Correct fortune telling with wax and interpretation of wax figures

Wax fortune telling is the most famous and popular type of fortune telling. It has been known since ancient times and is considered a tried and true method.

This type of fortune telling was very popular in Rus'. Women actively used it to solve their problems almost every day. The frequency of this method allowed us to determine the most appropriate time for accurate predictions. Fortune telling is quite simple. It is important to follow all the rules and recommendations for this type of divination.

Fortune telling with wax and water

Wax fortune telling is also called “wax casting”. This method has been known since ancient times in Egypt and Greece. Rituals with candles in modern times are often used by magicians and healers in diagnosis and treatment. For such people, wax allows them to see all the diseases and problems of a person. Since ancient times, it was believed that if wax is poured into water, it will instantly help to reveal the secrets of the future.

It should be noted that not everyone succeeds in predicting fate using this method the first time. To do this you need to have good imagination and the ability to see signs correctly.

To carry out the process you need the following items:

  • Dishes with water.
  • Candles.
  • Matches.
  • Spoon.

There are several methods of fortune telling. In one method, the wax simply drips from the candle into the water, and the second involves the use of a spoon in which the wax is melted. It is considered more correct.

Figures of mythological characters

Angel. No matter what happens, the person will be provided with God's help. A time of spirituality, meditation, peace. Reading holy books is recommended.

The gnome hints at the need to apologize to someone very significant in life. There is no need to be a “little person”, it’s time to show wisdom and nobility.

The Dragon. To overcome the situation requires self-discipline, organization, and strong will. It is recommended not to waste time on empty conversations, watching TV, or wasting your life on social networks. Now is the worst time for this. Listing the problems in order and starting to solve them is now the only correct way.

Important Rules

There are several rules that must be followed for everything to go well:

  1. For this type of fortune telling, you must use only clean water. Tap water is not very suitable for this, as it is considered energetically dirty. It is best to use filtered water, as well as from a spring or well. But the ideal option would be Epiphany or melt water. When frozen, its structure changes. Thus, the water becomes absolutely clean.
  2. It is best to use a wax candle. It is believed that only natural raw materials have the ability to transmit information, tuning into human energy. Natural wax can be purchased from beekeepers. Church wax candles are also suitable. Paraffin is not very suitable for this, although some people use it successfully. It should also be noted that the spark plug must be new.
  3. It was believed that the mirror could help make the prediction more truthful. To do this, they placed it on the bottom of a bowl and only then poured water into it and began fortune telling.
  4. The candle should be carefully cut with a knife. You cannot break it, as you can damage a loved one.

It is necessary to light a candle for fortune telling with matches. The lighter doesn't fit.

Candle color and shade

A white candle is considered universal . But you can also use a candle of a matching color to solve various types of problems:

  • Red or pink is suitable for fortune telling about love relationships.
  • Yellow or gold plated will answer money questions.
  • Green will help highlight health issues.
  • The blue candle is suitable for everyday matters.

You can use several candles of different colors at once to immediately get answers to different questions.

With ring

The ring in magic has always been a symbol of infinity and strength. In this fortune telling, not only a ring is used, but also hair, which creates a kind of pendulum. There are some rules, strict adherence to which will allow you to achieve better results:

  • Immediately before the procedure begins, you must fully concentrate on the ritual being performed. You can concentrate by looking at the flame of a burning candle for as long as it takes to get rid of all unnecessary thoughts.
  • Fortune telling is recommended to be done in complete solitude and silence. Nothing should interfere, so you should turn off everything or get rid of anything that could disturb the peace.
  • If the ritual involves the use of thread, then its color should be either red, white or black.
  • It is advised not to ask the same question several times, even if the answer was not received or you did not like.
  • It's best to guess at 12 at night.

You will need a glass 2/3 filled with water and a sufficient length of hair, and it must be from your own head. The ring should be put on a hair and connect its ends, holding them between your fingers. It is important that the tips are not visible.

Then you need to briefly lower it into a container of water and quickly remove it and place it on the edge of the glass. In this case, your elbows should be kept on the table without hesitation so that they do not tremble. The hands should move freely.

After this you can ask, but only specific questions should be prepared in advance. In this case, the answer can be either affirmative or negative. In the first case, the ring will make circular movements, in the second, it will oscillate from side to side. If there is no movement, it means that the answer cannot be received at the moment.

