What does a turtle symbolize according to Feng Shui - a figurine and a living one in the house?

Hi all! Since ancient times, the turtle has been considered one of the most important animals - it was with it that the whole world began, for which it was the support. In different eras, among different peoples, this animal symbolized immortality, endurance, and northern location. In China she was endowed with the ability to predict the future, in Japan - to support the World Mountain, in India she was revered as the first ancestor, personifying the feminine principle. The Mexicans took the turtle for the Great Mother in her terrible manifestation, and the Sumerians - the mistress of the depths. Let's look at what a turtle represents according to Feng Shui.

Feng Shui turtle: meaning, where to place it at home

What does the turtle symbolize according to the ancient Taoist teaching about the harmonious movement of energy flows and their influence on our lives? It is considered to be a symbol of the Universe, maintaining within itself a balance of two types of energy. In this case, the upper shell is equated to the sky (Yang energy), the animal’s body is human and earth, the lower shell is equal to water (Yin energy), and longevity is equated to eternity.

Feng Shui turtle - meaning and talisman

Feng Shui turtle - meaning

She belongs to the Four Heavenly Animals, which, when placed correctly, can create a very strong protective field. So, the turtle is a symbol of what according to Feng Shui:

  • Longevity;
  • Protection;
  • Health;
  • Moving forward;
  • Attracting good luck;
  • Stability;
  • Reliability;
  • Increased financial well-being.

Where to put a turtle on the desktop according to Feng Shui

In order for the figurine to work in the desired direction, it is necessary to place it inside the correct sector.

  • The main location of the animal will be the northern part of the house or apartment, that is, the Career sector. Moreover, you can place a black turtle or an aquarium with one specimen here;
  • In the southeast, in the Wealth sector, a wooden or gilded figurine, a real reptile, will take root well;
  • To improve family relationships and achieve well-being, the talisman should be placed on the eastern side of the home;
  • On the desktop, its optimal zone will be the place behind your back, to create a reliable rear and protection. But this arrangement is not suitable for a living turtle, otherwise the water will “wash away” all efforts;
  • By placing a set of six similar animals in the northwest, you can acquire strong patrons, assistants, and attract influential people;
  • Inside the courtyard of your house, you can arrange a special pond in the north of the building.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to show respect and care for the talisman, do not let strangers touch it, care for it and protect it.

Myths and legends

A turtle came to Feng Shui from ancient Chinese legends about the universe. In those distant times, people believed that the Earth stood on the shell of a huge sea turtle - an inhabitant of the World Ocean.

Another legend, which has Hindu roots, says that turtles were born from the shields of powerful giants who once challenged the gods.

There is another Chinese belief that the wooden columns of the Heavenly Temple in Beijing stand not on the ground, but on the backs of turtles. And thanks to the unusual abilities of these animals, the tree does not deteriorate or rot for centuries.

Throughout history, turtles have been credited with many superpowers and gifts. They recognized the future from the shells of turtles, made drawings and drawings on them, and made healing medicinal tinctures. Based on these and many other facts, the belief that the turtle in Feng Shui is a celestial creature and a symbol of the Universe has become an axiom over time and is still relevant today.

It is believed that it was she who brought to humanity the knowledge of the teachings of Feng Shui, discovered the magic square of 9 sectors, so in the east there has always been, is and will be a special, respectful attitude towards her.

How a turtle can help in Feng Shui

What does a turtle symbolize according to Feng Shui: where to put it?
The material from which your figurine is made is of no small importance. How to choose it correctly:

  1. Ceramic figurines are suitable for optimization, business improvement, personal growth, and attraction of additional material wealth;
  2. A turquoise turtle will help people who are unsure of themselves to overcome their fears and find support. It is best to always carry it with you; you can choose a pendant and not part with it;
  3. Shyness, increased self-consciousness, and inability to communicate with others can be corrected by the “turtle face” on the ring if it is directed “facing” away from the owner. When placed in reverse, it will protect against outgoing aggression and envy;
  4. An amulet in the form of a turtle made of black stone neutralizes negative emotions and feelings of all family members. If you install it in the west of the room, it will take away anxiety, despondency, and anger, instead filling a person’s personal space with positive energy. The main thing is not to forget to bring the figurine to an open body of water every 30-40 days to wash away all the negativity from it;
  5. Financial prosperity and wealth will be attracted by metal figurines, and the gold-plated one works more on the material side of a person, and the silver one – on the spiritual or mental side. It is best to place them close to water, even if it is just a jug of water;
  6. An animal made of transparent material (not plastic) is suitable for an amulet that can make wishes come true and dreams come true;
  7. Soft toys in the form of turtles, their images in photographs, paintings, and engravings are just as powerful talismans as figurines.

