her loved ones, she also knows how to be strict, demanding and even somewhat despotic for their own good. Together with the Rabbit, the Dog becomes softer and less demanding. She cares about loved ones here and now, and not in the foreseeable, alarming future.

The combination Rabbit - Dog is very good for family relationships in which the Dog is the leader and the Rabbit is the follower.

Dragon and Rooster

This combination results in Metal. The Earth of the Dragon and the Metal of the Rooster are in a relationship of generation and it is quite natural that the Earth gives birth to Metal. If a person’s chart contains Metal in the Open Celestial Stems, then this merger will have a real impact on the person’s chart. If there is no Metal in the Open celestial trunks, then the combination will exist, but the Daytime Dominant will not feel this significantly, but the Earthly branches themselves feel each other well and their relationships are harmonious.

Dragons are lovers of holidays, freedom, they are capable of transformation. They can change their point of view, they are not cunning, but they are simply interested in different roles. And the Dragon is not practical. He just plays and... doesn't benefit from it. Together with the Rooster, the Dragon acquires practical qualities; he is already able to successfully earn money. The Rooster also gives the Dragon the ability to work. The Dragon easily gives up what he started if he gets bored, and the Rooster helps the Dragon finish what he started. The Rooster is hardworking and persistent. But, both of them are dreamers and visionaries. The Rooster's fantasies are more practical and realistic than those of the Dragon, and together they are able to make their dreams come true.

What good can the Rooster get from the Dragon?

The Rooster works hard to realize his fantasies and plans. The Rooster invents and... implements. But, at some point, he may get bogged down in trifles, he will become bored with the task and may quit without completing it. Here the Dragon comes to the rescue and says: “Shouldn’t we fly somewhere?”

And as a result, the Rooster will spread his wings and... complete what he started.

The Rooster, enriched by the Dragon, organizes holidays so that he does not get bored with work. He does not sit still and on weekends easily switches off from work for trips and adventures.

Snake and Monkey

When these branches interact, the element of Water intensifies. The interaction of Fire and Metal is a relationship of control. Metal melts and boils in Fire. Metal is born on the Earth, but there it is in the form of formless ore; in order to become pure Metal, the ore must pass through Fire.

In the Fire of the Snake branch, pure Metal is born, and in the Metal of the Monkey branch, pure Water is born. Thus, two pure sources meet and Metal gives birth to Water.

For the combination to be strong, the Branches must be close together, and for a significant impact on the Daytime Dominant, there must be Water in the Open Celestial Stems.

At the animal level, this is a mysterious combination.

This is a meeting of two smart animals. The snake is smart with its analytical abilities, the ability to create an overall picture from details. And the Monkey is smart with the ability to work with parts of the whole.

The Snake is wise, the Monkey is cunning. The Snake is strong in its holistic perception of the world; the Monkey helps the Snake to embody this integrity in private affairs.

The Snake is modest, she is not even always confident in herself, and the Monkey does not suffer from these shortcomings. And as a result, the Snake becomes more open, bolder with its analytical observations and conclusions, and ceases to hide its merits.

When there is a Monkey in the chart and the Snake comes, the Monkey becomes more prudent and less resourceful. The Monkey is capable of working with its hands, of fine manual labor, and with the help of the Snake, it begins to better understand where and how this ability will be in demand. The Snake helps the Monkey to see what is currently in demand on the market and how to make good money from it. As a result of the merger of the Snake and the Monkey, Water is formed, and Water is wisdom. Therefore, a deeper understanding of the situation and life in general comes.

Horse and Goat

The main point of view is that as a result of the merging of these two branches in the map, the element of Fire intensifies. It cannot be otherwise, since both branches are in the season of Fire and the Horse is the peak of the flowering of Fire. But the Earth, following the Fire cycle, is also strong as a result of this combination. It's like lava flowing down the side of a volcano, cooling and turning into basalt.

At the animal combination level

The horse is a social leader. The goat is a collective animal. The Goat makes the Horse calmer and more balanced.

The Horse is selfish and possessive. The Goat helps it to show generosity and philanthropy. The Goat teaches the Horse to live in a team.

At the same time, the Goat sees itself as small compared to other people, and the Horse helps it raise itself to the level of strong and big people and, as a result, the Goat can talk to them on equal terms.

The Horse makes the Goat more restrained, less whiny and sensitive.

