Halloween Pumpkin: History, Legend of Jack-O-Lantern

For an ordinary European, pumpkin is a vegetable, a healthy, dietary product, but in the east, for example in China, there is a pumpkin that is the most powerful Feng Shui talisman - this is the Gourd Pumpkin. This fruit, not for food, vaguely resembles a large pear, has been used in China since ancient times as a powerful Feng Shui talisman. The pumpkin consists of two hollow vessels, the smaller one is located above the larger one, the small one is closed with a lid. And also, this Feng Shui talisman looks like the number eight (and after all, the horizontal eight is a sign of infinity), therefore this item is a symbol of the endless, beneficial attraction of extraordinary benefits, improving health, gaining longevity, good luck in business, etc. They are sold in modern stores Gourd pumpkins are not only hollow with lids, but also solid, made from different materials and tied with a red cord or ribbon, as well as with various auspicious symbols, hieroglyphs, and drawings applied to its sides.

The history of the appearance of the talisman.

At first, for a very, very long time, gourds were used to store fresh water. And fresh, the water remained in this vessel for quite a long time. And since clean and fresh water has always been valued in many countries, almost more expensive than gold, it is clear that vessels that help preserve the freshness of water were not cheaply valued. Among other things, people noticed that this pumpkin is able to accumulate positive energy and heal the surrounding space, so another beneficial, wonderful Feng Shui talisman appeared, which in our modern world can improve our lives. Ho-Lu, Wo-Lu, calabash - all these are names, gourds. This talisman is also made of wood, for example cypress, as well as ceramics or metal.

Garbuzova pharmacy


Porridge with fresh, grated watermelon will burn the wounds of the cake.


Natural watermelon (in gray water) removes stringworms and roundworms.


Young people, as older adults should, are advised to eat watermelon.


Garbuza juice is a medicine for treating liver and liver diseases, atherosclerosis, gout and bumps.


Watermelon pulp increases the production of milk in mothers who are one year old.


Watermelon porridge reduces restlessness in young children.


Garbuz is a wonderful remedy for sea sickness.


Baked watermelon prevents toxicosis.


Adding watermelon squash is a strong early remedy.


Drink watermelon with brown honey for sleeplessness.


Watermelon puree soup significantly improves potency.


Garbuzova porridge is good for colitis, gastritis and viral infections.

Where to place and how to use the gourd pumpkin talisman.

1) In the bedroom - a gourd pumpkin, it will revive the former passion of the spouses, help the lonely to find love, and bring harmony to the family.8) 2) Place a calabash near a sick person - this talisman will speed up recovery, taking away negative energy and making the space healthier. 3) In the family sector, pumpkin will improve relations between generations and restore the vital energy of household members. 4) on the desktop (and near it) the calabash will perfectly increase your performance and neutralize negative energy. 5) If you always want to be on good terms with your relatives, your children, and friends, place the gourd in the living room or dining room, in the children’s sector. 6) In general, the kolobash can be placed in any zone of your apartment or house, to activate the corresponding sector, for example, to increase income and even achieve wealth, you can place this wonderful talisman in the wealth zone (southeast sector), etc. 7) To neutralize the annual flying stars, a gourd pumpkin is also suitable. For example, in 2017, the Black Two is located in the north-west of the room, and here you can place a kolobash (a gourd pumpkin), as well as any talisman of longevity and health - figurines of a turtle or crane, peaches or lucky bamboo, etc. And also in 2021 . place any talisman of health and longevity in the south of your apartment or room (here this year there is a negative imperial star - the Yellow Five), desired talismans: gourd pumpkin (kolobash), god of longevity Sau, tree of happiness (peach), three star figures elders, etc. This talisman is usually cleaned or even changed once a year.
If the kolobash was near the patient’s bed, then after the person has recovered, the talisman must be cleaned with salt water, fumigation, or replaced with a new gourd. 9) Important: under no circumstances should you place the gourd in the bathroom or toilet - these are extremely unfavorable places for this talisman, which can lead to extremely negative consequences. 10) It is best to clean the gourd with salt water, fumigation with a lit (red) candle, or a Chinese incense stick, and after cleansing, put the gourd to “rest” for a day or two in a dark, dry place.

What does a pumpkin symbolize?

In the mythological aspect, PUMPKIN was a plant of the goddess Zhiva , who was also associated with the hundred (chakra) Belly and was responsible not only for earthly and human fertility (her Autumn holiday is September 22 - 24), but also, being the wife of Dazhdbog, was responsible for prosperity , in the broadest sense of the word.