Three feng shui turtles - talisman

Three turtles according to Feng Shui
Often in specialized stores we come across figurines of three turtles, of different ages, located on top of each other. Despite the fact that this creature is independent and not a pack animal, this symbol carries a deep meaning. It denotes the unity of the family, parents, children, and the harmonious life of three generations. It is best to locate it on the northern or eastern part of the apartment or house.

Material for the figurine

A live turtle helps protect against any troubles, and is also the best talisman for small children who often get sick.

But if you prefer a figurine, then the Feng Shui turtle should be made of a suitable material.

A metal talisman allows you to cleanse the entire energy of the house and save your household from problems with money. This amulet allows you to improve your health and enhance your abilities.

Gilding or silver will improve a person’s material life. It is better to place such an item at the desktop or in a place where a person is used to working. A ceramic figurine will help in career growth - it will strengthen a person’s leadership qualities and allow him to reveal himself as a professional.

A ceramic figurine imparts wisdom and helps to save money.

A soft toy in the shape of a turtle will protect the whole family if placed close to the bed.

The image of a turtle can also serve to improve life and improve work for some family members.

02/1/2018 Elena Feng Shui rules 2 comments

Hi all! Since ancient times, the turtle has been considered one of the most important animals - it was with it that the whole world began, for which it was the support. In different eras, among different peoples, this animal symbolized immortality, endurance, and northern location. In China she was endowed with the ability to predict the future, in Japan - to support the World Mountain, in India she was revered as the first ancestor, personifying the feminine principle. The Mexicans took the turtle for the Great Mother in her terrible manifestation, and the Sumerians - the mistress of the depths. Let's look at what a turtle represents according to Feng Shui.

Why do you need a live turtle in your home according to Feng Shui?

A real animal, no matter whether it is land, sea or freshwater, will have a magical effect on your life. Consistent, unhurried, but persistent progress towards the goal of this creature can bring the same properties if you settle it in your home, especially with a nervous, easily excitable, fussy character.

It is believed that this symbol should be in every home. If it is absent, then behind each dwelling there should be its own turtle - a hill, a taller building, a mountain - capable of protecting it from the back. Otherwise, the house may be considered unsuccessful.

How to activate the talisman?

A figurine in the house is a strong and influential talisman that may not be activated. But if you need to get results very urgently, then next to the figurine you can place a money tree or another indoor plant with thick, erect leaves. It is not always necessary to place a container with water; water should not be placed in the office or bedroom.

The turtle talisman loves hard workers; it is not for nothing that in China the amphibian also symbolizes hard work. If work is not held in high esteem in a family, it is better not to place this symbol in the house.


  1. A talisman ring with a turtle image is worn in two ways, depending on the purpose being pursued. If you are in the mood for active communication with others, put on the ring with the turtle tail towards you and the head outward. The talisman will help effective and fruitful interaction. And if you have a not very pleasant communication (a reprimand, litigation, trial, conflict situation, etc.), turn the turtle’s head towards you - the talisman will protect you from negativity.
  2. When choosing a souvenir or gift with meaning, choose a turtle - you can’t go wrong. This is a universal talisman that serves both career, family, and material well-being of a person. If you want to give something more practical (wallet, bag, clothes, etc.), you can choose something with a “tortoiseshell” pattern - a pattern similar to how a turtle’s shell is decorated. This pattern with “eyes” tends to protect its owner from the evil eye.
  3. If you are worried about a feeling of guilt in relation to a situation that can no longer be corrected, a black turtle made of stone will help you. Place it in the western part of the house and wash it with running water once a month.
  4. If you have nightmares during your sleep, place a jade turtle figurine under your pillow. A talisman made from this stone also needs water - put it in a container with water a couple of times a month.
  5. If, when fortune telling, you saw the outline of a turtle on coffee grounds or on the ashes of a burning splinter, this means that the main thing in your business is not haste, but a focus on success. If the question concerned the fulfillment of a wish, the plan will come true, but one should not rush things.
  6. According to the Zoroastrian calendar, for people born in 1946, 1978 and 2010, the turtle is a totem - a special fateful creature that endows a person with its properties. If you were born in any of these years, be sure to buy yourself a turtle talisman to enhance the positive influence of the totem.
  7. Of all the cardinal directions, the turtle prefers the north, and according to the calendar, it is assigned the cold winter months. Don’t put aside your talismans and jewelry amulets in winter - wear them more often, wash off the dust, put them in water, talk and share your emotions. The turtle will help you stay healthy and prosperous, no matter how cold it is raging outside.