Horse and Goat are a very beautiful couple. This is a couple showing their strength and sexuality. If the man is a Horse and the woman is a Goat, then in this pair there will be a desire for beauty, for art, which the Goat is endowed with, and subtlety, grace and skillful use of this in life, which the Horse is endowed with.

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Feng Shui basics. “4 Heavenly Animals” How to get material wealth? Analysis of the external environment of the house. Part 2.
Let's continue our conversation. Last time we took a closer look at the red Phoenix and black Turtle. Now it’s the turn to get acquainted with the White Tiger and Green Dragon. In order to determine where which of the “heavenly” animals is located, you need to stand at the entrance so that you look from the house to the street, that is, have your back to the house. The Black Turtle is located behind the house, the Red Phoenix is ​​in front of the house (we have already talked about them in the previous article), the White Tiger is located on the right, and the Green Dragon is on the left.
The dragon is a powerful protective symbol. The dragon is the main symbol of good luck, ensuring happiness and prosperity. It denotes the masculine principle, and thus represents Yang energy. If there is not enough Dragon in the environment, then this mainly affects the male half of the family. Responsible for visionary consciousness, reliability and stability. The dragon brings with it changes, such as strength, energy, talent, luck. The dragon brings good luck in all types of material success - wealth, position, authority, power. It is also a symbol of vigilance and security. And the Dragon always controls the energy of the Tiger.

Next we will talk about the “white” tiger and its influence on the residents of the house. The tiger symbolizes the feminine and Yin energy. This is the western direction. The tiger gives protection and patronage. But this energy must be under the control of the Dragon, as it can get out of control and bring with it an unpredictable result.

How to identify the Dragon and the Tiger in the urban landscape? a) these are buildings and structures located in close proximity to the house (in which you live) b) parts of the house itself, if it has more than one entrance. If in a house in which the white Tiger is larger than the green Dragon, then Yin energies will predominate. Men will experience difficulties in realizing their masculinity. Life becomes unpredictable and highly dependent on external circumstances. Regarding the house, the entrance is located in the middle of the house, then the energies are balanced, but if the entrance is closer to the right or left edge, then either male or female energies begin to predominate. The rule is similar to what was said above - on the right is the Tiger, on the left is the Dragon.
The same can be said about apartments. I just want to put a stamp with the word “verified”. If you stand with your back to the entrance to the apartment, and on your right hand is the entire\most part of the apartment, then Yin energy predominates there. By and large, one woman will most likely live in this house; it will be more difficult for her to find a partner, but most likely there will be no problems with work, she will be the main one in the house. If you stand with your back to the door to the apartment, and the whole/most part of the apartment is on your left, then yang energy predominates there. In this case, the breadwinner in the family is the husband, the wife is in a more modest position; she would rather take care of the household, raise children and not put her ambitions first. If a man lives in such an apartment and is not yet married, then there will be questions about finding a partner (to clarify, as a wife). With a career, everything will be quite good for the men in this apartment.

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Animal bazi

Cats and dogs, even birds, also have a bazi - a birth chart. If this is an animal that lives for more than 1-2 years, i.e. not a hamster or a rabbit, if it has sufficient intelligence (the same crow, parrot, owl), then the bazi for this animal will work. Tested for myself.

I have 2 dogs, several cats, I love animals very much and I have always been curious how all these aspects in astrology are played out on them or how the bazi of a cat and the bazi of a dog are revealed throughout life.

Owners of purebred animals are interested in three things in their pets - good exterior, good character (trainability, obedience), for some - the opportunity to earn money, i.e. health. And I want to know, naturally, whether any problems will arise with the animal.

All owners care about the health and happy life of their pet.

Bazi of the dog, astrological chart of the dog

This is a purebred dog, but born to a runaway mother - mother Wu on the star of the Traveling Horse Monkey, was the last in the litter - 7U in the NS of the year almost always speaks of a difficult fate, difficult first years. Mom on the Monkey is in the Sickness phase - she was sick and infected her entire brood. Treatment was required.

The dog's character was very restless and restless, even taking into account its breed. This gives birth in the month of PL and the clash of the Rooster and the Rabbit . Very smart, quick to learn, pronounced vocal abilities, even the ability to repeat speech. All this is favored by the Direct Seal on its useful god - the Monkey . The dog is very independent, daring, independent. - this is the birth in the month of the Robber of Wealth and a strong Metal.