You can ask any question. The essence does not matter, specificity and certainty are important. Concentration and concentration on the ritual are also necessary.

Wax divination method

The wax should be poured into cold, but not ice water. Before doing this, you need to formulate and ask a question. You will need a spoon and a candle. You should melt the wax in a spoon over the candle flame, pour it into the bowl and wait a little. Once the wax has hardened, you can begin to interpret the meanings. The meaning of figures on wax can be very diverse, so it is important not to miss anything. Any small detail can become a clue.

Recommendations for correctly performed fortune telling

In order for fortune telling to work , it is important to follow the following points:

  1. During fortune telling, the lighting in the room should be as dim as possible. It is advisable to turn off the lights completely and light candles.
  2. You cannot be distracted during the process, so you need to turn off your phone.
  3. You can’t start doing fortune telling in a bad mood.

Casting cannot be done during the day. Only in the dark the fortune-telling turns out to be as truthful as possible.

Candle flame behavior

By the behavior of the flame one can judge the near future. So, if it burns evenly, then the person will have joyful events. If the flame does not flare up for a long time, but, having flared up, gives a weak glow, troubles and tears await a person in the future. If it constantly goes out, then the fortune telling should be postponed to another day. If the candle hisses or sparks, this is important news.

Interpretation of figures

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The following are the main meanings of the figures. If you don’t find something in this list that works for you personally, try to use your intuition and make your own interpretation.