What does it symbolize?

To begin with, it should be noted that the turtle is the most ancient symbol of the structure of the universe and cosmic order. It is not for nothing that in many myths it is the large turtle that holds the Universe on its strong shell. The turtle can be called a symbol of true stability. It also means that for the most successful advancement in life, people just need to take into account the most important laws of the universe, have clear moral principles and faith in basic truths. This kind of base is similar to a turtle shell, which protects from danger, provides, if necessary, shelter and proper rest.

The Chinese very often combine a turtle and a dragon, no less revered by them, into a single whole - the so-called dragon turtle, thereby creating one of the most powerful protective amulets in order to qualitatively increase the energy level of the owner of this talisman.

If you look at this incredible creature most carefully, you can easily find body parts from a tiger or phoenix in it. A turtle that rests on the paws of a dragon means confidence and enhanced protection from evil spells. Placed in a home, it will successfully withstand various quarrels and unpleasant influences of other people.

Often on the back of such a strange “dragon-turtle” you can see a smaller turtle. This figurine is placed where children most often play - so that their connection with their parents develops harmoniously. A dragon-turtle that sits on gold coins or holds one of them in its mouth is installed in the zone of wealth and prosperity. You can also buy a turtle with a snake on its shell - this is a sign of age-old wisdom and protection.


The main life principle of a turtle is “the quieter you go, the further you will go.” But what is meant here is not the well-known slowness of the turtle, but the full balance of those wise decisions that make it possible to correctly follow the path of life. Everything should go as usual - without haste, you just need to keep the main goal of your life firmly in your field of vision. The turtle also means flexibility and excellent adaptability, since it can easily exist in two elements - water and earth.


The turtle can be called the standard of determination, as well as ability to work. Turtles are not very mobile, but they always crawl to the point they need, without paying any attention to any obstacles or difficulties along their long path. The hard work that a turtle does will always be perfectly organized, successful and thought out to the smallest detail.

Health and longevity

The turtle is a symbol of long life and very good health. These amphibians themselves are long-lived; in addition, their species first appeared millions of years ago and has not changed much since then. The leisurely lifestyle of turtles suggests the only correct mode of life and routine that will be the basis for excellent health. A strong shell means high immunity and protection from any disease.


In China, the turtle is a well-known symbol of well-being, since the animal is usually distinguished by laying a large number of eggs. Turtles help persistent people get promoted on the career ladder and therefore increase their well-being. Various nationalities have attached all sorts of mythical significance to these animals. The Slavs called turtles “unclean” or “reptiles.”

In Christianity, the turtle was considered a manifestation of evil forces, and therefore belonged to the symbols of sinful feelings. However, in some manuscripts, one could find information that this amphibian could signify the decent behavior of a married woman who lives in complete solitude (as if locked in a shell).

In Iran, the sign of the turtle signifies fertility. Among the Mongols, in various drawings, this animal held the world mountain on its back, its black paws pointed to all 4 cardinal directions already known at that time. In Europe, the turtle was also a symbol of fertility, faithful love and happy longevity.

The strength of the shell was used in many rituals as protection, and the amphibian's eyes, framed in gold, could serve as an obstacle to a possible evil eye. Among the Greeks and Romans, in legends you can find tools made from the shells of these amphibians, as well as stories about the transformation of the title characters into turtles. The animal was considered to be part of the underworld of the gods: for example, the name “Tartar” is derived from the nickname of the turtle – tartaruga.

In Tibet, she was also considered the embodiment of a living model of our Universe. The turtle's head was turned to the south, the tail indicated the north, and the paws indicated the east and west sides. According to the myths of Tibet, creatures emerged from the fat of a turtle, from which various phenomena originated - storm, storm, hail. And, of course, everyone remembers the old cosmic model of the Universe, where 3 huge elephants hold a massive earth on their backs and stand on a very large turtle.

Turtle amulet for Capricorns, Taurus, Aries, Sagittarius, Cancer, Aquarius, Libra and Gemini

Capricorn is called the sign for which this talisman is most suitable. People of this sign gain self-confidence, set life priorities correctly and direct their efforts in the right direction.

Taurus is advised to be very careful when purchasing an amphibian. It is better to purchase a copper reptile covered with jewelry. Then Taurus will become wiser and will soon achieve prosperity.

It is better for Aquarius not to use a talisman; it will not allow them to carry out their noble deeds.

Libras need to buy such a talisman; it will reveal their best qualities and make them more enterprising and wise.

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