The owners of this dog are the correct authority, there is none. There is a 7th killer. The owner chose her, the owner of the same sex, Dean. The owner influenced her character, but since this is a weak autumn Dean , the owner’s influence was not enough to shape the dog’s character. Unfortunately, at just over a year old, in the month of the Rooster, the dog runs away and is hit by a car. The Xin Mao pillar and the Rabbit-Rooster collision are triggered . The injury occurs in the lower abdomen and paws - the pillar of the day. The dog had no puppies.

The main problem in this bazi is the lack of discipline (influence of the owners), and the harsh nature of the “girl”. The absence of an element of money indicated that nothing could be earned from this young lady, but the owners’ money—Metal—was invested a lot.

Second example

Also a dog, a girl, also a Rooster-Rabbit clash. This is a purebred girl with a good pedigree. Mama Ji Yin land - Propensity for wealth. This is an expensive breed, the puppies from the litter were expensive. But, since Ji is on the Rooster (autumn birth for Ji), and Kwei (true mother of 5 el) on the Rooster is the phase of qi Disease , the puppies were not in demand and sold poorly. At this point, interest in the breed subsided.

Yi, born in the month of the Rooster - Power, the 7th killer, who receives offspring in the form of Ji - is very obedient. This is the most successful position for the owners - when the Power in the animal’s card receives the Helpful God. This young lady believes that all animals in the house must obey the order created by the owners))

She is prone to allergies and furunculosis, like any person born in the month of the Rooster. But here the influence of the owners is very powerful, so the owners keep her condition under control. She is beautiful - Dean talks about this - Spirit of Pleasure on Power and 3 Peach Blossoms. She has a daughter whom she loves very much)) The spirit of pleasure in the NS of the year. She was born alone in the litter and the dog did not give birth again - she was sterilized. Here comes the Rooster-Rabbit clash . This dog is not for breeding. By the way, another bitch in her litter had problems with gynecology, and it’s immediately clear from the bazi that this litter will have health problems. She doesn’t like to ride in a car - the girl doesn’t have a Traveling Horse in her map)

One more example

This is a male. Thoroughbred, but without pedigree - his bazi has neither Resources nor Power. A wealth thief in the NS is a sign that it is unlikely that the expected income will be achieved for the litter. Puppies from this litter did not sell quickly and were not expensive. The puppy was very willful and nervous - I think that nervousness gives extreme Self-Expression to dogs. In the veterinary clinic he screamed as if he was being cut, he was very afraid of the sight of needles and the doctor)

This male can theoretically be a good producer - theoretically, because he is not given for breeding. The most important thing is the abundance of Tomb qi phases in the chart. At the age of 4 months, the puppy began to have an allergy to gluten, not a single type of dry food suited him, the vets could not understand what was wrong, they were treated for parasites and pancreatitis, but the puppy was steadily losing weight, the food was not digested. Those. Here are the cards, with Graves and expressed Earth, in dogs they can include problems with the digestive organs - everything, like in people.

There are no master powers in the card, and if there were, such a card is not the “master”, i.e. these are dogs of mood) He wants to obey, he doesn’t want to - he has more important things to do. Emotional contact with the owners is very important for him; the lack of Water affects him. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if the owners were in this map, they would receive the Breakdown or Conception phase , both of which are not very good. Therefore, this male really needs clear boundaries and the presence of the owner. There is a danger of escape (the owner of the card disappears) or it may be stolen.

But the plus here is that the dog’s owners are in a good phase in his chart, I mean the NS of the day. Plus, there are useful gods for the owners in his map. Therefore, there is hope that the hosts’ luck will prevail.

What indicators are important in animal cards

  • The owner with his card must be in a good phase in the card, regarding the GE of the day and month.
  • The power in the animal chart must “sit” in a good phase in the season and day. It is best when a dog is born in the month of Power for himself.
  • There should be no clash between Peaches - these are problems of an emotional nature with the Rat-Horse and problems with wounds and injuries with the Rabbit-Rooster
  • Traveling Horses add mobility; the animal needs to walk more and communicate more.
  • Self-expression is undesirable, it is a naughty animal.
  • Resources are a booth, a bed, Wealth is the home of the owners. If Wealth is weak, then the dog will not like the owner’s house, it will be uncomfortable in it. In this case, strengthen your Resources.
  • The animal's "body" must be in a good phase in the chart.

The same rules apply to animals as to people. Take this into account when choosing a pet, and your life with him will be happy and full of joy.

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