  • Lampshaded - you are being deceived, you should be careful.
  • Auto is a sexual symbol, and also says that dramatic changes for the better have come to your life.
  • The stork is a symbol of family happiness and promises many children.
  • Alligator - you cannot always correctly assess those around you, which causes trouble.
  • Amphora is a sign of alarm; your chosen one is afraid of a serious relationship.
  • Angel - promises a change in the inner world, moral maturation.
  • Arch - you will move to a new stage in life, a trip is also possible.
  • Arch . Symbolizes the change from one situation to another. It also foretells a trip.
  • Butterfly - to significant changes in life.
  • Banana - they are jealous of you, you may have traitors.
  • Bow - pay more attention to loved ones and colleagues.
  • Drum . Receiving important news. It is now time to express your opinion.
  • Tower . A harbinger of an early marriage or finding your calling.
  • A shapeless figure is negative.
  • Damn - to loneliness.
  • Bracelet - break off unpromising relationships.
  • Tubercles - you will have to struggle with difficulties.
  • Letters or numbers - if clear, then to good events, fuzzy - vice versa. If with dots, you will gain material wealth.
  • Bouquet . It is a very good sign, promising a special event, happiness, and receiving gifts. Sometimes it indicates an imminent wedding.
  • Boomerang . Its appearance during fortune telling promises that you will feel the “boomerang effect” on yourself soon.
  • Bottle - do not abuse anything.
  • Bull . You are in danger, be careful.
  • Vase - spiritual harmony.
  • Dumplings - things will end successfully.
  • Fan . A harbinger of a flirtatious relationship.
  • A wreath - your cherished desire will easily come true.
  • Rope is a symbol of life's difficulties.
  • Libra - strive for balance in everything.
  • Fork . You have a deceitful person around you, don’t trust him.
  • Grapes are a symbol of love, friendship, luck and prosperity.
  • Cello - your loved one has poor self-control.
  • Padlock . Open - portends some kind of surprise. Closed - will act as a warning.
  • Balloon - temporary difficulties.
  • A question mark is a symbol of indecision and uncertainty.
  • Crow - gather your courage and prepare for trouble.
  • Vulcan . Something will “explode” soon. Take control of your emotional sphere.
  • Kettlebell - be more vigilant in life.
  • Guitar - to harmonious relationships.
  • Eye . Urges you to be attentive and careful: there is a great threat of being deceived.
  • Head . It will be a sign of receiving a higher position.
  • Dove - difficulties will be followed by harmonious relationships.
  • The mushroom is a sign of vitality, health and perseverance.
  • Pear . What was started earlier will be completed successfully. In some cases, the pear talks about a new happy relationship.
  • Caterpillar - don’t be frivolous, think about your loved ones.
  • Door - a new part of your life follows.
  • Dolphin - easy overcoming of difficulties, help.
  • House . Acts as a very positive symbol. It can be interpreted in different ways: as the purchase of new real estate, a sign of family happiness, or motivation to do new things.
  • A road with a fork - new opportunities.
  • The Dragon . The figure suggests that you need to maintain your personality without depending on outside opinions.
  • Chimney . You have a fuzzy and blurry plan for the future.
  • Hedgehog - be gentle.
  • Raccoon - you are wrong.
  • Acorn . A new venture begins, a new idea is born.
  • The woman is a new friend.
  • Capital letter . Often symbolizes a specific personality that is important to the fortuneteller. But it can also indicate the first letter of a country that is significant to you or where you will soon go.
  • Lock . A symbol of new beginnings, for example, a new love union.
  • A star is the fulfillment of a secret desire.
  • A snake is a harbinger of pathology.
  • Umbrella . Open will be a harbinger of minor unrest, and closed indicates serious difficulties.
  • Turkey - justice will prevail.
  • Fireplace . A symbol of home, home comfort, good emotions.
  • Square . Tells about stability and comfort. Sometimes it symbolizes excessive self-love.
  • Dagger . People you think are friends are actually your enemies.
  • Birdcage . Closed - a person feels trapped. Open - promises to quickly overcome difficulties.
  • The key promises the fulfillment of everything planned, the achievement of goals.
  • Book . Symbol of new knowledge. Closed - will tell you about secret materials. Open - portends a new streak in life.
  • Claws . They will tell about an unfriendly personality.
  • Wheel . In all cases, it personifies the stages of life: the end of one and the beginning of a new one.
  • Bell . Receiving unexpected news. A pair of bells is a sign of a wedding.
  • Ring . He will talk about imminent engagement, marriage and other special events. The presence of dots next to it will indicate business connections.
  • Comet . Something unexpected and unplanned will happen in your life.
  • Ship . A harbinger of a happy trip.
  • Basket . Filled - you will be given gifts, you will be lucky. Empty is a sign of loss.
  • Box . Receiving a present.
  • Crown . A symbol of success, achievements, career growth. Also indicates constant public life.
  • Wallet . Heralds a purchase. If there are many points next to it, you will receive finance.
  • Cat - unpleasant events, loneliness.
  • Crab . Beware of false friends, rely on your sixth sense.
  • Cross – pathologies with troubles.
  • Bed . Calm down and take a little break.
  • Jug . He will tell you about your excellent health. Sometimes it foreshadows pleasant friendly communication.
  • Swan - receive good news.
  • A lion . A sign of strength, demonstrating a very courageous person.
  • Ladder . Life is changing for the better. It is possible that you will be promoted at work.
  • Lines . Travel signs. Wavy - tell about indecision.
  • Leaves . They represent prosperity. And if there are several of them at once, they promise great happiness.
  • A face or faces . Happy means joy. Frowning ones are enemies or competitors. Lots of faces - get ready for a noisy party.
  • Boat . He will tell you about a short trip or act as a symbol of help in trouble.
  • Spoon - for guests.
  • Car . Go on a short trip, meet with friends.
  • Medal . You will receive a reward for your actions.