That is why among the Western Slavs the pumpkin also became a symbol of matchmaking (initially, and only then, when traditions were forgotten, it became a symbol of refusal - the film “Trembita”, the main character gave “Garbuz” as a refusal to the groom).

Pumpkin magic

Among the Bulgarians, dried pumpkin, its flowers and seeds were often used in the magic of increasing wealth , in rituals for successful trade, in calling a child (carrying 3 pumpkin seeds near the womb).

And let us remember the holiday of Halloween, where pumpkin is one of the main elements of the ritual. It is celebrated in Western countries from October 31 to November 1.

This is a late interpretation and modification of a ritual action symbolizing the confrontation between two sisters, the goddess Zhiva (symbol of the passing agrarian year, passing light, grace - the symbol of a pumpkin and the light of a candle) and the goddess Mara, who was responsible for the coming time of darkness, trials, purification , a time when we are all tested for spiritual strength, in case of lack of which during its time, our souls can be taken over by various diseases, darkness, illusions - evil “forces” (its symbols are evil monsters and carnival masks of the Halloween holiday).

Initially, in this ritual, the pumpkin was used not only as a candlestick, however, not containing any frightening faces, but also as a gift and decoration of the house, as a symbol of the grace accumulated over the summer , life, which is revered in this house.

The custom of giving a pumpkin on this day was considered a good omen, because with it you give a piece of light, joy and warmth.

Activation of the talisman.

Activating this wonderful talisman is simple. Cleanse the energy of the kolobash as described above. Dry thoroughly if you cleaned it with water and put the pumpkin to “rest” for a couple of days. Then choose a place where this wonderful talisman will be placed. Sit up straight, take the gourd in your hands and bring it to the heart chakra (hold it at heart level, at a distance of 5-7 cm), thank the kolobash and say your desire or task that this beneficial talisman should fulfill. Place the gourd in the desired location. That's it, activation is complete, the main thing is not to forget to sometimes wipe the dust off the pumpkin. After the wish is fulfilled, or when transferring the talisman to another place or after curing the patient, it is necessary to repeat the activation from the very beginning.

Magical properties of pumpkin

For a long time, water and drinks were stored in gourds, and people noticed that the water in such a container remained fresh. In ancient times, a vessel was made from a gourd by a craftsman. He meticulously chose the fruit, and while working, he filled it with bright thoughts and good wishes. The master decorated the pumpkin with intricate carvings or forged decor, while telling out loud instructive stories and parables that were supposed to “teach” the talisman to recognize good people and help them in everything.

The gourd pumpkin is a universal amulet, the effects of which cover many areas of human life. The talisman is suitable for any premises, the main thing is not to keep it among trash and used things. The gourd pumpkin is always active, it has a beneficial effect on any other talismans and symbols that are nearby.

The practice of using gourd gourd as a magical talisman is not only accepted in Feng Shui. Many religions use this vessel of spirits in their rituals. Do not forget that the effect of Feng Shui talismans depends on the personal attitude of the person who owns them. Feelings when looking at the amulet, aspirations and hopes will become a catalyst that activates and directs its power along a certain vector. Therefore, in no case should you choose talismans that are unpleasant for yourself or that cause double feelings. The chance to achieve greater luck is to follow the rules of Feng Shui, which require that the harmony of the elements be maintained.

The healing properties of this plant have long been known. This type of pumpkin was even called gourd because it was used to treat the throat. In ancient China, people carried clean water in these fruits. Drinkable water, living water, was valuable, so this type of pumpkin became a talisman helping people. The legendary sages of ancient times kept the elixir of immortality in it.

Source: vse-talismany.ru


How to strengthen the Pumpkin Pumpkin talisman yourself.