  • Bear - to failure due to its stupidity.
  • The mill is empty talk.
  • Broom . Indicates the need to remove everything unnecessary from your life.
  • Hammer . Stand your ground until the end.
  • Bridge . Signals about receiving a lucky chance.
  • Hoe . By acting decisively, you will cope with obstacles, the main thing is not to overdo it!
  • Man . Symbolizes the visitor. If you can see his hand on the figure, you will receive a present or opportunity.
  • Fly . Something will make you a little angry. There is anticipation.
  • Ball . Ideas are being actively implemented.
  • Handcuffs . The personification of problems with the law. Occasionally they will tell you about bad addictions and addictions.
  • Knife . Due to conflicts, a break in relations is not excluded.
  • Scissors - you should not quarrel with family and friends.
  • Monkey - they are lying to you.
  • Cloud . Prepare for difficulties. If you surround it with dots, you will worry about money.
  • A blanket is a symbol of spiritual warmth.
  • Window . Look at the situation or your relationship from a different angle. And if they help you, listen to other people’s opinions.
  • Eagle - dreams will turn into reality.
  • Glasses - look at the situation differently.
  • Peacock - you worry too much about your appearance.
  • Tent . Adventurous travel sign. It is also possible that they are trying to hide some information from you.
  • Coat . Symbol of final separation.
  • Parachute . You will be able to safely deal with all the difficulties along your path.
  • The spider is a symbol of finance and cunning.
  • Hourglass . Stop putting everything off until later!
  • Rooster - positive changes in life.
  • Cave, pit - to serious pathology, death.
  • Pyramid . Something secret is disturbing your soul, which you cannot tell anyone about. It can also indicate a state when a person is overwhelmed by material needs on the one hand, and spiritual needs on the other.
  • Gun . Symbolizes conflict and warns of danger.
  • Horseshoe . The figure will tell you about a very successful fate!
  • Egg stand . Getting rid of minor difficulties.
  • Train - successful implementation of new endeavors.
  • Parrot - people are gossiping about you.
  • Package . Receiving a gift, a surprise.
  • Bird or birds . Flying - expect good news. The presence of dots next to them will indicate a strong quarrel.
  • Bee - symbolizes hard work.
  • Child or fetus . A new business is starting. In some cases, it symbolizes the appearance of a real baby.
  • Rose - dreams will become reality.
  • Hand . You will find a good lover or a true friend. Clenched into a fist - a sign of a quarrel, revenge.
  • Fish - you will easily adapt.
  • Airplane . Promises a trip. When his nose is directed downwards, he will talk about disappointment and unfulfilled dreams.
  • Lamp (lampshade). You will be able to reveal what was classified, or solve the problem of the past.
  • Candle . Tells about a significant period in life.
  • Heart . Indicator of long-term relationships, true love.
  • Crescent moon . Something new is starting.
  • Rocks . Prepare to deal with difficulties.
  • Shell . Receiving good news.
  • Dog . A sign of a true friend. Standing on its hind legs will tell you that some person needs help.
  • Owl . A sign of illness or betrayal.
  • Sun . Symbolizes everything good: happiness, creativity, success. Sometimes he talks about the birth of children.
  • Spiral . The personification of fraud.
  • Cup . Indicates poor health, increased vulnerability. When there is more than one glass, get ready for a festive event.
  • Arrow . Receiving bad news.
  • Chair . You will be promoted soon.
  • Steps . The personification of success and career growth.
  • Feet . You will be required to make a decision.
  • Telephone . Get important news. In a number of situations, it indicates a moral unwillingness to express one’s opinion.
  • Axe . Difficulties, controversial issues. Without a handle - tells about an unrealistic task.
  • Cake . A sign of celebration.
  • Trefoil . Your life will be happy, successful.
  • Magnifying glass . Study all the details of what is happening.
  • Forefinger . It itself has no semantic meaning. What matters is what it points to. If turned nowhere, it will talk about the failure of plans.
  • Snail . It's important to slow down now.
  • Ear . You should listen and perceive what is being said to you. It is possible to receive fateful information.
  • Torch . Symbol of knowledge.
  • Flag . A harbinger of danger, you should be careful.
  • Weather vane . Those around you greatly influence you. It is worth showing more objectivity.
  • A camera promises popularity.
  • Fruits . A sign of prosperity, good fortune.
  • Chain . Talk about strong emotional connections.
  • Church . Receiving an inheritance. At the same time, he personifies various oaths and promises.
  • Numbers . They will tell you about a specific time: weeks (located in the middle), days (when located closer to the rim). More numbers point to finances.
  • Watch - you're wasting time.
  • Cup . The personification of happiness and feelings of emotional pleasure. Inverted, it will tell about the breakup.
  • Turtle – wisdom and longevity.
  • Ball, ball - indicates perfection.
  • Hat . The main meaning is present. But you will learn more from its shape. For example, a jester's cap will tell you that a person will create the illusion of someone he is not.
  • Apple . The situation is returning to normal. Occasionally symbolizes temptation.
  • Egg . The implementation of new ideas will be very successful. It is a sign of the birth of something, both literally and metaphorically.
  • Anchor . Get ready for a sea voyage. Lying at the bottom - someone or something is holding you.
  • The pit is a bad symbol, indicating death or serious illness.
  • Lizard - meet an unpleasant person.

With salt

There is another way to tell fortunes about your betrothed using water, but only with salt. At night before going to bed, you need to eat a little salt or some food with a high salt content. At the same time, it is forbidden to drink water. Place the liquid on the side of your head by the bed and, as you prepare for bed, say the following words:

“My betrothed, the mummer will come and give me a drink”

You should see your betrothed in a dream.

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