It is no secret that many talismans attract all sorts of benefits to a person, but it is also no secret that a talisman made or strengthened with one’s own hands is many times stronger and more beneficial. So let's strengthen the Pumpkin Pumpkin talisman to receive all sorts of benefits. So, buy a gourd pumpkin, preferably without any decorations, ribbons or carvings. Clean it as described above, and leave it to dry and “rest” in a dry and dark place for a couple of days. Prepare a red or gold ribbon (the length should be no shorter than 16.2 cm and no longer than 27 cm - these are favorable Imperial sizes), three Chinese coins (with a square hole in the middle) or a ready-made mystical knot made of thin cord, a black or red felt-tip pen, your favorite aromatic oil. So sit comfortably, close your eyes and sing (speak) any favorable mantra, affirmation, affirmation, and then say out loud your deepest desire. Open your eyes, take a gourd in your left hand and tie a ribbon around the narrowest part of the talisman two or three times with your right hand. Tie three Chinese coins or a mystical knot to the ends of the ribbon. Using a felt-tip pen on the widest part of the pumpkin, write the hieroglyph symbol of your desire. For example: if you want wealth - the hieroglyph “money” or “wealth” or “abundance”; if you wish for health, draw the hieroglyph “health”, “prosperity”, etc. and so on. Then apply your favorite essential oil to your talisman (no need to rub it over the entire surface, 1-2 drops of oil are enough). Close your eyes again, bring the gourd to your forehead and ask it to fulfill your wish, then place your good luck talisman in the chosen place. After fulfilling your wish, the talisman must be thanked from the bottom of your heart, cleaned in any way, left to “rest” and can be repeated, i.e. make a new wish. IMPORTANT: if you decide to dispose of a pumpkin, you must do it correctly: bury it in the ground or throw it into running water (a river, for example). Be sure to create yourself a pumpkin talisman and get happiness, health, success in business, love and wealth, in short, everything you want!

The magic of Pumpkin for Samhain.

Pumpkin juice cocktail is a drink for Saihain.

Sweet fresh pumpkin with bright notes of apple and pineapple juices and a hint of allspice...oh mystically delicious! A pleasant and nutritious drink. The perfect drink for all your magical endeavors! Magical meanings: Pumpkin - fertility, abundance, prosperity. Apple - Love, healing, fertility, luck, happiness, immortality, prediction. Pineapple - attracts money and luck, protection. Allspice - dacha, health, prosperity, money. Ingredients: 1 medium-sized pumpkin 1 liter of apple juice and pineapple juice mixed in half. Honey A little ground allspice. How to make pumpkin juice: Cut the pumpkin pulp into pieces and run it through a juicer.
Add apple and pineapple juice mixture. Add some allspice (to taste). Add one or two tablespoons of honey and mix thoroughly. You can add a little apple vodka or brandy. Share on social networks:

"Jack Lantern" or the story of the Halloween pumpkin

The first mention of a pumpkin as a symbol of the holiday was in 1837, and starting from 1866, not a single Halloween was complete without it.

A pumpkin with a monster's face carved into it and a candle inserted inside is called a "lantern" or "jack-o'-lantern." The name comes from the fact that earlier it was customary among the ancient ancestors of the Irish and Scots to leave lanterns for dead people to help them find their way to purgatory, illuminating the way.

Why Jack? There is a whole legend associated with this. Once such a lamp had to be made for a blacksmith named Jack. He drank a lot, but at the same time he was very cunning and savvy. Once he met Satan himself on the way, but the man was not taken aback and offered the evil spirit a drink.

To pay for another glass of booze, Jack asked Satan to turn into money, and he put it in his pocket, where there was a silver cross that prevented the evil one from getting back out. He decided to come to an agreement with the blacksmith and granted him several additional years of life with the promise that he would not take his soul to hell after death.

Be that as it may, Satan kept his promise and did not take the man’s soul when he died. However, he was also not accepted into heaven, given the lifestyle that Jack led. It so happened that the blacksmith’s soul became restless and of no use to anyone. The devil gave her a smoldering coal so that her soul could see where to go. Having put a coal in a turnip so as not to get burned, Jack's soul went to wander in the light, waiting for Judgment Day.

That is why the Halloween pumpkin began to be called the “Jack-O-Lantern”, which symbolized the restless soul illuminating its path.

At first, turnips or other suitable vegetables were used instead of pumpkins, and when the holiday took root in America, pumpkins began to be carved everywhere, which quickly gained recognition and became the main attribute of the holiday.


Garbuz is a symbol of wealth, which represents the greatness of life, which is why we call for a great association with coins. There are a number of ways to get wealth from the booths using “watermelon coins”.


Let it rise for exactly 8 minutes, rinse and dry on a white paper paper. Place one item in the bag, and one in the middle of the bag. Charming grains will lure pennies to you.


Stash the miracle in a booth in the wealth sector (pivdennykh shid), then the stench will not only “pervade” you especially, but you will receive greater profits from absolutely all the poor people in the apartment.


Place coins at the counters and hanging watermelons and place a penny talisman on the entrance doors. You will find material wealth in your apartment.

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